Why are niggers so offended by a simple, non-violent statement...

Why are niggers so offended by a simple, non-violent statement? Is it because they don't believe whites have a right to exist? Does this prove how intolerant the left is?

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cus niggros don't like facts

all niggers have an inferiority complex

>Why are niggers so offended by a simple, non-violent statement?

Because everyone knows it's a codephrase used by neo-Nazi fuckheads.

You are guaranteed that anyone saying it is a total shithead. No accomplishments, no achievements, nothing of value. So they act like being white is some amazing thing. Because that's all they have.

>Why are niggers so offended by a simple, non-violent statement?
...... sample.........
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or it's just to prove the point that the left is against white people... it's not used by neo nazis dickhead

As if neo nazis will say "it's okey to be white" they have white pride tattoos all over their bodies it's more than okey to be white

found the paranoid meatcuck.


Why are inbred trailer trash from flyover states so offended by a simple non-violent statement?

>or it's just to prove the point that the left is against white people... it's not used by neo nazis dickhead

Aside from the swastika in OP's image, you mean.

Bunch of wankstains have nothing to feel good about. So they pretend being white is better than anything else. Now they're magically #1 even though they're still losers.

Congratulations on your delusions. You're still white trash.

the whole point was to use it on a plain piece of paper with just the word "it's okey to be white' are you dense OPs image is just bait or some paid shill, congratulations on your delusions reddit nigger now fuck off back where you came from.

Because it's a terrorist group that has spread lies about justified police shootings.

All lives matter

Your reaction is why it is so important. It showed the left is anti white.

Bait threads....On my Sup Forums???

Very few people so support that group.

liberals are the ones that keep saying that being white is the best by constantly shouting about white privilege.
this is literally just a mirror to the phrase black lives matter, except there is no real group or organization behind it and no riots and property damage

Adding a Swastika makes it very obvious that you're a SJW attempting to marginalize the "it's ok to be white movement".

Those in the "it's ok to be white" movement have a God-Tier understanding of optics and would never do something so blatantly damaging to their message.

>Adding a Swastika makes it very obvious that you're a SJW attempting to marginalize the "it's ok to be white movement".
mods are sjws, they made this bait

Correlation equals causation all over the place.

Stop conflating conjecture with evidence.

If your reaction to hearing "black lives matter" is to say "yeah well white lives matter too!" then you are an intellectual neanderthal.

The far right has this incredible ability to interpret any advancement of minority groups as an infringement on their own liberty. Not only that, they then act as though THEY are the ones who are the victimised minority, despite being the ruling class. To go around patting each other on the back and reassuring yourselves that it's okay to be white - when there is literally no reason to ever think that being white ISN'T okay - just shows how terrified you are of the idea of all people being treated equal. You are too small-minded to comprehend that perhaps blacks AND whites could be treated on the same level without that somehow being an infringement of your privileges.

Don't get me wrong, there are equally as many fucking idiots on the far left who have so much white guilt that they DO think being white is inherently evil. But these people are just the other side of the dumbass coin to you, OP, not proof that your ideology is in any way superior.


show me one nigger who's offended. genuinely curious.

a study by Harvard proved that vegans all have tiny dicks lol!

>You're fucking up the change this message is bringing.


Nevermind, for some reason my dumb head misinterpreted this,

>Gays say its ok to be gay


>also alt right: Its ok to be white!!!!!


>If your reaction to hearing "black lives matter" is to say "yeah well white lives matter too!" then you are an intellectual neanderthal.

I don't think any sensible person has an issue with the idea that black lives have value and matter.

The problem a lot of people have with the phrase (I live in the UK, so I'm not too bothered about this but whatever) is that it's synonymous with fucktards rioting and closing roads due to black people being shot by white people in the US (which out of the 4 possibilities is by far the least common.)

>The far right has this incredible ability to interpret any advancement of minority groups as an infringement on their own liberty

I completely agree. The problem is when leftists group more moderate right-wingers like myself with neo-nazi fags. All I want is for people to have equal treatment before the law. Demanding better rights for black people and insisting on black only safe spaces is openly against that.

I dunno about you, but I can't pinpoint the moment in time when "let's have everyone treated equally before the law" became a super right-wing opinion.

>it's synonymous with rioting

you should have grasped real early that it's a zero sum game, then

>black people killed by cops np
>fed up of institutionalized racism
>"black lives matter too"
>Oh vey, what do they say?
>"it's ok to be white"

Literally disgusting behavior. Turning white people anti-white tbh.

Basically, yeah. I don't think anyone really wins out of all of this racial tension.

Then again, I don't know what it's really like on the ground in the US. We've had a few nonces over here holding up BLM signs when it first broke in the news and it was fashionable for libtards, but other than that, nada.

white americans lost all rights to call other people "triggered" after the way they reacted to the NFL anthem protests. that has to be the most ridiculous triggering in recent memory

>I don't think anyone really wins out of all of this racial tension.

Kek. Shekel confirmed.

Black people are more likely to be subject to non-lethal force (handcuffs, etc) but White people are more likely to be shot.

You can literally google this shit in seconds.

5/10 made me chuckle.

Does being on a paycheck make you inculpable in the satanism you espouse?

Why don't you pray to your god and find our truly?

December 24th these go up everywhere

Show the google link idiot. We're not gonna do the research for you ya god damn fool.

Yeah they'd love for a racewar wouldn't they? They're doing pretty well. True intelligence would see through your games.

Calling to all races in the name of God almighty to fight this toxic notion attempting to infiltrate our peace. Refuse and we'll watch you struggle in hell.

I found this direct link to the study.

This one says there's no appreciable difference between shootings of blacks and whites, but the point stands.


No lives matter.
Everyone is shit, and nobody exists for a reason.
The shade of car you drive means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Arguing otherwise is why there's racial tension in the first place... everyone thinks they matter.

You're not supposed to literally take the red pills.

Ok good thing you told me you're a fraud before i wasted my time. Shows further how dumb your are in a way. Can't even shill without being a pussy. Get fucked bro.

DEC 24th I'm dreaming of a white christmas :)

I just forgot I was speaking about the US, I'm from the UK after all.

This is not following the rules which means you're just a neoliberal racist fascist trying to hide by pointing others.

>cucked by a cucked nation.

Record that if you could believe.

>Trying this hard.
At least it's commendable subjectively to keep doing this

It's just their job bro just capitalism bro.

That has deep actual meaning.

I mean, thinking back from the pussy hats, antifakers equipment and sjw/PC/neoliberal political propaganda pushed my teachers and mainstream media followed always by products which they bought, I see this as definitely true.

Players hate linear games these days.

Nazis will always try hard, and it will always be transparent.

>Be half black
>Only cares about whether the person is a benevolent character or not

The left's self loathing about being white is getting ridiculous. It doesn't matter what race you may be, you have no right to treat your fellow human as a animal unworthy of rights. We're on top of the food chain for a reason.

I'm not a nigger and I think you're an asshole too, retard.

Aye, well said, faggot

Don't care of your skin color, we shall remove your head from your neck!

Nobody's saying it's not okay to be white you paranoid mongrel, at least not in conventional circles. Every second you breathe in leisure due to the repercussions of systems placed that generated a vicious circle of poverty and crime for centuries then decades makes you the beneficiary of racism, and therefore racist.
Even if you hold high opinions or no particular resentment to minorities, it doesn't matter, because that's not what racism fucking means.

>Hurr durr, I like poor people. I don't understand why they're so upset

>He tries to make a cocktail but it's just tomato
>thinks we aren't watching him

Tell me your pronouns.

probably the swastika in the middle
oh wait this is bait

Thank God I am White.


Bait by- you know how it is.
I'm sure they're getting angrier by the minute desu

Guys if you can't read racism i'll translate this for you

>you benefit from white racism, accept it and don't speak up about it

>What is wealth centralization

>Don't speak up about it.

There's nothing for you to say about it, you aren't the victims of it.

>The rapist said their action was acceptable, therefore it is.

Might makes right only makes sense in the eyes of a white supremacist, and if you abide by that logic, then you can't ethically deride the opposition for overthrowing you.

niggers cling to their contrived religion of racism because without it they would have to take responsibility for themselves and that means acknowledging their inferiority.

this is inversely proven when something makes them look good they take credit for it, when something makes them look bad they make up an excuse that invariably involves blaming whites.

tl;dr niggers are retarded racist cry babies.

Other user here,
You're the first person I've seen in two years who makes me feel like I should avoid getting into an argument with.
Great syntax, direct vocab, you're masterful.

Have you never heard of slavery? The KKK? The civil rights movement? Sup Forums? How can you deny racism?

Fuck off unethical racist Nazi clique.

Thanks, it's because I'm a robot.
I'm wrong about plenty of shit though.

Does that have anything to do with this thing?

Doesn't matter if you're wrong about things if you can communicate easily and smartly, ay(?)
You know how it goes

>victims have nothing to say

Don't know why you're talking about rape all of a sudden, don't know why you are talking about "tribalism" justification either. Either way, my friend, it sounds sick. Sick people might agree with you, but healthy people would put you down in a second.

>Might makes right only makes sense in the eyes of a white supremacist, and if you abide by that logic, then you can't ethically deride the opposition for overthrowing you.

Some kind of weird failed attempt at sarcasm and irony shows you exactly what you are. A failed attempt at supremacy.

Gtfo liberal faggot. The original "It's ok to be white" didn't have any swastika so as to show that the whole purpose of the message was to completely separate from any white supremacist groups. You must be a liberal to add the swastika so as to try to ruin the message. On that note someone should make a black lives matter sign with a black gangster murdering a white store owner.

Yeah that's true.


Because it's a counter example, unless you're able to define how it's a false equivalency, which will be difficult, since we're discussing the relation between power and oppressive behavior.

>Don't know why you are talking about "tribalism" justification either.

These are common rebuttals that I have defuse preemptively, along with some slack-jawed yokel grabbing a dictionary and pointing at the literal definition as if it were objective fact, despite it being completely invented, and changed several times beforehand.

>Some kind of weird failed attempt at sarcasm and irony

I don't think you understand what either of those words mean.

Another one who assumes we are stupid. Shut these people down god damn they're dumb.

It doesn't actually prove that point though. Its part of a false narrative that paints white people as the real victims and is implicitly implying something its not outright stating. People taking offense at it are not taking offense at a literal reading of the statement, and you'd have to be deep onto the spectrum to think they were. The ones coming out of this looking retarded aren't leftists. Which is hard, since leftists usually look retarded. But not in this case.

You sound like a dumbass bro. I couldn't debate with you because i legitimately have too much respect for myself.

Hey look, the fucking coon skinned boon lipped tar baby moon cricket disgusting nigger ape outed itself.

>I legitimately have too much respect for myself.

We're all on Sup Forums, none of us do.

Because anyone who subscribes to the Nigger Lives Matter movement is supporting violence, riots, property damage, and looting, all in the name of "not lettin da wite man be puttin us down nowumsain?"

Still not making sense.


>Supporting violence, riots, property damage, and looting

The Founding Fathers literally did all of these things, or is it only okay when they're white and successful?

>I do not understand.

Always be the first to accept responsibility for lack of comprehension.

Lit. anyone can sneak into a protest just like you have. Great minds think alike and vice a versa.

Holy fucking shit, one person can't be this stupid.

Just kill all niggers. They are fucking worthless anyway. Problem solved.

He sounds like a loyalist.

>If you support the rebels you are supporting violence, riots, property damage, and looting, all in the name of "not lettin da limey ppoofs be puttin us down nowumsain?"

Which would be fair, since most revolutionary cannon fodder were illiterate as well.


>trolling yourself because you don't know English.

>Just russian things

Cool, everyone else seemed to understand exactly what I said just fine, so the problem rests with you, and so we're moving on.

How bout fuck white people