What’s hands down the quickest, most painless suicide method?

What’s hands down the quickest, most painless suicide method?

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I'd assume a bullet to the head.

12 guage shotgun with buckshot or a slug, in your mouth pointed upwards. But why?

carbon monoxide poisoning

Don't do it. Seek help. You can completely change your life. You don't need to be bound to your past.

Massive opiate overdose


join ISIS

Please don't do it or even consider it.

Slit wrists originally

The dubs want you to reconsider I'd take it as a sign

Please don't do it.

OP fuckin tell us WHY you are considering this. And even if you do - which unless you're one in a million with your situation you shouldn't - you aren't gonna succeed if you try pills. Might work as a call for help and to give you a near death experience though. But fuck that shit you just need to talk and figure out a game plan. I bet you a shit ton of people on this site think about suicide. Try connecting.

Before theses morons kill you slowly as horribly, look into noble gases like helium or nitrogen

Nitrogen isn't a noble gas dipshit

Discounting setup time this one is fast. Also, crushing blow will end you in a fraction of a second. Nothing will be left of you to feel pain.

it's not very effective though. i mean you can effect the time by takign a blood thinner and keeping the water warm and shit but it still takes awhile and you have to cut pretty deep

btw op if you read this, slice down the arm not across

Go inside high pressure chamber and open the door. Every part of your body will explode into tiny pieces instantly. Your body will be in trillion pieces before you can even realize what happened.

get the fuck out, if he wanted your generic dogooder selfrighteous bullshit he would have asked for it.
use a gun, but dont fuck up the way you point it or itll be really painful and you could live through it.

>Discounting setup time

dude seriously

that would be logistically impossible

Pulleys man

500 lbs of C4.

this or shooting at police

How fucking long would it take to pull 10 tons of weight with pulleys up minimum six feet using only human strength?

>Pulleys man

But where do you buy the weight?


>How fucking long would it take to pull 10 tons

mechanical advantage brah
you just need a bunch of pullies
really no time at all

Uh no backwards. ALOT of people survive your method

A while
But painless. Definitely painless.

You can't change your past but you CAN change your future. Don't take the easy way out. Everyone you ever cared about would be affected by such a selfish move.

Could just buy a bunch of plate weights and secure them together.

100 pound plate = $100 at Walmart, times 200 is 10 tons of plates for $20,000 plus whatever material you use to secure them, but that would probably be negligible comparatively.

sudden unexpected massive trauma to the brain stem


>But painless. Definitely painless.
I dunno user.
seems like it would be a huge pain in the ass

But the more mechanical advantage you get the farther you'll have to putt that rope. You might need a quarter mile of rope to get that weight 12 feet in the air.

faggot just let him an hero

game over

-10 points

Can confirm

join isis op

30mm slug to the head

You haven't found ur soul mate yet. He is out there

>I will fuck you till you love me, faggot.

I lost the game

The important part is you agree it is possible

go into the hood. look for a man around 20 wearing blue and call him a fucking nigger

Rent boat, go far out to sea. Strap heavy anchor to your feet.
Strap diving light to head. Toss anchor, jump over.
Enjoy watching the dark abyss as you fall through the cold, crushing depth.
Find out what kills you first, increasing pressure as you fall deeper or lack of air.

>to get that weight 12 feet in the air
10 tons is overkill
you could easily achieve the same results with 100 - 200 lbs.
once the neck snaps, no pain
this concept is just a 'reverse' hanging

o shit dude we had the same idea

dubs OP, dont do this ,

Probably the pressure. Not to mention it'll be extremely painful in the first 30 feet of depth

>What’s hands down the quickest, most painless suicide method?

shitposting and waiting to be hit by a meteorite.

It's called come-alongs you dumb prick.
They sell 8 ton ratchets. You just need a wire that can withstand 10 tons.


Just because it's technically possible doesn't mean it's practical. I'm not gonna pull a rope for three days to off myself

Self inflicted claw hammer to the face

But that's not the point! human pancake>broken neck.

When he said suicide he meant dead not career suicide. You're giving him a one way ticket to VegiTales.

so why is the wall moving the background?

get an electric motor to do it for you
and set it up to a trip wire that sets when the weight is in place
then you have time to forget that a ton of w/e is going to crush you, sparing you the pain of anticipation

a shot through the heart!


thats called brain smoke

Large plastic bag, and a propane torch.
Walmart has both. Fluff bag with air, place bag over head, lay down. Put torch in bag. Turn it on without lighting it.

Taking 2 or 3 sleeping pills and waiting till you can barely stay awake will make it nicer.

brain smoke? the whole wall moves forward. Like in pic related.

Yo, I'm trying to die to. But almost every suicide way will make a mess and be painful. What I'm doing is working and helping until I die of tiredness. When I get tired enough, I'm gonna get lost in the forest. At least you should do something to leave this world with a sense of pride.


Or even better, you will see that you can be something else for the people who needs you, and if nobody needs you, there's always the opportunity to meet new friends or partners


There are no painless methods of death. Current medical research shows that the brain continues to function for between 10 and 20 minutes after "death". The brain conserves its oxygen supply, cutting off less crucial parts to preserve the most important parts. The result is that the senses shut down one by one, with vision being the first and hearing the last. For that entire period, the dead person is locked inside their head, conscious and aware that they are dead, but unable to move as their brain shut down by degrees.

This is why it's important to sit with and talk to people after they've died, to help them transition into oblivion with the least amount of terror. Commit suicide and you will spend your last, most terrifying moments of your existence in pain, loneliness, and horror.

What is it

what if you stick a grenade in your mouth?

Pretty hard for the brain to experience anything when it's splattered into a thousand disjunct pieces across several square feet.

Shotty to brain is the way to go.

OD from opiates. a hot shot of heroin will guarantee you die without feeling anything but a rush of euphoria before you just fall asleep and die

Look up the Lorber case. John Lorber was a professor doing baseline brain studies on his students when he discovered one of them had almost no brain. Hydrocephalic pressure had crushed it to 2% of its original volume, yet he has an advanced degree in mathematics and an IQ of 126. Even tiny portions of the brain are still capable of thinking, and a large enough portion may even retain consciousness and a sense of identity. If you think the idea of splattered portions of your brain each being self-aware is weird and unlikely, do some reading on the split-brain phenomenon, where people who have the lobes of their brains separated as treatment for epilepsy become essentially two different entities occupying the same body seamlessly. (The alien hand syndrome is one common effect.)

oh cool what if you're unconcious?

thats freaky shit bro

That's the whole point; you're not unconscious. The phenomenon of unconsciousness is not well understood simply because we don't know what consciousness is. There are some theories -- lots of them -- but most border on metaphysics and spirituality. One of these theories, for example, is that anaesthetics work by blocking the creation of memories. In other words, you are completely awake and aware of every cut while surgery is being performed, but that you are prevented from remembering it.

i mean if you're sleeping and you get killded. like you're sleeping and someone fills your room with poisonous gas or something?

Sleep is something very different from unconsciousness. They aren't the same thing at all. Sleep is a very specific brain state which results from the need to recharge the brain. During normal operation, the brain uses cascades of various chemicals to trigger and reset neuronal ganglia. The waste products of these reactions accumulate and will eventually kill you. But the physical process used for disposing of these chemicals uses pathways normally used for *thinking*. Sleep, then, is the brain's way of turning thinking down to relatively low levels to allow the clean-up process to occur.

(There have been a handful of cases where very specific forms of brain damage have caused people to never sleep, and it's been shown that these people *do* still experience sleep, but in tiny micro-bursts. The brain is forced to try to cram as much janitorial work as it can into fractions of a second, a bit at a time, so fast that they don't realize it's happened. It's testament to how adaptable the brain is.)

The point is, any serious damage to the brain, such as dying, would end sleep. Anaesthetics and drugs don't put you to sleep, they make you unconscious, which is something different.

This eveey god damn time this thread is posted NO ONE EVER DOES THIS. quit being a pussy and just fucking do it... put the round in the chamber and fucking pull the trigger.

No need to shoot at them if you're black...

Without lasting side-effects for a botched attempt? Probably insulin overdose. Cheapest way? CO poisoning. Several methods, including the charcoal thing.

Seriously, though. Don't do it. I tried to an hero a couple of times and I failed. Didn't help I was shit drunk both times, and each time I realized that while I was trying to do it I've never felt more lonelier in my life than in those moments. People say call a hotline, or talk to someone, or reach out to people, and honestly it all sounds like a load of bullshit. Like, what can they do but tell you that you're loved?

But talk to them. Realize you aren't alone. Talk to people who have actually tried to kill themselves, they're the fucking experts on the shit. Everyone who has been suicidal knows exactly how people going through it feels, even though they might not share the same circumstances. Pain is pain. We all get that.

If you're going to do it, be 100% sure you can't change anything in your life. Sex is surprisingly easy to come by, you just have to lower your standards a bit. Money, hard to change that but shit even throwing just $50 in bitcoin will get you $150 in four months for a very rainy day. Having roommates is the best way to save.


You give love a bad name.

If only cops shot niggers as commonly as the news thinks they do.

What's the point in putting in so much effort just to fail in the end anyways? It's not like even if I completely turned my life around and stop drinking and gambling I would live for 1000 years anyways. All I can hope for is another couple of decades except now I will be more miserable because I wont be able to escape the pain.

No all you need to do is find a cliff and get a stick of dynamite. You trigger a landslide a half mile up the cliff and get crushed by several tons of rock.

Sometimes I think if I had a gun I would have blown my brains out already. Then I wouldn't have to worry about feeling like a failure for not finding a job, not getting into grad school, losing my girlfriend, living at home. Can't go out with at least getting my bench to 315 though. Maybe things will have changed by then.

Naa it's better nice and easy

just get high and watch cartoons then.... can't be worse than death.... move to somewhere with legal pot, buy brownies, get high af and watch netflix.

I promise its fuckin great.... dont need friends, dont need anything else..... eventually you can maybe find some people to get high and watch tv with.

I'm high af right now, and loving life..... im 32, and single..... and i love life....might as well give it a go.... better than the eternal nothingness that awaits after pullin a trigger in your mouth.

Sure I'll give it a go. Only smoked weed once before and I got so high I couldn't stand for over an hour. I was sick to my stomach and had to work the next day, maybe it'll be better this time.

yeah man, i even like getting too high sometimes.... like too fucked like you're saying ..... it can give you THE FEAR.... and lemme tell ya sometimes THE FEAR can be super fuckin humbling, and make you realize you'd rather be alive than whatever bullshit it waiting for ya after.

Whenever i'm depressed i just think "whats the fuckin alternative.... dont for a second believe theres some heaven or something better after this..... lets just love life on our own terms"

then i get more high, i think im gonna freak out, but i jerk off and that levels me out, then i play video games before ending my night with some FUNHAUS videos :)

Ground zero during a nuclear detonation.

came here to post this.
take a fist full of sleeping pills first, wash em down with vodka or whatever. go to sleep and nevwr wake up again. 0 pain.

when i can find some helium im gtg too. haha gl OP

Tie fishing line around your neck and the other end to a bridge, glue your hands to your head and jump off. I don't know if it's painless, but people who find your body will think you ripped your own head off with your bare hands, which might be kind o0f worth it.

Old but good.