Any user here who believes in the flat earth conspiracy and would dare to explain why somebody would want to make us to...

any user here who believes in the flat earth conspiracy and would dare to explain why somebody would want to make us to believe, that the earth is a sphere?

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your bait has spoiled

okay but why the fuck would people lie about the earth being round? what does anyone have to gain from that?

We flat earthers are all around the globe

i belive nothing

for am i nothing or am i something what makes something something can something be nothing why did he leave u alone at night ? where has all the love gone , are you sure the the sky is blue then how come cleveland still is standing once it is gone we shall be thoughts no more and prayers only a fantasy

how could it be

yes and if only once we could shall that not be could see cause only one flat sky and flat land can be one with you purpose

yea, that's exactly where i'm driving at..

Quit lying to yourself and living in the past.
Hollow Earth is where it's at.

earth's shape is irrelevant because universe itself is flat

clarify your point pls

>explain the meaning of your mental diarrhea

can you breathe in the sky or on the moon ? yes of course you can but why should you moron

>UN logo
No this is how you redshill in a Jewish troll thread....

>come on goyim, flat earth
>it's a conspiracy
>all the other conspiracies must be just as stupid as flat earth
>jews dindu nuffin

No but I believe in pic related

how would you know of jewish practicing ?

surely you must attened jewish traditions , how can you know what knowledge they have organized after years and years of doing so. don't fool yourself stop preaching what you cannot see and keep yourself blinded by the ones who keep the dark shining within

how could i be sure of the jewish

do you even trust what are numbers , they are counted by many but the few , we have lost the time and it is no longer and gone we have all left the cold world is above the sky and present we shall never be because the boom kaboom vroom now drink the blood of the holy and you will see the biggest gift would be from me and death shall no longer cover these lands but only if you knew what the number zero ment to the prince he knows the truce and once you give the sky please yes no maybe

if you knew then how come the answer is right infront of you or are you scared of what you might knew if the answer was forward ? please dont fool yourself if you think you did continue looking past in the future and only remain present

sometimes i feel the world within it self is a world within itself suffering the same fate the world within itself suffers so the suffering of the fallen can suffer within and the implosion of reality is the love that you can see within once you kill off the dead of within

are you the one who wrote

why did you ?how did u feel once you have risen above as the chosen ? why cant you sleep
are you afraid to look away from the light
the darkness is gone from above and given us new songs to rejoice please end our suffering they sung thank you father of forgotten mothers you led us to far into this light now its way to bright satan sought his earning of time but time was no more because the towers were gone now only saturn remains sane , if we had something to give once it is gone are we the giver or the taker they sung the song of the 7 colors and 7 notes and 7 waves so the 13 lover could appear in the sky and once it was shown we did

>you can breathe on the moon

Fucking goyim shills.

Could you rephrase that or something. I'm not sure what you are trying to say

This thread is something elese.

supremely redpilled individual here.

jews and masons hide the flat earth as part of a large scale effort to enslave humanity and create a slave caste that is all equal in gender, skin color, hair color, height, has no religion, no name, no individuality, no rights, no property, no education or knowledge, and believes science dogmatically as it is told to do. think communism, but worldwide. people will be macromanaged via a UBI system built on cryptography, the state will own you and tell you what to do and how. if you refuse your UBI is cut and you cannot enter your house, open your tap of water, eat, drink, flush toilet, turn on computer, or do anything without ubi credits. that's the judeomasonic new world order.

its a lot to take in but you have to understand that these people establish dogmatic beliefs and brainwash them into several generations until new generations self-police for thoughtcrimes. they did this with the flat earth a long time ago, which is why the mere idea of it is grounds for violent ridicule now. same with holocaust, moon landings, gravity, aliens (pure hollywood bullshit but generation after generation is being propagandized into believing their out there), etc. the jews are following a 6000 year plan for world domination via usury, commerce, trade and law. 6000 years in their calendar that is. by the year 6000 they must have brought about the return of their messiah, who will then initiate an era of supreme jewish rule, with every jew owning 2800 goyim slaves (that is you and i). we're currently at the year 5777 (or something like that), and the year 6000 is christian year 2240. so you can tell we're getting kind of close to the end times. jewish moshiach happens to be the christian antichrist.

if you want to understand the jew-gentile dichotomy better you have to study aryan vedic culture. jews are satanic, and agents of demons. aryan peoples are the fragmented consciousnes of god.

the main problem is that your theory of flat-earth still depends on the theory of gravity and i'm not convinced gravity is real, there's still no real proof of that. things stay down that they want to stay down and things rise that they want to rise. end of story. figure out another model of the earth's shape that doesn't revolve around "gravity" and we'll talk.

forgot sexy futa pic for attentioncatching

how would you even begin to explain yourself now then ? huh bub are you smart inside or how if you could even when tell me that so ?????

>thinks of it as is
>was it now because it is
>is it because is it is
>hollow in the depths
>empty minded because is the is when it was it

So ours saying the Catholic Church is Jews?


Not user but yes Christianity in whole was created to appeal to everyone, hence all the stolen lore behind it. Jesus was a Jew, conspiracy? Another religion trying to get you to worship another Jew while following the laws of Moses, another Jew. See the pattern?


how would then the jewish practice ? they have streets in nyc if you look up they have a network that is managed. they are belived themself to be chosened of the peoples to be gods . so they them believe to do so and since they belive they act on that belive as well. they organize them self and thats how they do . notice how magic stores are in every jewish neighboorhood, they study illusions from the begining because we use the eyes but we really see with our minds so its a play on how we percive

this thread is so full of shit india would be jealous

I stopped reading at Mason's. You have no idea what the order is or about.

If Earth is flat then where do earthquakes come from? Where does the magma from volcanoes come from? How can supervolcanoes exist to have that fuckton of a load?


how then then do you know , you surely must then if you do know as such or you are just spewing you because fucking moronic nonsense today like you usually do the. go to back to you to done to fool ?



looks like a curve to me

looks like no actual flat earthers here today. Just trolls

if it is flat, why would you think its a disk? why not a giant cylinder or a cone or a hemisphere? why not a cube or a rectangle?

It's flat but it's not a flat circular disc. It's a flat square, like a tile.

IC copypasta up for grabs here.

holy shit wtf did I read?

Sure. The elite are hiding the fact that God exists. For the atheists: KJV is God's true word preserved for all mankind. Jesus Christ is Lord.

The BIBLE says that the earth is flat and God created it.

If everyone believed in God then they would have more of a reason to be ethical instead of being degenerates.

Jesus said that it would be better for a man to put a mill stone around his neck and to jump into the sea than to hurt a child.

can you imagine if we treated pedos like this? an enormous stone (for those unaware, in old times wheat was ground with stone and it was an enormous stone) tied to a pedo's neck before throwing them in the ocean?

we would live in a world with standards that we all know were set by God. people would hold up governments and rulers to higher ideals.

people wouldn't tolerate disgusting homosexuals and trannies but they would have mercy on them. it wouldn't be like Jamaica where homos live in sewers. they would get the treatment they need. same with trans people. no pronoun modification or anything. a better world.

The elites control people by telling them that we're these insignificant insects flying through space on a mudball. in reality we're made in God's image!

the two views are so greatly contrasting that taking God out of the equation has made it easy for them to create this matrix we live in.

that enough of an answer for you?

a conversation as complex as this doesnt really work when you have to translate what you want to say with google

yes, absolutely. christian church is absolutely an agentur of the jews. they destroyed rome via christian humanism that opened the floodgates to immigrants. sound familiar? whitey has been absolutely castrated via christianity. prophet mohammed was a jew too btw.

you don't, you naive fucklet. i know most lodges are completely benign and have nothing to do with the jewish agenda, but there's those that do.

majority of jews are just dumb arabs. but think rothschild, rockefeller (marrano cryptojews), oppenheimer, warburg, baruch, schiff, etc. they assimilated aristocracy (those they didn't kill atleast, like the romanovs) via freemasonry. saxe coburg gotha (british, dutch and belgian royals are all masons).

also jewish kabbalah is basically quantum physics before whitey discovered quantum physics. it's quite striking and mindblowing. jewish magic is real.

I have more knowledge about reality and earths history then you or any mason

The earth has to be flat if you really think about it ! Although If you really think about it, how much thinking can you actually do if you're thinking? Wouldn't you be thinking ?

All flat earthing is troll. Some of it is to piss off scientist who lie about other shit

whats your bloodtype ?


Do you know why there are even blood types?

if you do then prove it , because you can't and you don't and you won't. you are just a huge mega faggot with the mental capacity of a negress.


no you don't lol.

do you think the holocaust happened?
moon landings happened?
rape of nanking happened?
we have a robot on mars?
einstein was le brainy genius man?
aryans didn't build the pyramids?

if you replied 'yes' to any of those you are a propagandized jew slave retard.

this is a lie.

The Jews were not the original Israelites. They were other races that had converted and married into families descended from Israel.

Jesus was/is God in the flesh. Mary was a true Israelite directly descended from Adam. So it is more correct to say that Jesus was Adam in the sense that His physical body was directly descended from God's original creation.

And Christians don't follow the Mosaic laws. You know nothing.

>jews discovered quantum physics
This is you:
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

After discussing it countless times with friends, we came to conclusion there's only one direct proof that's feasible to ascertain with consumer-grade equipment.

Look at the Moon eclipses. Every single time, the Earth casts a round (inb4 oblate spheroid) shadow on it. Yet we know the Moon's orbit around Earth is tilted (about 5deg, that's good enough). If Earth was flat, or flat-ish, the shadow would be squashed, or just thick line.

For non-observational proof, if you believe most of the current physics, you realize quickly that Earth with reasonable size has not enough internal integrity to remain flat; gravity would squash it pretty quick into something sphere-like.

Why are there user ?

Amazing the direction some of these threads take.

why then we should , how can we manage ourselves if this is the truth ? are we forever doomed ? then how come in space we can be the way we do things that way. for generations to come our grandchildren to protect and serve

how old are you ?


i didn't claim they discovered quantum physics. i said jewish kabbalah is basically quantum physics before whitey discovered quantum physics. i believe aryan brahmin discovered it before modern jews (false jews as one user points out) put it in their kabbalah, but that is speculation.

Well, from what I've heard, flat earthers believe that NASA and our government lie to us about our earth being round and space in general just so they could take our money. They believe that instead of NASA spending that money on space exploration, they instead do nothing but keep our money.

Yeah, flat earthers are actually THAT retarded. Because when the earth was discovered to be round hundreds of years ago since before we funded a government space program, yeah that must've been a lie too.

lrn2engrish fagool

You're full of shit, and to an extent where I don't even know if you're trolling or not.
Nevertheless, you still do not explain why anyone would want to lie about Earth being a sphere.

earth is not flat, it is clearly a shitpile, it has a top that is higher. (image related, i believe it is you)

if you even how could you what it is the

how your father

what the fuck does this gif mean, have you never swum in an ocean?

dont even go with this i have not time for the place in do you make?

>Nevertheless, you still do not explain why anyone would want to lie about Earth being a sphere.

> don't explore goy
> nowhere to flee goy
> there is no god, no higher purpose, just fuck, work and consume goy, accumulate material wealth goy that's the meaning of your existence

also manufactured scarcity increases value. rockefeller jews create the illusion of scarce oil, to control value. oppenheimer jews create the illusion of scarce diamonds, to control value. same with land. we haven't yet seen a land-pegged equivalent to the petrodollar, but we might after the petrodollar age.

It's an answer, just a fucking stupid answer. If religion is the only fucking thing that stops you from going ape shit and killing people, you're a fucking unstable wreck

There is no such thing as a true straight line. ALL lines curve. The universe is round. The universal shape is a sinusoidal wave pattern ad-infinitum.

sure this about you are even if when how you can with time you surely not even going to do

Give it up. Best posts here, and the seasoned anons, are using hasty, concise and somewhat loose language.
Sometimes a good "NO U" is worth more than full-on grammar nazi and 100 tits.

Jesus Christ.... No wonder people think conspiracy theorists are fucking whackjobs. I know that our world's leaders are all reprehensible scumfucks, I'm not denying that. But you have to be really pathetic to be THIS damn delusional.

can you be the good man if this want i have mean it is will be just for you. did you?

and you're ugly. nice ad hominem mate. everyone starts out thinking the way you do. it's all true, no matter how wacky it sounds. laughing and scoffing is a very agreeable reaction to these claims, but that doesn't change their truthfulness.

listen to jfk's talk on the judeomasonic conspiracy. research nonkosher jewish history, it'll start falling into place. in any case you'll see the development throughout your life. think of user when you're 90 and can see what jews are doing to the world.

The universe is a fractal. Infinite

no one cares what you think

could be good man yes but could have never been it was not consumption
by consumed if only once I could I wont worked and saved to healthy mostly pictured good sleep dreams with such the the

Expanding earth theory. Our planet when formed was a tight mass of a ball. After impact with our current moon, the mass was diminished allowing centrifical force to expand it to the current size. Plate tectonics is mostly bullshit. This is how the continents got their shape and position.

>world = mental construct

Pls correct your English if you want to have and actual conversation. I have no idea what you are asking me

I learned the 10 commandments in Catholic school, was told to follow. You know shit.


>and actual conversation

Illuminati like some lulz as much as anybody.

nope, sorry to say that there are a lot of flat earthers that are actually serious about it. and these people vote. lot of them are Trump fans too. not surprised.

>flat earthers believe that NASA and our government lie to us about our earth being round and space in general just so they could take our money.
it's true though, NASA does mostly pointless crap and they take money from willing and unwilling people. What justification they use matters little.

Jesus/god Thor/Odin Hercules/Zeus
Again Christianity is just another rip off all other myths.

>that are actually serious about it.

Are these the things you consider earth history? You are way behind friend. Let go of the trendy concepts and dig into the real shit user, everything you listed is elementary. Get into some upper level red pilling knowledge.

Your anger and profanity is what blocks you mentally.

Yea as you can see here it is way for people to rectify their world view with reality, most are Christians and supremely paranoid. Also it just seems to feed into other shit, rabbit hole kind of effect. Yes the government lies and does stupid shit, but mostly because it is inept. Occasionally it is a conspiracy, but really the government just seems to be terrible at doing lots of things, and the conspiracies serve to his this

It's the most annoying bait to troll the elite scientific community. The same community who trying to convince everyone that co2 is a horrible greenhouse gas that's going to destroy the planet because of a normal, natural phenomenon called climate change. Global warming didn't happen so they had to make up another enemy they could count on. Regular earth weather. So everytime there is a storm, drought or beautiful day is because of co2. Which is only .04% of the entire atmosphere and is hardly a greenhouse gas at all and is good for the plant life on our planet.

>NASA does mostly pointless crap
oh yea? you must work for NASA to know what they're doing and why they're doing it.
so what's your job title? which installation do you work at? do you have top secret clearance?