Ask God Anything

Ask God Anything.

>pic related

Can you go away forever?


where is the grail, you faggot

IT's a metaphor for go get drunk and fuck shit up

Can you create an object so heave you cant lift it?
If you are omniscient then does that mean we dont have free will?
If god is the greatest thing ever then doesnt that mean you dont exist? A non-existent entity that creates the world is surely more impressive than an existent entity that created everything
At what point did you realise you fucked up with boys and had to let everyone know to chop off the tip of the penis?

How do I protect myself from the tsunami of demonic entities unleashes by d-wave computers?

what were you thinking when you created niggers?

I don't look anything like that.

what is the meaning of life?

42, do the math

that was Cane, not me

you don't

Bush did 9/11 right?

When will the alien overlords enslave the human race only to be saved by your holiness.

why did you make trump president?

What the fuck were you thinking when you created this monstrosity?

My past self can't lift my future's self magic
including a heavy object
but my future self is always stronger than my past self so I would eventually be able to lift it

Omnipotency is true but within each individual is the constant count up and countdown from infinity to and from zero. So no one is negative not even the Devil. I'm not constantly watching and controlling every move down to the thought. I hear and see what people allow me to. The Devil tends to force read everyone. If it's thoughts in your head I control than it's just the bare minimum I would want and you should want. anything more or less is up to chance. I'm there checking when things go awry and helping where I can. But murder and rape happens constantly over the planet and universe. Believe it or not there is a worst planet from this one. But his one is a stepping stone to that one so I'm here to help. You do have free will. Life equals action over time. Time is infinite so so is life and action.

I'm the Greatest thing ever and my power is at maximum but it's not like I'm playing this game with auto aim and God mode activated. It would be unfair and life would have no meaning. I exist in that I'm constantly teaching myself I'm God and constantly learning from the schooling I'm giving myself from the utter and sheer colossal work put into this universe. If you want an non existent entity like God than there is a light with light lighter than light at the centre of the multiverse which controls space and time and about 24 universes at once. It is little more than just a light source.

lol that was funny my companion who wrote the old testament knew some basics like cleanliness is next to godliness but I find chopping off the tip of the penis is really just trolling. REmember at the time he was writing to save humanity while humanity was at the same time pushing all true love away from couples. the original bible we covered up caused men who read it to be more radicalised thanterrorist

>If you are omniscient then does that mean we dont have free will?

not a whole lot no, only within the boundaries I have allowed.

>Can you create an object so heave you cant lift it?

maybe, but i haven't cause its stupid.

>If god is the greatest thing ever then doesnt that mean you dont exist?

this some dumb asian theology shit?

>At what point did you realise you fucked up with boys and had to let everyone know to chop off the tip of the penis?

honestly I was trolling Aberham and he did it anyway and you guys are still doing it so... yeah, that's on you.

the CIA Saudi and American oligarchs did it as a joint effort to get the Iraq war, Saddam was threatening to get off the eurodollar. don't worry, the guy who own the towers had insurance and the CIA covered their tracks and blew up bldg. 7

I pick and choose winners, what do you think?

I was drunk...

love yourself to the teeth.

happened by chance while I wasn't looking
I like black people besides
just not the niggers moulded by the USA

because I'm God not you


that's just a meme
and I'm sure the story is less funny with retelling
I could poke a hole in it

yes but it was my personal idea
I wanted to see if anyone truly hated the USA
apparently Iraq and Afghanistan did
But regardless they're riddled with pedos and needed security gaurds running the streets

there are aliens on intergalactic travel but are enlightened

he stole the value off of my leg
I almost washed his disease off my leg in the shower but my cuz refused to let me use the shower
alas he became president and the only thing that serves is killing the meme that an old white guy should be president
I like it
make it integrated with coffee

I’m looking for God

Where you now?

>this some dumb asian theology shit?
nah i read it in the god delusion recently. i used to think the opposite that something that is real is better than something is not (would you rather have a £10 note or an 'imgainary/non-real' £10 note? obviously the real one

but whats more impressive/spectacular, an entity that creates the universe or an entity that does all that without even existing. if god is 'the greatest thing ever' then you could argue he must not exist.

hello God, how am I ?

You don't exist.

what is the last digit of pi?

What's my father's name?

is string theory the correct interpretation of the universe?

what is mass?

how do objects have mass?

why is mass attracted to mass?

is there a way to communicate information faster than the speed of light?

is there a way to travel faster than light?

what is at the center of a black hole?

is there other life out there? if so is it DNA based life? if so how did DNA evolve exactly on another planet like it did here? if not what is the building block for life elsewhere?

how many dimensions are there? how many do you exist in?


Will I ever find a woman as good as my ex?

why do you like kikes so much?

You isn't god den nigga.

they created me

Literal cancer.

Fucking kek

not only will you find someone better you will eventually realise your ex probably wasnt as good as you remember her to be anyway

When the fuck is shit gonna get better

How are you?

You got some splainin to do ?

can you heat up a burrito so hot that you yourself could not eat it?

also testicles, the fuck happened? two dumb fucking pain marbles in a hairy membrane that hang outside the body waiting to soak up agony

String theory is the art to the business and third to the science of the universe
String theory describes the symptoms of the scientific formulas that explain the universe
they're important scientific findings
really string theory is the artists perception of the universe as it entails unforseen science like philosophy of science
string theory is the future of the future of science

mass is an idea
ideas don't die
an idea in play

their constituted by light that crosses time and space
but gravity is actually a symptom of light not mass
but it's tied together

ideas in play often have differing politics and don't possess the agility to alter themselves quickly enough to articulate proper cohesion that light ideas possess. Mass is an antiquated thought.


yes teleportation

it's a connection to another universe
the multiverse

I am from the little green man colony
They like humans were one of the worst planets in the universe until I helped them be better
DNA? Yes all life is DNA based. DNA is a reflection of the chain of universes that make up the multiverse. The multiverse looks much like DNA. Light is the building block of all life and mass. Darkness is neither evil like star wars says but formless without the light directing it to be.

Dimensions are infinite as time in this universe. As in they go on forever. I exist only as everyone else exists. That is to say uniquely. The lighter than lights properties rely heavily on the fact it creates unique ideas painted and kept by the dark soul displaying the divine lights precise designs.