How do i sound my cock

how do i sound my cock

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With this

did not help
still attempting to shove cotton swabs down my urethra rn

the fuck

You just jam things down your pee hole

Pics or it didn't happen?

advice doesn't help
almost nothing fits

would give pics but i dont have a phone

A little bit of lube. Go nice and slow. It's freaky at first but you will get over it

no phone and shoving cotton swabs in your dick...what a life

Why do i know where this is from?

Use a dick pump

don't have lube
is there any noteworthy alternatives to lube?

Have you tried using a cactus?


This picture and the scale and shit are fucking with me.

put another dick in there

Go buy some crotchet hooks.

Olive oil or similar will do,

k thx for the help gonna see if i have any olive oil

And crotchet hooks.
Also get a camera?

Buy something like this

And some sterile lube to be safe, then be semi-cautious but have fun.

It'll probably burn a bit if you gauge yourself too quickly, and you can get away with other lubes, but you'll have to be more careful.


no sorry i am p00r

i ain't gonna waste actual money to stick something down my cock

Why the fuck he is even using tongs?

>lemme just stick something down my fucking urethra
>buying a tool to let me be retarded in relative safety? Nah

So he dosen't have to wash his hands after?

Nigga why would you...
>mfw society has come down to sticking shit into your dick instead of sicking your dick into shit

Beat it against a huge gong.

Looks like he's enjoying that hot pocket