So, tax reform. Repubs says normies gonna have more money, dems says we're getting less. What's the actual deal?

So, tax reform. Repubs says normies gonna have more money, dems says we're getting less. What's the actual deal?

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It was her turn

Unless you're very wealthy, you'll get very small tax cut (less than $100) and lose a couple grand in deductions. Then, when the deficit soars, your taxes will automatically increase again. Big corporations will reap millions in deductions that won't be affected by the deficit.

Example of what I can't deduct anymore?

You get a small tax cut for the next 4 or do years then a tax increase for 6 years, while corporate tax will be cut indefinitely. We all need to do our part to make the country great again. A tax increase isn't gonna hurt if you save up the next four years

Republican tax plans ALWAYS fuck over the little guys in favor of the people and corporations who make big payments to Senators and Congressmen. You're not bribing them, so you get nothing!

Dude, they make more money so of course they're gonna save more. You're not gonna give bill hats a 20 dollar tax cut. There'd be no point.

Ask the lobbyists who wrote it.

Looks like I need a small loan of 1 million dollars

I'm convinced the two party system is dead at this point

You will not longer be able to deduct State and Local Taxes you paid, interest on a home mortgage, tuition payments, student loan interest, moving expenses or alimony. On the plus side, you'll be able to inherit your parent's vast estate without paying any taxes on it! Face it, you're getting screwed so Trump can have a personal tax break.

Student loans is a big one.

>they get more money so the tax cut for them should be a bigger percentage of their Income

Need a pharmacist to translate the handwriting first

They are lowering the rate for everyone but also getting rid of deductions which many Noriega people take. The big thing for me is that for the last 8 years the only thing that they claimed to care about was a balance budget, remember how they shut down the government over it. Now every economist is telling them that this bill will pu us in debt 1 Trillion but now, overnight they don’t care any more. Also the bill is chock full of pork favors to their friends and full of non-related tag on bills. They are fucking the normies but they dressed it up just enough that we would not riot in the streets.

Exactly dude. Glad you see it our way. Don't let the dems fool you. They're tricky people

The USA will get into real problems with their education only for the rich approach
You won't get the best in important position but the ones with the wealthiest parents

Three cheers for the 1 republican who voted no?

It's not just Trump. It's everyone who creates jobs. The more money job creators have, the more jobs they'll make. It's simple economics

the gop literally scribbled out a 500-page tax reform bill after having 8 years to build a plan, added shit that's completely unrelated to taxes (abortion, alaskan drilling, etc.) and passed it in the middle of the night after giving senators hours to read it, and you're here whining about the DEMS being tricky?

fuck, dude, wake the fuck up

>it's simple economics

it's retard economics

jobs aren't created by generosity, they're created by demand

if the workforce doesn't demand more jobs, rich people aren't going to hire them

what they ARE going to do is take their tax cut and store it in some off-shore back account, making sure the economy never sees that money

Actual deal?
Both sides are fucking us over because they actually don’t give a shit about people other than voting time. The longer the government is an ineffectual fuckup from both sides fighting, the better off we are.

Or the CEOs will just keep their extra profits

You can’t be this stupid...

They got rid of the estate tax?? Nice.

Theyre gonna maga faggot. Trump is rich and hes gonna make the rest of us rich too

2016 should have been the wakeup call for you- NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the average American.

You’re cute.
The corporations that benefited under Reagan & W proved that trickle down is a myth.

Repubs since 1996 are rich guy puppets, rich guy donation minded. Normies are getting fucked when Repub trickle down sophistry hits like it always has in all histories. Helping the rich is akin to helping the fat kid who hogs all the food get more of the food is going to make him share food. This kind of thinking makes the normies want communism. It's that toxic.You think Marx and Lennon were accidents created by the insane? Nope, they were reactions to people with most of the shit wanting more of the shit.

Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

The rich will get richer, the rest of us are getting fucked.

100% indisputable fact

>while corporate tax will be cut indefinitely
>We all need to do our part to make the country great again
Republicuck detected

Suck some good corporate dick lately?

Reagan is the reason we're all not poor fags. He grew the middle class

>an actor grew up in the middle class
who coulda thunk it?

durr hurr the rich screws over the little guy, or maybe, maybe the rich man will use that money to expand his business or hire more workers thus helping the economy.

Are you retarded? I said he grew it. He make it bigger

>being this much of a cuck

you'll pay more so rich assholes can pay less

the gop doesn't give a flying fuck about you. They don't have to and they know it. All they need to do to get elected is wave the flag, praise jesus, and kiss the nra's ass.

if only there were like 4 posts or you know, actual history former within the past 30 years to prove that's not how it works

oh wait

jesus christ this has to be a troll, dont know why im responding. Fuck this, im out

Hur dur the rich man will share his extra profits, he won't just keep hoarding, trumps been doing it for years

Redit fag detected

just like bush's tax cut and reagan's tax cut - it never trickles down


I hope a mexican slits your throat

Same scam for almost 40 years, how are americucks this stupid.

god you are fucking dumb

My family is rich and has a business. We will use any extra money for ourselves and won't share it with our workers. Just an anecdote but I'm sure that will be normal

>thinks Dem politicians who are millionaires will really fight the law that they’ll benefit from in the long run just like all the rest of the wealthy 1%ers.

>Reaganomics grew the middle class
Wew, lad


I hope a muslim blows up your family

When you're a millionaire your lifestyle isn't going to change much with a tax break. So it really doesn't matter to them all that much, which is why using that extra money to help others makes perfect sense.

Who's tax plan just did exactly that? Democrats, right?

none of them voted for it

Haha no you're not but nice try liberal scum.

Typical lib response

I don't know what altruistic society you think we live in but American culture isn't altruistic.

ITT Republicans refuse to admit that they're trapped in an abusive relationship

>Companies downsizing because muh money
>Posting record profits


Is this thing law yet?

>Who's tax plan just did exactly that? Democrats, right?
>none of them voted for it
cucks spotted

Why would a rich person want more money? That's why Trump is such a great president. He doesn't need any more money and isn't influenced by it. It's Dems who want more money

>proudly paying taxes so the rich don't have to
Yep, I'm the cuck

Doesn’t matter - no matter who’s law gets passed, we all get fucked over.
Dems make laws that require mandatory charity through taxation or penalties - aka individual mandate penalty - but make loopholes that certain people above an income point don’t have to pay those taxes or penalties. People like them.
Repubs eliminate allowed deductions and raise taxes across the board except for business and the wealthy. Once again, not effecting them.
Doesn’t matter who passes laws - unless you’re wealthy, you’re getting fucked. My guess is you’re one of the rest of us that are bent over and told to spread them cheeks.

Does anyone have that video where a Republican asked a bunch of CEOs from Fortune 500 companies if they would raise wages or create more jobs with the tax cut and like only two raised their hands?

You’re familiar with the concept of supply and demand? If demand for your product doesn’t warrant expanded production, yet you receive a massive windfall of cash via a tax break, you

1. Pay off debt

2. Expand production hoping for increased demand

3. Pay your workers more (eg increase your largest expense)


4. Hold onto the cash

Which of those options, in a dynamic market, do you think rational business owners will do? Pro tip: it’s not wage expansion or additional hiring. For corporations, it will be debt payment and share servicing. That’s Economics 101 genius.

>it's not my fault just because I voted for all of those politicians
>it would have been the same either way
Are you actually retarded?

If any of you were suddenly rich you'd be broke in under three years. Here's how it works, let's use lemons instead of money I feel like it will be easier for you. If I give the government 50 lemons and get back 25 and you give 10 lemons and get back 6, you didn't get alot of lemons compared to me however you did get alot from what you gave. Also if I'm wanting to make more lemons I invest in a lemon tree and pay two people lemons to take care of the tree for a larger return than sitting my lemons in an account to let them give me cuts of the lemon tree they bought. I know it's a dumbed down version of this and there is alot to it, however based on the comments I don't think there is enough brain power in the thread to understand the complicated version.

The real leader of America

Oh, I agree. Here’s the thing: I’m not the top 1% but I’m in the top 5%. This tax deal is personally great for me. I’m just not stupid enough to think I “deserved” this break at the expense of poorer people

Hur dur why would someone want more money?

Nobody wants to give out their business plan. That doesn't mean they won't do it. And even if it somehow does, I'd rather have more jobs for more Americans than fewer but higher paying jobs

>rich people make other people rich
Yes, when they die they make their children rich.

Lmao you're either really bad at sarcasm or a fucking idiot

Except you can't buy stuff with lemons. You're a retard

>when you don't understand economics, but you want to be included in the conversation

Greedy poor fag detected

As a PR ploy.
If it passed they can lay blame on Repubs while enjoying the benefits because they’re wealthy and that law benefits those with money most.
If it doesn’t they can claim to their retarded constituents that they really are fighting for them, like totally for sure, they are just one of the regular joes - who happen to live in multi-million dollar homes and drive cars worth $50k+ and have individual retirement investments worth more than what any one who voted for them will make in their lifetime, but hey - they are totally one of the little people.
No one cares about you beyond what you can do for them when it comes to politicians - they just want your vote.

Can't use capital and product as the same item in your shitty analogy.

They create jobs. Like Walmart. They create jobs for millions of americans. That's maga

They're cutting taxes across the board and "closing loopholes" on people who actually might need them.

For example, graduate students whose tuition is covered by their work as researchers and TAs at the university they attend currently take home a stipend of around $10k-30k a year after covering tuition. Currently the tuition is considered untaxed income. The new tax plan makes the money (that they never even get to touch touch because it does directly into tuition) taxable. Take-home annual earnings for aspiring scientists and professors who work upwards of 60 hours a week is going to be $8k-24k. The annual additional income for the government from actually putting these people into poverty is a paltry couple million dollars. It's basically completely fucked.

Ayyy this guy gets it.

They don’t give a shit about the long term. We will be paying this shit off forever.

Naive user who thinks American culture is altruistic detected

How is it the same fuckers screaming for eight years about the deficit have no trouble adding a huge new deficit? Fucking deficit peacocks.

>in the top 5%

>on Sup Forums the butt of the internet discussing tax politics

Surely your not just a retarded troll.

it's completely believable, I believe you.

>asking in a message board filled with autism and teenagers who know far less about economics than they believe

So what you're saying is that the Democrats will vote based on the interests of their constituents so that they can be re-elected, and the Republicans don't give a fuck because they know they'll get your vote anyways, right?

Yeah, while you buy the lemon tree the lemon stealing whores are going to sneak into your garden and steal those fucking lemons because your stupid ass forgot lemon tree insurance.

corporations now have bank accounts with trillions of dollars just sitting there. They have money. Why aren't they hiring now?

That's literally the problem in America today. Not enough good paying jobs. It was literally one of the points trump used to win and Bernies too.

Here was me thinking the wealth generators wouldn't get a big enough tax break from all those mean 99%ers

When you can't dispute the argument and just go straight to insulting the person. Excellent point, now if you would go fuck yourself with a rake.


you actually fell for the trickle down economics meme, what a fucking faggot

It was literally a PR stunt done by Gary Cohn, and they wouldn't even lie for him to help sell the bill to the people. All because they know they don't have to as long as the GOP is in control.

>What's the actual deal?

Oh nothing, just the usual redneck retards voting for trump getting fucked in the ass, along with everybody else.

There is a part of it that says people with private jets will be getting tax breaks.

Does the avarage American have a private jet?

Aww how cute. An idealistic faggot who thinks his vote matters and that his politicians aren’t powerful, rich greedy fucks that won’t ignore him when he needs help.
So when’s the last time your politician invited you to him house for a friendly get together and steaks?