Ever date a 23 year old woman who looked 11?

ever date a 23 year old woman who looked 11?


More of her.

that's why i have trust issues


short story time

>go out with friends
>yes i have friends
>see hot girl
>user has drunk something not much but enough to talk to girls and not be embarrassed
>say hi and we get to talk
>she says she like my beard
>i ask how old she is

We were in a homeparty from my dude and everyone was like post 22


Does she have what andy milonakis has?

Pretty much. Seems much more severe.




we need more info


At least she's owning it. Imagine tho, she probly never gets to do anything cool

The fuck is her name

How old is her boyfriend?

Imma go with "not"

h t t p s : / / weibo . com/u/5058729697?refer_flag=1005050010_&is_hot=1#_rnd1512177505574

fuck no

Best, most accurate reaction image of what i was imagining in my head while looking at the pics

link is legit, not bullshitting.

same situation, except manipulative bitch

>go to party with friends
>friend encourages me to talk to girl
>we hit it off big time
>we talk about graduation plans
>go to my car to listen to five iron frenzy
>we start making out
>dude comes banging on my car window
>he opens the door and pulls me out, socks me
>"get away from my sister, she's only 13"

I did end up dating her 5 years later when we ran into each other at a college party (me senior, her fresh)

also, no nudity, no lewdness. just cuteness

11yos don’t have fully developed tits pervs

When I was younger I was never a real big fan of

I ain't clickin that shit nigga

I know a girl who had 36c at 9, so don't try feed us that shit

no one's putting a gun to your head

can i fap to this?
