Has never learned a thing about music theory

>has never learned a thing about music theory
>thinks his opinion of music is relevant and correct
I hope this isn't you, user

Other urls found in this thread:




it's all just a circle of fifths honestly

Knowing music theory does not automatically give you good taste


does studying in the citie's music conservatory counts?

Nobody's saying that dipshit

>music theory

>getting your degree in sound design

>he has a degree in vibrations
Nice job asshat you wasted half a mil

the op did

what does music theory have to do with music?

>music "theory"

you would shit your pants if you knew how many of your favorite artists were musically illiterate.

But yet I make more money off my music then some of those people so HA!

I feel sad for people that resort to music theory to judge music.
Instead of just following what their ears hear and what their heart feels, they overanalyze music to oblivion, music which most of the time wasn't written having music theory in mind. They end up killing the joy of listening to music and turn it into a chore so that they can project their "superior" taste. Pitiful.

It's just a "theory" man. I bet you believe in climate change, The Big Bang Theory, dinosaurs and shit like that. You sheeple.


Music theory is fucking bullshit and pointless if you're not playing with a lot of different people. It's literally just there to make it easier to play with other people, and you're retarded if you think otherwise. Some of the best music of all time was made by people who don't know anything about music theory. Isaac Brock (who doesn't even know the names of chords), The Residents, Beat Happening, and so so so much more. I know this thread is probably a joke, but there are people out there who actually think this and they're fucking mongoloids


Who is this jizz whiz

GTLive is the cringiest, normiest shit ever but I can't stop watching, help

Music theory only really deals with harmonic structure and rhythm.

Beyond what is intuitively obvious, those things aren't as important to modern music where the focus is on lyrics and aesthetic.

You think when people read a review they're looking for a roman numeral analysis?

i bet this post strikes a chord with some anons

For the last two years or so I've been listening primarily to classical music. What now, faggot, huh?

>He dosen't know music theory AND sound design
>thinks his opinion matters

>Music theory is fucking bullshit and pointless if you're not playing with a lot of different people
this is false
and probably bait too
but let me explain why
first off music theory simply provides a common language for musicians to understand sound with
through this understanding of sound we are better able to describe events that occur in music for usage in our own music
name ONE better system for describing sound and it's relationship with eachother
also your musicians who "dont know anything about music" work through experience with sounds, although they might not be able to name scales or chords or relationships between sounds they can certaintly use them and hear them through experience

Asuka Langley Soryu

More specifically, that cosplayer's name is Alexandra Gaier

this is you just being a pretentious nerd salty over the fact all the stuff you've tried to make sounds like garble

Nope, study, write and play.

So basically...
music theory is fucking bullshit and pointless if you're not playing with a lot of different people

you are full of shit.

it helps you to compose. You hear some shit in your head then you say: OH that shit it is some *music theory babble* and then you write it like that. If you can't see that you probably hear simple basic shit music and have a shit taste.

It's possible to translate something you hear in your head to something you play without knowing the formal name for it.

baka shinji

Can you give me some music theory lesssionss

work on that reading comprehension user

basically and to sum up, this

>he doesent know how to play an instrument and tell other musicians how music has to be

how to write in english without knowing the alphabet?

people that can't read still know how to talk


thanks for proving my point friendo

music theory is fucking hard

Anyone can decide if they like a piece of music, knowing music theory or not. Why would you want to know less about a thing you care about? Music theory is a mechanism that frees you. You'll be able to better understand why and how your favorite pieces of music work. It has to be explained over and over to you people:
If you are to review an album let's say, providing emotional descriptors and explanations of personal preference is virtually meaningless to anyone other than yourself. And no, music theory or any known method doesn't provide you with a criteria on which to judge an objective quality of music.

Also relevant to:

>has never listened to music recorded before the 1900s
>thinks his opinion of music is relevant and correct

I'm this guy
I'm not anti-theory. I know a decent chunk of it. I'm against people saying you need to know theory to write or appreciate music.

How will knowing music theory help to describe to a potential listener if he will enjoy it? People want to know the mood and aesthetics of a piece of music. Who gives a shit if an album uses the Mixolydian mode and lots of dominant 7th chords?

>I'm not anti-theory.
I know, but other people who I've quoted didn't reply.

And who the fuck do you think your opinion is relevant to?

>"You must be a linguist to critique a book."

No, you should know literary theory to critique a book.

You should know critique theory to critique that guy.