What going on in Italy ? pretty much every western country is leaning right wing except them

what going on in Italy ? pretty much every western country is leaning right wing except them.
even Greece which isn't even a real country.

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Italy is historically traditionalist, right wing, mysoginistic and very racist
All italians I know fit this description perfectly
They just don't seem to care much about politics in general


Lurk for casapound, they got some local elections lately.



We're always 20 years ahead other Nations. We went right-wing in 1991, and now we're having a turnback


Italians are fucking losers. Instead of changing their corrupt system they prefer to leech other European countries such as France or England.

Look at the number of Italian restaurants in London in Paris... How original.

You're just like the Greeks still wishing you were the people you were 2000 years ago.


It's more about old people really.



Yeah, it's old people not having kids.
You're just Europe's cucks.

>literal destroyers of european identity with their eurozone fucking bullshit
>talking shit about italy

you deserve all the enrichment that is happening to you

*identity and economics

Secondo me è lo stesso kebab che è scappato l'altra volta.


What about Salvini ? last time I heard of him he was fucking a hot rai uno model.

We have some flaws too :^)

Lol, your country is so corrupt that your navy can't prevent boats from landing on Lampedusa.

Btw, Lampedusa is 130km from Tunisia, a few war boats would stop the flood. But not it's Europe's fault. Typical "PIGS" reaction. Kek

>your country is so corrupt that your navy can't prevent boats from landing on Lampedusa
I fail to see the link between corruption and rescuing refugees (which europe forced us to do with a court sentence)

>a few war boats would stop the flood
we can't do that because of you faggots in Brussels

Don't you have a terrorist to prep, ahmed?

EU's cucks would declare war to Italy if they ever use their frigates against the rapefugees boats.

This ahmed semantics is literally amerinigger tier. Step up your game ffs.


You need a better bait, user.

Salvini problem is he does not have a national party behind him. His party is more a regional one. He has the aspiration to be a national leader but lack the national party power structure.

Because we have a strange govern, not elected by anyone, that is constitued by heterogenous political forces.
The primary party is PD, long ago was leftist but now is the heir of Democrazia Cristiana, a centre based party who is very corrupt.
Also, we have shit politicians like Laura Boldrini, a nigger cocksucker who exploits refugees shelters for her own business, toghether with her progressive leftist politicians.
Salvini is fucking stupid, he's not even comparable to Marine Le Pen, also is at the head of Lega Nord, a party that advocated Italian division until few years ago and now incites Italy to cohesion. Because of that, almost Italy but Nord hates him.
Movimento 5 Stelle is a joke, it's all about opposition of PD, they don't even behave coherent to their program, just opposition.
Most of its voters are people who believe in chemical trails and other stupid conspiracies and people who fall for the minimum wage for everyone meme.

this basically

the population would vote right but there is a void on the right that hasn't been properly filled yet

You need a better reading comprehension, user.

We can't just kill those rapefugees; what is absurd is that every single day all the Tg says that hundred (if we are lucky, otherwise thousand) of immigrants are coming daily but then they say how there was a kid and everyone want to help them more. Fuck, I'm in Lombardia and they openly stated at least 50 immigrant will come near my house in a welcoming center (so they will ne at least 100, plus the others that will just show up for free food and home). And a friend of mine is happy to help them (never worked in his life, degree in history and goes out with other leftist)

Italian lefties are more right-leaning than some right-wing parties in other countries.

78% of Italian leftists are against immigration.

Quello che mi sorprende e come fa la lega a continuare a prendere voti dopo tutte le scemenze che ha fatto negli ultimi anni.

You know Djihadi's want to conquer Rome. Kek

Good luck with Pope Cuckcis.

Non è che gli altri partiti siano immacolati... se casapound prende trazione in queste elezioni però gli ruberà mezzo elettorato

>We can't just kill those rapefugees

Why the pessimism?

Prendono i voti dei vecchi di paesini del Nord e del Centro, la sua fetta di utenza ce l'ha e gli è fedele ciecamente.
Continua a sognare, abbiamo bisogno di una destra totalmente diversa, Casapound è un'accozzaglia di ragazzini che si fanno le seghe su Mussolini.

>that strategic shot from the front
lol I bet they weren't even 50 in total

Nique ta mère avec tes bait tout cheap Mamadou

>Continua a sognare
Perchè dovrei sognare una ulteriore divisione nella destra che garantirebbe vincite a pd o 5 stelle?

>algeria calling anything a non country

Some people never doubt

I really don't know who to vote when and if there will be elections. I'd definitely choose right, but no one is a serious candidate. Wish for Trump
Kek. Left wing is made of PD alone (the other that could at least think about a place in parliament are scelta civica and maybe SEL if it didn't dissolve). And they are just impatient to such Ahmed cock. They even say immigrants are lower then 3 years ago, and that is bad since they'll help Italy with money and workforce

Perché Casapound non è serio come partito nazionale, è solo una realtà romana.

>algeria talking shit about my country

Are you even a real fucking country?

>even Greece is more right wing than Italy.

Tsipras is literally the most left leaning democratically elected leader currently in power, Mohammed.

How are libertarians viewed in Italy?

Could I learn Italian and then go spread the word of libertarianism?

Thanks francebro. I was wrong about you guys.

>Perché Casapound non è serio come partito nazionale, è solo una realtà romana.


>Nique ta mère avec tes bait tout cheap Mamadou
Parce que je critique un pays de merde avec des frontières passoires je suis un mamadou ?

MDR - sur ce board tous les mecs qui font les gros bras - Italiens, Grecs, etc. - sont des pays de merde qui se débarrassent de leurs responsabilités sur le dos de l'Europe.


if you call it communism you can get university kids to support anything

Fucking everyone is pro immigration pubblically. Otherwise you are a fascist. You can't even say facts, like ROM camps (ROM FUCKING CAMPS) are just full of criminals. No Rom has ever come out of one of those camps without commiting a crime. And EVERYONE defends them saying those are their traditions

>Kek. Left wing is made of PD alone

Not so fast.


At least we're not cucked like you and we don't have second generation immigrants.
Bolzano è già di destra, bisogna fare consensi altrove, specie nel Sud che, PDL a parte (per motivi mafiosi) ha sempre votato a sinistra e nel Centro.

You'll be hit in the face with a trout.

Sur ce board j'ai jamais vu les Italiens ou les grecs jouaient les gros bras, c'est toujours les pays de l'Est qui, après avoir sucé nos taxes, se la racontent car les bougnoules ne veulent pas vivre dans leurs pays sous développés.

We're the land that gave birth to Machiavelli.

Our politicians are jewing and scheming 24/7, 365/12

The left, now has their hands on more stuff, money, highborne, criminal contacts and media shilling than the right.
It's as simple as that.

The american is right in saying our center-left is more right winged than other countries "progressive parties". Let's say they're half-cucked and in comparison with lr't say Trudeau basically Renzi is a redpilled. Also one powerfull PD man (Fiano) is the jew in charge and he's not happy with all these musilm niggers that want to cut his head off. Heard him a couple of time talking against helping these non-refugee niggers.

Godspeed South Tyrol

I'm so fucking depressed about the future of my country.
If we screw up the next election we are completely dead

chi voteresti?io seriamente non so più chi cazzo votare :D

Pay debt.

In fact. Now PD is the only left party that can gather enough votes to govern. And they are, ironically, helping banks and big industries, taxing only poors, letting them evade and giving them statal funds. Just look at what Boschi did

ma io voterei lega. Lo so che non sono perfetti però non vedo altre alternative per fermare sta fiumana di gente che arriva. Di certo non voto PD


Well, to be fair, Germans never paid their debts too.


Just memeposting, frogpal. To be honest, I don't know if we'll even be able to pay our debts.

eh si magari. Se iniziasse una rivoluzione ci parteciperei, ma non penso che nessuno ne abbia le palle. Siamo un popolo bue

>non abbiamo tutti il culo troppo pesante per alzarci dal divano

What do you guys think of CasaPound?

Why do you want to pay your debts? Debts are always good trust me goy.

the niggers of europe are the only ones who never bankrupt on their sovereign debt in the whole europe.

Leninists in disguise.

They seem to be doing pretty well, amirite? If they hate shitskins, it's good enough for me, although I'm more of a libertarian nationalist myself

no ahmed you can't go to italy

L'unico modo che ha la Lega di vincere imho è che si fonde con il partito della Meloni che ha i voti al sud e qualcosina al centro (al centro sono un po' cucked) cosa che ovviamente non accadrà mai.

Be però sono nella stessa lista. Votare uno o l'altro alla fine è lo stesso
>nord vota lega
>sud meloni
si può fare, no?

There are 2 alternatives, both left-wing parties, PD and M5S, right-wing parties suck here.

>a valid alternative
is this b8?

>voting Lega Nord
12 years old spotted

Please explain me why you would ever consider voting PD?

hey can you answer?

I don't vote PD but it is better than Lega Nord which has no program at all.

I've taken a look at their website and they have some decent stuff. Plus I don't know any other big enough party that wants to stop immigration.
PD definitely doesn't and M5s I don't think either, correct?

You have to blame Europe for immigration.

Absolutely, yet we could easily stop them EU or not. Plus from what I read they want to reform the EU and even get rid of the Euro

È solo demagogia, ciao.

Bho io non so chi votare. Il programma sembra buono. Tu chi voti scusa?

Perchè quando lo dicevo io nel 2011 tutti mi davano del coglione?

TFW you see an interracial vouple in the street

Chi era il negro dei due?

tutti e 2

also negro spotted

No perchè attualmente c'è anche forza italia con Berlusconi che non si vuole levare di mezzo.
Quindi o Salvini e Meloni fanno un ticket (ma secondo a livello nazionale può funzionare in ottica di andare a governare il paese, quindi vincere le elezioni?) oppure B. si leva dal cazzo e Salvini diventa il frontman della coalizione. Fattibile?Io la vedo dura.

It's Europe that forces us to get refugees you stupid piece of shit.

Mi sa che salto, non l'ho mai fatto, ma non c'è nessun partito di destra decente.
Io ti avrei dato ragione, user. L'unica cosa che ci può salvare è che il brexit si concretizzi e che ci sia un'ondata di uscite dall'EU, ma è difficile.

Qualcuno qua fa parte di Generazione Identitaria?

Secondo me il brexit fallirà con il voto postale come in austria.

C'è la mano del grande Giudeo dietro, ne sono sicuro.
Dicci di più.


In che senso di più? Sono la versione italiana di quella francese, e organizzano gruppi sul territorio

Si quello è vero purtroppo
Eh lo stesso che pensavo di fare io. Solo che ho paure che se ci si astiene vincano i cari amici del PD
Dove ci si iscrive?

Probabile anche perchè essendo tutto collegato (i mercati, le banche ecc) da quello che ho capito se la brexit vince succede una specie di lehman brothers 2 la vendetta.

Quindi non so quanto saranno onesti (e neanche tanto mi fido di questa cosa che ho letto perchè potrebbe essere solo propaganda per spaventare gli inglesi).

Secondo me la corsa è far fallire le banche italiane prima della deutsche bank ma dopo il referendum inglese.
Tanta roba.