Tribute thread?

Tribute thread?

I also have nudes and other tributes if there's interest










Someone tributing?







mmm hot

Please do her

Do her please


Cock her?




Cock this slut please






kik dockacock for cum tribute video

First to get me hard gets the cum






this chick is so hot



wow please post more





what are you doing, dude? you're posting a reply to yourself with a pic from 11/27 and then thanking yourself?

I don't get to talk to such obvious samefags often, can you explain to me why you do this? I dont get it

If anyone is willing to do private tributes of my friends pm me on kik at r4rthrowawayaccount

lol wut? pure coincidence

Epic call out!

Let it be known that on this date, this gentleman won the internet. Well played, sir. Well played indeed!

Anyone still doing tributes

it seems like youre still butthurt about when you posted her in a "fall in love" thread... and people laughed you out of it. now you post her and samefag reply that she's hot. But we both know you're still the only one that thinks it. So really, honestly, explain to me, what this does for you?

you seem obsessed bud, you ok? you mad? didn't get permission to fap tonight cuck?

Feeble attempt to get at user, how pathetic

We come here in good faith with the reasonable request to have a perfect stranger take a picture of his dick over pictures of girls we find hot and you play with our emotions by callously using us to push a personal agenda?

Damn you sir!



whoa whoa whoa, calm the fuck down. im the dick in the trib, and not the guy who posted the pic. I saw the pic on a tribute thread, but it closed before I could post it as a reply. I did it anyway, and saved it. Saw the original pic get reposted, so I replied it. This happens a lot actually...
Calm your tits.

too scared to post my wife but I'll send you her pics if you get at me on kik

Kik is legref

Someone should end this. user is demolishing OP. We can't stand idly by and watch a beating like this!

I apologize, kind sir. Keep up the good work.

just cum on her glasses and end this madness

obsessed? it takes 2 seconds to look at the barchive, you dont do this often? i only posted 2 pics with an honest question behind it. why are you so offended? especially if you arent even the OP i was asking... your emotional reaction to my posts is weird.

i was here for tributes too but no one was tributing until i saw the guy samefag himself and then thank himself. that was too obvious not to ask him why he did it. i didnt mean to offend so many people. i guess its inevitable in 2017.

so you posted the same tribute pic again after you already replied to him on 11/27 with that pic? why would he want the picture a second time? this still doesnt make sense.

fuuuuuuuck lmao

because i either didn't get it that time, or i don't have it now... wouldn't bother if i had it already... honestly what'd be the point of that, especially the thank you, that should be a give away that it wasn't the same person

don't stop user! keep roasting!!

wait, you said you just posted for the first time, but dude already showed us where you posted it a week ago dude. digging that samefag hole even deeper. this sad shit

have a snickers

Dicks on girls faces. Drama. Snarky comments.


try reading

the point is, this bitch is gross. nobody tributing her, lets all just share a laugh at the guy samefagging

>im the dick in the picture
>i did not post the picture
>i saw the original pic get reposted so i replied it.

what even?

I never said I just posted it for the first time. I posted it before, on one of the threads that I started, which usually begin with "tributes, post your favs. make some new ones." and then I do some tribs for people. Shockingly, I cant do them all the time, so sometimes the posts and replies get staggered. But there are only so many anons that ask for tribs, so I see the same pics come up a lot.
Why you have so many feels user? Calm down.

this thread is just proof that saying thank you is a dumb fucking thing to do. back on topic bitches

this bullshit dont make no sense dude. why the fuck is dude saying thank you if youve posted it before? yall full of shit.

original pic of girl = A
tribute pic = B
I saw A posted weeks ago. Saved it. Posted B in a thread on 11/27. Just now saw A posted again. So I re-posted B.

Black if possible

cuz i didn't see it the first time prolly


I'm not sure why "calm down" has been said multiple times now. I just wanted to ask why people samefag, I saw an obvious example... I didn't know it would turn your world upside down with shame. Good night. I wont harass you anymore with my endless 1 question of "why u do dis" It's so tormenting for you. Such pains.


does anyone have any by the guy with the acer laptop/does anyone know if he has kik


says hes the one that just did yet he wont tribute anything else in this thread... pathetic sociopaths in here samefagging it up







anyone do my gf?







She looks pissed

pls tribute
