Am I white?

Am I white?


Why :(

On a scale from 1 to 10, how white am I?

-1 you albino nigger

>le 46% face


The question is - Are you a faggot
>The Answer is - YES

Why are you bullying me? :(

The only thing I want is being white, is that too much?


You're a jew - so yeah, you are white.

where are you from?

No, sucks to be you

>Am I white?

Yes ,sucks to be you.

I'm a roach from Germany

Why do you want to be white?
White people are currently the only demographic in the west that it is socially acceptable to hate on and discriminate against.
If you can't deal with being called a faggot, how would you deal with being told to check your privilege for merely existing?

more arabic than white. Arabs n Turkiks are generally bretty close

On first pic I was on a trip in egypt. The sun made my skin darker than as it usually is.


I grew up in Germany with white people. Everyone around me was white and therefore I always wanted to be white too. Is there any way to become white?

you look white

I know that I'm fat and ugly, we all are fat and ugly, that's the reason we are here on Sup Forums you fucking faggot.

Only reincarnation and I'm not even sure that is a thing.
The best you can do is accept yourself and live life like you want to. You can be the one decent guy of middle eastern descent that people refer to when they need an example of someone who integrated well.

you're a SandNigger

You don't look it, where were you born?

In Germany

Haha, no you're not really German

No, I'm not German, but a roach, I was only born and live in Germany.

compare your face to the other people on this picture. you are darker, even in artificial indoor light.

and the shape of your face look more exotic than caucasic

You gotta take care of that self hate user.
Calling yourself a roach because of your heritage is a surefire way to be miserable.
The way you act and speak defines how you are as a person.

in an scale between an albino white and the darkest nigger you can imagine, you are pretty far in the white spectrum. but not white enough to considere "true" white. (btw im no racist, that are just subjective feelings)

Only to police and news when you commit a crime

That's because they are nerds who don't go outdoor much. Look at my arm/hand to see how white my skin really is. My face is always darker than my real skin-color because I'm outdoors often in the sun.


the alpine race is also part of the white race. isn't there any chance for me to pass as alpine?

Dude, love yourself for you, trying to be something else won't change what is going on inside of you.

im 10/10..... for a trap atleast u flaming homo

Für mich schaust du aus wie ein Perser, also bist du nicht wirklich "weiß". Deine Haut hat einen dunklen Teint - bist natürlich nicht schwarz, aber ein waschechter Arier auch nicht.

>und jetzt halts Maul du Heulsuse.


Gut, ich verstehe, dann bleibt für mich halt nichts Anderes als damit klarzukommen. Das Leben ist halt kein Ponyhof. Ein Arier wollte ich übrigens nicht sein, das ist mit schwarzen Haaren und braunen Augen sowieso nicht möglich, aber zumindest als Alpine eingestuft werden, aber na ja...

You again. No, you are a fat mexican faggot

woher kommst du ursprünglich?

bin OP vom Kommentar:

auf dem Foto schaust du deutlich weiser aus, mach mal ein Foto von deinem Unterarm und eventull deiner Brustwarze. (kein Scherz), dann sage ich dir ehrlich woher du kommst.

Hey guise am i white?

Ich habe das schon zweimal in diesem Thread erwähnt^^

Meine Eltern stammen aus der Türkei, ich lebe und bin in Deutschland geboren. Man muss schon zugeben, dass ich im Gegensatz zu meinen übrigen Landsleuten eher heller bin, daher dachte ich, besteht noch Hoffnung, vielleicht als dunkelhäutiger Südeuropäer durchzukommen, aber anscheinend nicht...

Ein anderemal. Jetzt bin ich zu faul, um Fotos zu machen.

>sieg heil

Die Gene Lügen nicht, brauchst nicht so depressiv herum tun. Als Grieche gehst du allemal durch, und wenn du dich bisschen flotter kleidest als Sizilianer.
Ich habe es auch nicht leicht, bei meinem Letzten Istanbul Urlaub dachte auch jeder ich bin Deutscher, nur weil ich blond und blauäugig bin, aber in Wirklichkeit bin ich Österreicher und stehe selbstverständlich über den Deutschen, auch ich habe es nicht leicht.

>am I white?

Why not just celebrate the good things from your heritage and embracing the good things in the culture your parents moved to?
They might be turkish, but at least they moved somewhere, where you'd have a greater personal freedom to be yourself.

At least your people will not blow you up, durring the next terror attack

kebabs kek. yet most of roaches choose to be roaches and not integrate.

Yeah most people are jerks and I mean that for every race, but you have the opportunity not to be that.
Defining your worth on a descriptor like race, gender or religion is not only stupid, it makes for a boring person.

t. SJW

woah dude. plebbit awaits. kys faggot

Uh no, sjws are the largest proponents of intersectional victim olympics, where all these little descriptors are somehow super important and needs to get recognized all of the time in order for you not to be a bigot.
I don't believe in that shit, be who you are, instead putting importance in shallow descriptors.
No u!