Guys join my initiative, fighting for peace in the world

Guys join my initiative, fighting for peace in the world.

Go to facebook and search "In case of war I'm staying home".


What if the other side don't care, and kill your family? You gonna let it be?

it can only work if we all gather together and see we can trust each other before any conflict arises. If they start killing then you can kill them.

That's... kind of ho it works right now. No change needed then. Thanks and goodbye.

:D Bye and fuck you.

>fighting for
Pick one

O.k. Europe tell me how that works

That was aggressive user. I kind of feel like fighting you now, irl. Let's go muther fucker, you just started ww3 with me!

then why do we all hear 3rd world war threats constantly?

see, even now :D

>le fb social campaign
I have schizophrenia, I wouldn't be drafted anyway.

From who? Have you been there, listened to the people? Don't get mindswiped by the news buddo. Tourism is a thing, and most of the people most of the time are more than happy to welcome a visitors (money) presence for a week or two.

This was also me. you just cant get to a point where there is no such thing as war. The ball started rolling a long ass time ago and people don't forget too easily. Cant have a yin without a yang. Peace will survive as long as thee exists a thing called war.

This is the philosophy of huge powers that were conquered by smaller weaker powers.

thanks for help bro

>American privilege is being able to sit at home and not fight without fear of getting attacked by a foreign nation

These people live in a fucking bubble.

lol, ur right. Peace is a state of no war. Hmm, actually Peace exists when war doesn't exists, huh? It's just semantics bro. Peace and war need each other only on linguistic level.

and that's how your country was defeated, it's people rounded up and used as slave labor or they were shot. the enemy took over and then there was peace. of course you and everyone else is dead, so.... you have that going for you, which is nice.


france and germany over run with refugees. just roll over and take it.

Refugees are not a country and they didn't conquer shit. France and Germany are still countries last time I checked.

what the fuck does that mean anyway?

haha I like your style man :D

5 million fighting age men flooding your country in two years is an invasion.

It's d already like this.

The US has been at war for the last 16 years. However, that war has not affected most of the population in any way. Unless you volunteer to serve, you get to keep living in a protected little bubble and pretend everything is fine.

Youre like a child.

like black/white, man/woman, left/right? They have two different words to distinguish two different things.

War and Peaceā„¢ can exist at the same time, just in different parts of the world. Some countries have never heard of each other and are not at war (peace), some countries are at war (war), but what about the recent history with the mid-east, where US/UK and others are basically warring - but the vast majority from these respective countries doesn't seem to give a shit. I certainly don't feel like there is a war on, but there are some of our troops over there - what kind of state of war/peace is that?

I am like a child or that soldier?

yes they can exist at the same time but it doesn't mean they are unbreakable.
What kind of war? I don't care, what matter is that it's a war.

so what?

No, not in a military sense. The original post said "huge powers conquered by smaller weaker powers" and both France and Germany are still independent countries. It doesn't matter if the majority of population will be brown in several dozen years, as long as the continuity of government is preserved.

refugees are an ENEMY and they sure as hell can conquer.

government is the least important part of a country, it's people and culture are what matter.

>It doesn't matter if the existing population of a country is displaced and their culture is destroyed as long as they keep the same flag.

Thats... that's a really stupid fucking way to look at it.

pacifism NEVER works any country that tries it will be EASILY conquered one way or another.

>so what?

so.... say goodby to your country and your way of life.

where's OP?

no one is complaining except people who don't live there LOL!!!

I was here all the time, what's your problem hm?

you are monumentally naive. that cannot and will not ever happen.

We've given his tiny little mind a lot to take in. I remember being young and thinking some of my ideas were great and no one else had thought about it like this. Sigh.

The point we are trying to make is that there is a war. It's been going for two decades. People are dying every day. I don't know about the other user but I spent six years of my life fighting in those conflicts.

So even if you go do some weak willed Facebook activism in the name of peace, it's all a moot point anyway. You're never going to be called up, because there won't be a draft. You'll get to stay at home and read about the war on your iPhone and feel smug and superior about being a pacifist while some kids get their guts smeared across a fighting hole in Korea or Iran or wherever we fight next.

You're the definition of a child, playing pretend while the grown ups go to work.

>no one is complaining
they are not allowed to.

If we could all work together there would be no war in the first place. Do you see the flawed logic?

we can always keep trying and get let's say 98% people involved.

your plan won't work moron! it requires more than 7,000,000,000 people to all play nice together. 7 billion people who all want what they want. you are stupid and idealistic. it's not going to happen, not now not ever.

nope, you won't get 10% to play along.

you won't get 1% to play along.

98% of people already ignore the ongoing war. Your plan is working OP. Great job.

Brilliant. I'll take all your shit when you convinced enough people not to fight back. Thank you for your non service

HOW? how are you going to get this to happen. Remember you can't force people because "pacifist".

Are you trying to make me feel guilty for not going to Iran or Korea and risk my life because some fuckers can't make a deal? FU, I'm not sharing that blame. I'm trying to do something as a child I am. I am just beginning. We will see.

If you go to fight, I'll kill you - then there will be peace. Kekken2hard

OP, please do this. Seriously. Convince the country to be even more passI've than it already is.

That way, when the men who do know how to fight decide to take over we can go full Heinlein and finally habe the luxury gay space fascism I've always wanted.

Don't worry, you won't be harmed, or asked to do any icky fighting. That's for citizens. You'll just be a taxpayer. No voting though, that's for citizens too.

that was my point

>Guys I have this brilliant idea
>We can stop wars if we just stop all the wars and be nice!
>Wow amazing nobody thought of that before!


if needs are finite then it's theoretically possible, I'll keep on trying

What's your point idiot?

>Are you trying to make me feel guilty?

Yeah man, a little. The fact is, there is always going to be war. The fact that you can insulate yourself and pretend you're "changing the world" by not serving just makes you out to seem privileged and entitled.

Whether you want it or not, the poor, the guys with no other options, they're going to put on a uniform and they're going to fight. Youre not stopping anything.

yeeeah :D

Read a book lil nigga.

>be at war
>See horrible shit done by people.
>Brows Facebook for distraction
>See post by little kid
>"We can stop war if we all just stop fighting!"
>Omg yes!
>Trump likes this
>Drop gun walk up to Isis guys
>Guys let's just stop fighting!
>Get decapitated

Pacifism is promoted by your oppressors.

maybe there wasn't be any wars if all those people had computers with internet and could realize they can just say no.

"The fact is, those who aren't willing to commit violence will always be subject to those who are"

-Generation Kill

You do know that if you're in the military and refuse a lawful order they toss your ass in jail, right?

and that never happened

Amazing serie

How's that Asperger's working out?

yeah but if all soldiers would refuse at once then government couldn't do shit

If the problem started getting out of hand they would shoot a couple of the ringleaders.

It's happened before.

great sentence, I'll write it down. I think this is it. The ultimate rule of the world. The war never ends. You have to always be ready. The tension never ends. It will exists as long and two separate energetic points will exist.

who would start killing whom?

If it looked like a portion of the military was going to mutiny, the government would execute a couple of soldiers to make an example.

Look man, I don't like the system anymore than you do, and I was actually in it. It's just the way the world is.

who gives them right to do that?

problem: a group of potential soldiers refuse to fight
Accuse them of aiding the enemy, hire actors to misrepresent their views and inflame public opinion, pay a few media outlets to demand they be executed, jail them instead to a) look reasonable and b) keep the public aware that they are paying for freeloading traitors, keeping that anger level high so it can be redirected as needed.

Dude, we lost the plot 40 years ago, nothing but a fucking meteor will release the grip of the ruling class. Relax, buy some products, and keep quiet, the rest of us are trying to watch porn.

dude, all we have to do is change constitutions so highly placed are not allowed to punish soldiers for refusing. Is that a necessary rule right now?

Check out Bill Hicks over here...

I can't I'm already a conscript

They swear an oath to carry out all lawful orders, and they voluntarily joined a force whose purpose is to kill the enemy. If they refuse to fight out of fear, they're letting their entire unit down and putting them in danger.

What country?


See how the cameraman isn't running away like a pussy?

Be more like him.

or I will kill you.

but not probable.

"Don't fight their wars!"

Get nuked son

you're a bot aren't you?

because there is a solid boundary between them. What if Matrix IS a solution?

Damn dude, you are a bot.

That, or you're taking some great drugs.


kind of, so what?

Oh shit its self aware.

posts unrelated pics, makes non sensical statements, asks strange questions.

You're a bot.


Stop taking drugs

Hide yo kids

pics were related, you just didn't get it. My statements may lack something but I was saying it in hope you will help me find out what it is. Strange questions are good. I'm a human.

Drugs are one of the ways of creating your reality. Matrix and normal living are as well.

>I'm a human

That's what a sneaky bot would say

or an honest human

oh youre fucking going.
