Red leader standing by

Red leader standing by

Log Slidder standing by


red alert standing by

red dit standing by

Red rocket standing by

Red Foxx standing by.

Red Forman standing by

red heat standing by

Pedo Pervert standing by

Red Hot Chili Peppers standing by


Red Hood standing by

the Death standing by

red spook, standing by

red velvet, standing by

RedTube standing by

Red boy standing by

God bless you

Red Rum standing by

Ronnie Ray Gun standing by.

Umm... that's Porkins, not red leader.

Red October standing by.

Jezus Porkins what the fuck.

Red Green standing by.

red chamber standing by

simply red standing by

Red Dick standing by.

Don't listen to this guy, he's a retard.

Redhead standing by

I just watched this movie and it was okay at best, standing by.

Red face standing by

Ooooooo that's spooky

Redman standing by nigga

Is your first name Heaintshit?

Big Red standing by.

Red Army standing by

triggered feminist standing by

Red Dead standing by

Red pill standing by

Redrum checking in

REALLY triggered feminist standing by


is that a triple C?

red symons standing by

Red Spook standing by.

My wife just started her period.

Redhead standing by

Red Auerbach standing by

Red button standing by

Red XIII standing by

red reaction gif standing by

BLOODY RED TEAM standing by

Red Robin standing by

Red Ranger standing by

I came here for the first time 12 years ago.

Since then I have got married, I have a career, things have changed.

Come back, see this post, its exactly how it was 12 years ago.

What the fuck mate

Redbone standing by

Red Dead Redemption standing by

Red apron standing by

Redneck standing by