Wassup faggots

wassup faggots,

i'm about to shoot this motherfucker in the face. Role 69 and you will deceide if the cat will live or not,

Other urls found in this thread:


let kitty alone!

Sage and leave bois.


Leave kitty alone

Free kitty

Let it live!

Fight fire with fire (kill the bastard)

Go ahead faggot your gonna shoot your hand in the process

Dumb fuck

Shoot yourself and let the cat eat your dead body
do it on live stream faggot bet you wont...

Shoot yourself and stop your faggotness

no and post a pic of you petting the kitty to prove it



shoot me and end the suffering

Suk ma diek

No, post a pic of kitty alive and then shoot yourself instead

Kill yourself faggyt

remember to SAGE

Give us a time stamp pic

Ure a cunt shoot yourself

Bet u wont faggot. I bet the cat shoots you instead

Kill yurself and let the kitty fuck your eyeballs

Shoot off your dick

Plz let meow boy live


what a fag

Shoot your testicles instead

Allow the cat

Shoot urself


Uep again

shut it down

Place the gun to one side of your head in a way that will guarantee your own death if you pull the trigger

Place the cat on the opposite side

See which one you like more and make your decision

If you like the gun more put the cat down before you pull the trigger



Do it

Roll, save


This isn't real, but in any circumstance shooting the cat at that angle will also destroy your hand so good luck
>p.s., I don't even like most cats

Why would you do it? What that lil cat did to you you dumb fuck? DONT SHOOT IT! Better if you just give that cat to someone who will actually love it and would want a cat...I bet you freakin torture that innocent pet daily.. -.- Shoot yourself instead...

Save cattimus

why dont you give me your address?
and I'll come over and kick your teeth out the back of your skull.

save the cat




You won't..you're in prison Thomas!!

Let it live and give it a good home


Do it pussy

Mememagic dont do it faggot

Let it live you fucking edgelord

Roll, dumbass. Stay in school.

Nice try satan

Go ahead, but only from that angle, so you are sure to hit your hand as well, otherwise you're a doublefaggot.

shoot self instead please


May the bullet go through the cat and into your hand


69 for you to shoot yourself in the face.

Poor CIA

KIll the cat you ugly motherfucker