How do I kill myself in a non painful way, also can't spend any more money to buy anything or drive anywhere

How do I kill myself in a non painful way, also can't spend any more money to buy anything or drive anywhere

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Get married at the marriage office.

Have to do it over night:(

Whats got you down bud?


you know the answer dumbass, just shoot yourself

If you're worried about it being painful then you're just seeking attention.

Fuck off. Commit sudoku. You're worthless.

Everything in life honestly

Don't have moneybfor a gun

Don't have money for a gun

Im really just a pussy who cant handle pain well

Have you tried antidepressants?

I really just want to die tonight. I don't have any reason to live to tomorrow.

Why would you waste the incredible odds of even making it to this point in your life? Things will pick up, time keeps ticking, birds chirp, trees sway in the wind.

Jump from a high enough height.

and land on your head


You can quit being a bitch. Life is pain, but the release of death is far from painless.
Or go out into the woods and fight a bear, if you really want to die.
>protip - you'll find out real quick how much you want to actually want to live

In reality, change everything in your life.
If you feel stuck and you have a car just fucking leave where ever you are and go somewhere else. It doesn't even have to be permanently, just get away.

I feel you user I have less than 10 days to kill myself before my shitty life is more ruined.

How are you doing it?

Don't take advice from a dead guy.

Buuuuut on the brightside, you did get trips... ya see? It's the little things in life that make you happy buddy.

Was going to shoot myself but I don't know where to die. And I think I might just jump with enough weights to sink me.

Still me. I kinda just don't want there to be any part of me left here to find. Maybe everyone can just think I ran.

It's op. I think I decided on hanging.

If you do you have to livestream it

420 hype

what's your name

>muh pain
Grow up. If your life is really so bad, you shouldn't give a single fuck about pain in death. Cut yourself in half with a chainsaw and bleed out, you pussy.

good choice. but, you need to make sure you don't change your mind half way through. Brain damage is a bitch should you decide to stay alive. zip ties to the hands behind your back after you step off the chair is a good way of not looking back. Good luck in the after life buddy.

cut a single vein and pass out, hurts less than an overly large shit

Lile which one and how should I cut it

Im thinking of just using a belt.

that's good too. I tried once, and changed my mind mid way. For some reason, i thought it would be better if I cut a whole for the buckle to latch to? that was dumb. Just let the buckle slide all the way up your neck. find a good way of securing it, and hang with your body weight. but you need to make sure you can't stand up either, unless you're just super willing, and think you can allow yourself to pass out.

What's it matter?

Can't I just hold it to my neck as tight as it'll go and eventually I'll pass out and it'll keep staying where it is killing me?

buahahahaha fuck you you glass half full piece of shit! It's the little things? This dude is trying to kill himself. Trips isn't gonna fuckin change that LOL

ive got a 100% foolproof way

natural causes.

Worst part is I didnt even get the trips

I can't do this anymore. I'm a disappointment to everyone i know

you mean hold it with your hands?...I don't get what you're saying. You need the end with the holes to be held in place so it creates constant tension on your throat, even after you pass out. I'd give a picture for example, but for some reason there aren't any that I see right away on google.


Could I just snort a bunch of pills snd hope i die

Why not say fuck it and see how bad it can really get. You might get ebola or something on down the road.
Who knows, join the Peace corps and get trampled by a giraffe. Anything is better than being a weak piece of shit and giving up.

>>hope i die
you want to leave it up to chance? have you ever seen a botched suicide? if you really want to kill yourself, make damn sure you do it right the first time.

I'd like to know what is so bad you want to kill yourself. Explain it, and I'll tell you how to do it painlessly and free.

If you have a car, and a hose, you take the hose from the exhaust pipe, and lead it to the window of the car, turn on the car, and soon the vehicle will fill with carbon dioxide, which your body can't recognize it's being suffocated.

Either you die, or become a vegetable. Good luck.

So my mom's always picked any male over me and now she's even picking a guys kid over me saying I can't live with them ever because I smoke fucking weed. My other relatives pretty much feel the same way and I spent a lot of money that wasn't mine and I have no job and I'm failing college and they're about to find out about it tomorrow, and every one of my friends uses me and then finds a way to hurt me. I have no purpose anymore. Please share..

That won't work. Modern cars don't have enough carbon monoxide in the exhaust.

That's ideal but they'll hear me starting up the car.

this is another good option. You'll pass out way before you die, so from what I understand it's really not that bad. the only thing is, if the car is running and someone finds you, you're less likely to buy the farm. Suffocation or overdose on pills is a little quieter.

How old are you?

If you can get chloroform at a store, and you drentch a rag in it, then lay your face on it, you won't come back, it'll kill you.

18. No place will hire me so I can't get a job and move out

Can you snort pills to od

maybe extention cord + bath tub + toaster?

Will it really because I'm probably doing this. How drenched are we talking

Just use the entire bottle just in case, you won't need it after you're done. I've heard of it being legitimate, I'll see if I can find some cases.

They have local crisis centers that can help you get on your feet. So far every problem you've listed is someone else's problem. Not yours.
You need to get the fuck out of the toxic environment you're in and get started living your life. Go join the Navy.
See the world.
There's always time to kill yourself later.

I would say you're a life savor user but. Haha. Thank you though, so much.

That won't work. It'll just trip the gfci.

Wish you could go out with a bang man, leave an incredible letter behind, for me. Just like, the things you've always wanted written down. That would be thanks enough.

Im a druggie who snorts coke and Xanax 24 7 there's no way in hell I can be a navy seal.

Lol, that's what you think. You think all those people who are cops or military never did drugs?

To whom do I owe this great thanks to?

dude, ok, you have google just like I do. I'm not premed or anything. If you take enough painkillers, you'll die, nuff said. If you snort then, sure, it just gets into your blood stream quicker. but you need to take enough. I wouldn't suggest it. Also, I've heard od'ing on pills can be painful. do you have access to alcohol, because that helps with both the nerves and to ensure that your heart rate is lowered enough that the pain killers will in fact stop your heart. But you keep saying pills, and I don't know which ones you're talking about.

My problems hit a height tomorrow at 10 so I have to be dead by 6 and its almost 3 am. Also I mean just me I'm not worthy of it

Please sign it with your own name.

Because idek what kind my grandparents are old af and have just about any pill ever created and I love snorting shit. And yes I have access to alcohol but I might just do the chloroform

When I was 18, I was living in my car after being kicked out by an abusive stepmonster that hated me.
I didn't want to live.
I went in the army, got to see and do all kinds of shit most people wouldn't believe. I'm now 40, I make 100k a year and I have a 9/10 wife that loves me so much it's rediculous.

what are you gonna do with the extra 2 h 45 min?

Well yes but I would like to know who my last and probably only true friend was before I decided to kill myself.

Listen to this guy OP
Joining the army will make killing yourself alot easier

What's the worst thing that can happen?

From now to then? Die.

duuuuuude, does she have hospice care? she might have morphine. that would be an awesome way to go. just take all of it.

I think it's locked away.

I'm sorry to tell you this, we all die alone. I wish I had something better to tell you.

Just the kind of thread I was looking for. I’ve done a bit of research but the cases of fatal overdose for some of the drugs in pic related are few and the people weren’t similar in size.

If I take all this at once, do you think it’ll be guaranteed fatal? I’m 5’1” and 115 lbs.

The bupropion and I think fluoxetine are extended release; would crushing them/uncapping them be a good idea?

You don't want to do that. It might just fuck up your liver or kidney for life or some shit.

ok, what's available? extra strength painkillers and sleeping pills are what you'll be looking for

Eat any random mushroom in your back yard (white and res usually make you die but you'll be really fuckin sick)
Have your car in the garage, make sure the garage door is shut. Turn car on and wait
Take any electrical cord cut it ans strip the wires touch em to your tounge thats probably your best bet. Idk if you gotta touch em in a different spot maybe google it.

copy paste from reddit

Barbiturates (which are scheduled drugs) are by far the best option when it comes to suicide by pills. Go to sleep, never to awake again - almost any OTC drug will not be a pleasant death. Basically, you are looking for drugs which depress the central nervous system.

Promethazine is a good add-on drug as it will allow your stomach to retain the consumed drugs with out throwing up. Also, crushing the pills into a powder will allow them to hit much quicker.

In Oregon, physician-assisted suicide calls for 10 grams of liquid pentobarbital, but one could probably get away with half of that and still never wake up.

That’s why I’m asking. I don’t want to take any chances.

Hell no. 120 volt electrocution is horribly painful. Like getting beaten to death with fire.

just find all the pain killers and sleeping pills you can find, take all of them, drink a lot, and let death carry you away. simple as that.

also add alcohol

Are you a female?

lol electrician here. been hit with 120 plenty of times, and tripped out a 240 40A breaker. it's hit and miss as to whether it will kill you, and it hurts, but not too terribly bad. if you really wanted to electrocute yourself to death, you need to grabs the lugs of your main breaker coming from the pole, one phase with the left hand, the other with the right. the electricity will cause your muscles to spasm, forcing you to keep hold of the lugs. All the while, electricity is flowing through your chest, fucking your heart, and killing you.

Listen, man. I know a woman who hated, and I mean *hated*, her son, Kyle. He killed himself a few years ago. She went crazy. She talks about him all the time, claims he's sending her 'signs' that he's watching her, posts daily notifications on Facebook telling how long ago he did it. She lost it over a kid she said she hated. Another girl I know had her mother commit suicide several months ago. They used to fight all the time. Now she posts daily notifications on Facebook saying things like "I love you", and "Why did you have to leave", and "I wish you could just come back". She's broken. No matter what you think people still love you. They care about you even if they don't show it. I care about you. Please, I'm begging you, don't do it. Please, just keep on keep on, okay?

More often than not, if you don't have an alcohol tolerance you'll throw up in your sleep. Then wake up with a severely damaged liver.

I don’t have access to any pain medication. I just moved to a new town and have no family, so nobody to steal from. My insurance doesn’t work here (moved a state away) and I’m broke, so I can’t go seeking them or buying them from someone.

Oh man, if you're an electrician, can you tell him how to access the main capacitor in a microwave? That would surely do the trick, instant death!

if she loved her son so god damn much, why did she take him for granted when he was alive? fuck that bitch, and good for him. he's in a better place now, and she's living with the guilt of never truly loving her son.

um...what? main capacitor in a microwave can't have more than like 1/2 a farad at the most. i wouldn't bet my death on it (puns), and the main house lugs thing is way more sure fire.

>List written in glittery gel pens
>Cute bunny sticker in notebook
>5’1” and 115lbs

Noooo I’m just a very flamboyant manlet! (๑╹ω╹๑ )

My b just assumed so

Gah, I thought it had a bit more then that. I guess I underestimated it. Back to the drawing board.

the belt it is then. I mean, you only have so many options here man. If you don't have pills, you can't kill yourself with pills. belt is easy, cheap, everyone has one. Otherwise, it's steal the car, go to a park with a garden hose, and do it that way. all up to you. it's your life.