Reminder that Rick and Morty would support Net Neutrality, and that you should too

Reminder that Rick and Morty would support Net Neutrality, and that you should too

If you don't your literally retarded.

Other urls found in this thread:

The (((FCC)))

Yeah, unless the government regulates the Intertubes, all is lost.

Also reminder that ending net neutrality is part of the Government's plan to stop the masses from developing class consciousness by allowing capitalist corporations to stamp out websites that call out their crimes

>supports government regulation
Im not saying NN is bad but youre a moron

So youre saying Rick would support corporate control of small website access? I don't know whats gayer, this premise or your opinion.

>net neutrality
>actually means giving final control to politicians
>...who take corporate bribes
>politicians are great guys

Lol okay.

>your literally retarded

My literally retarded what?

It's the Jews

Yeah, we can trust big business to act in our best interest.

You, you are.

no u

Literally no one on Sup Forums doesn't support net neutrality

we have to not read it wong,
cause i support net neutrality, but seriuously is not like they are gonna screw that,
not gonna happen in a million year.

>no one doesn't

Yes rick is basically a libertarian.

Go to and some people just don't get it

Baited like fuck

I'm happy to see this Obama-era regulation rescinded.

The biggest misconception about net neutrality is that it would be the communication companies limiting and charging more for access.



>Government Regulation

do you even watch the show shill?

the only thing its look like it already started,
we are doomed.

do you even understand your argument?

Except communication companies have already been sued for limiting and charging more for access, and the lost the lawsuit because they were in violation of net neutrality laws. So you are going to sit there and say these same companies that tried to do businesses illegally will not do it again after it becomes legal? Read the image to the left again.

and your mom is basically a truckstop ho. I have as much proof as you.

they were sued by the FTC, and there are no net neutrality laws. Let me prove the latter: name the law. Protip: it doesn't exist.

OP meant to say your are

Title II rules are not laws, newfriend.

I support anything that takes power from the little guy and gives it to corporations. Hail Trump.

In this case, the little guy is Nteflix, valued at $84,000,000,000.

and Sup and your shitty blog about being a genderfluid attack helicopterkin.

protip: ISPs being classed as utility was the "law".

I don't blog; blogging is for narcissists.
Why do you think Sup Forums goes away if the rules return to 2015?


No, those were FCC rule changes. Specifically, Title II rules.

Regulations are going to exist no matter what. "Deregulation" is a lie. The only question is, who will the regulations favor? Large corporations and the few at the top, or all citizens?

Net Neutrality grantees fair and open access for ALL citizens and companies. This has been the operating principal of the internet since its inception.

Obama didn't make new rules. He codified the ones we were already living by specifically because telecoms were attacking our ability to access content freely.

The end of Net Neutrality is just one more way for large corporations to fleece the American people by gimping our access and then selling us our current access at a higher cost.


Companies doing shit you claim they won't do if net neutrality goes away.

>Regulations are going to exist no matter what.
There are no government regulations requiring which lotion you use to jerk your dick. You can even do it without lotion.
Lots of things are not regulated.
No reason whatsoever to "fix" the internet by putting politicians in charge.

Where did I claim anything of the sort?

>The end of Net Neutrality is just one more way for large corporations to fleece the American people by gimping our access and then selling us our current access at a higher cost.

Yet, oddly, Net neutrality was pushed through with big money from Google. They wanted the internet declared a public utility so they could gain access to utility poles for their fiber network instead of paying like other ISPs.

>OH WAIT- Google's motto is "Do No Evil". So, this has to be good, right? ALL HAIL GOOGLE!

everything gets choked unless it pays the premium. thats called unrestrained capitalism. neutrality laws restrict pricing bias to favored companies. There are neutrality laws in place for freight, utilities, telephone, railroads, and every other common carrier.

Another odd bit of data: the GOP was against net neutrality and Dems for it, yet all these telecoms who are supposed to be poised to fuck us over gave twice as much to Dems as to the GOP in 2016.

I fully support the government running the internet. After all, they did such a great job with the post office, student loans, healthcare and the veterans administration.

I remember the internet pre-2015. None of your hysteria was actualized.
Usually, liberals like you mock the idea that we need laws to solve non-existent problems.

The biggest proponents of net neutrality on the internet are Google, Facebook, and Twitter... 3 companies guilty as fuck of censoring opposing ideas.

b-but you don't understand...they COULD do it! They COULD!!!!!!! And "what ifs" are the biggest danger to humanity and the known universe!

as opposed to what? everyone eventually gets sick and goes bankrupt if they arent a wage slave? you know UPS and Fedex depend on the USPS, right?

I feel the toxicity of the internet and trolls have leaked out into the real world, kids acually joke about killing themselves because they learn of the meme online and quite frankly the internet became a heaven for freedom but now its used to encourage suicide, share peoples most tragic moments and deaths, share nudes to exact revenge, now theres just way more harm than good anymore, its time to tighten the reigns and make people take responsibility for what they use the internet for, the only reason most people want to keep it neutral is because they're paranoid for what they have used it for and what they will still try to use it for after the repeal /thread


>There are no government regulations requiring which lotion you use to jerk your dick.

But there ARE regulations that prevent that lotion from being poisonous.

>No reason whatsoever to "fix" the internet by putting politicians in charge.

Here's what you are not getting. Politicians are NOT in charge. Politicians haven't been in charge for at least thirty years. Corporations are in charge. Everything you hate is because the corporations have been running the show for a generation, and THIS America is what we get for it. Stagnant wages, rising costs of living, a shrinking middle class, and a rising poverty line. No law gets passed without the specific OK of a corporation.

Somewhere along the way, they talked you out of having a representative government. They convinced you that the people we're supposed to be electing to champion OUR rights, OUR needs, and OUR causes no longer are beholden to the people. That is EXACTLY what they want you to believe. Because if you believe that, then you'll check out and leave the corporations to run the show. And who are the corporations? A handful of elites.

Every time you talk about politicians as the enemy, you shit on the founding principals of this nation. You shit on the ideal of a Nation by the people, for the people.

No business is your friend. They are out to take everything you have. They are there to grind you to death on the production line and then throw your ass away when they are done with you. And the only pay you'll receive is just enough to spend it all putting a roof over your head and food on the table. Nothing more. no way to get ahead. And if you get sick, then just fucking die. THAT is who you are "protecting".

>doesn't understand how markets mature and shake out the weak.

The internet was 20 years old in 2015. most of it was built in the last 10 years.

Yes, YES! Let the government take over all businesses. They know best! I only buy GM now because the government saved them and they're now the best car.

Google's business model is reliant on open internet.

What are you going to do when you can no longer Google things? Are you going to be happy paying an extra 50 dollars a month just so you can not receive sub-par Bing-like results from your ISP, and instead have the "Premium" results of a Google search?

>thinks corporate control is best
enjoy being a prole forever.


That was "hedging their bets". They assumed the dems were going to win, so they were buying our congressmen in advance.

There is a big difference between "censoring content on the website YOU own", and censoring what websites people can get to.

The First Amendment does NOT extend into PRIVATE PROPERTY. And when you go onto someone else's website, you are essentially entering into their private property.

I'm sorry Facebook and twitter won't let you go on your antisemitic rants.

But you know what? You can't go into a Wal-Mart and do that either. Try it. Goo into a Wal-Mart, stand in front of the check out lanes, and yell at people about the Jew Conspiracy. Set a timer, and see how long it takes for you to get thrown out on your ass. And then, be sure to get irate and start yelling about your First Amendment rights and refuse to leave the property. Once again, set a timer and see how long it takes before your ass gets hauled away to jail.

Your Freedom of Speech is a limitation placed on THE GOVERNMENT. They can't stop you. A corporation, on the other hand, they can toss your ass to the curb. And that is exactly what is happening on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

So in short, you don't like what corporations can do to you, but you insist on handing them all of the power.

OH look. Someone who knows what they are talking about and can express the concepts in a succinct manner shuts down the whole fucking thread.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.


But it wasn't.

I was the /thread you fucking faggot.

Everyone decided they didn't want to be involved when they realized how much of an idiot you are. It's just a waste of time, you know?

OP here, can confirm this thread was not
not bait, thanks for all your responses though

>implying people around here don't fucking love chewing on idiots.

I have an alternative theory. I give no quarter. Fucking dumb cunts can't say anything against me because they're the fucking idiots.

I lay it out clear as a fucking bell and it leaves nothing left to be said, expect for some weaselly little cunt like you to throw a weak-ass fucking punch that's not even on topic.

Sit the fuck down shitbag.

Wait is there anyone on here who actually doesn’t support Net Neutrality?
We need it to use Sup Forums, a free internet is what allows us to access what we want to and shitpost in places like this. Imagine an internet where the sites allowed are similar to the news pages on Snapchat’s stories. You’d actually be living in a world where the internet shows you what others want you to see, that’s insane.

>I'm sorry Facebook and twitter won't let you go on your antisemitic rants.

Bullshit. Conservatives are getting throttled, shadowbanned, and otherwise removed from social media because of the unfair biases and vague community guideline postings of said social media websites.

The fact of the matter is that social media is so intrinsic to the expression of freedom of speech at this point it is unconscionable to continue brushing aside demands for a freedom of speech on social media.

"But the first amendment doens't apply!"

Yet it should, and you're a political opportunist that is more interested in dicking over a perceived enemy -- an opportunist that would also be demanding free speech had the roles been reversed.


corporate shill detected. gfys with a rusty fork.

just start to yell in a walmart and watch yourself being thrown out.

reusing the same image, being this fag.

Ayyy lmao, looking for sum fellow shitposting nibba's

CKp9HHW, obviously this is the end of a discord link c;

wasn't me brainstem.

then why did you answer for someone else ?

I didn't answer. I pointed out that some retard was shilling for big business. If you don't understand this stuff you should probably fuck off.


honest question: what is internet neutrality?

All Internet traffic is treated the same
FBI tips and Loli threads, none takes priority over another

without it the Internet is no longer the inter connected network of computers

It's Facebook for all

What about my literally retarded?

why is this being discussed though? Anything happened to disturb this?

"Rick and Morty"? Only a plebeian worm would engage in viewing broadcasts of such a sad and idiotic show. Unlike you low IQ apes, I please my optical sensors with only the finest of entertainment. I'll bet that you're inquiring as to what source of entertainment I am referring to. Although I don't expect you to comprehend it, the television show in question is "Young Sheldon". You see, the humor is vastly superior to that of "Rick and Morty". First of all "Rick and Morty" relies heavily on improvisional comedy, while the intellectual humor of "Young Sheldon" is scripted and well thought out before being presented to an audience. Second of all "Rick and Morty" is extremely unfaithful to its source material (Back to the Future, for you simpletons) while "Young Sheldon" is just as good if not better than watching "The Big Bang Theory". I could go on and on about how "Rick and Morty" is vastly inferior to "Young Sheldon" but I highly doubt that you have the mental capability to process such logic. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pour a glass of brandy whilst I redigest the latest episode of "Young Sheldon" so I can make an entry about it to the "Young Sheldon" wikia. Hopefully, I can forget about ever having the displeasure of interacting with you. Sigh... How tedious.

FCC has a bill called "save the Internet" or some other bullshit like that

They wanna micro transaction everything

And you were doing so well.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

being retarded isn't bait

Reminder that you're a beta faggot if you've ever watched that show.

We're all beta faggots dumb ass
that's what Sup Forums stands for

no, it stands for "random". read a word once in a while

welcome to the united corporations of America my friend, and it will only get worse. my question is can we stop it by any means short of revolution?

Agreed about Net Neutrality. Rick and Morty is shit though.

>be me
>live in Canada
>most undercover corrupt country in the world
>citizens are getting robbed at ever turn
>fees on everything
>monopoly and oligopoly in every major industry
>ISPs some of the worst in the world
>net neutrality will be abolished here for sure
>Canadians will take it in the ass like they always do and ask for extra drips of cum in the mouth too


>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to support Net Neutrality.

I hope the shit passes. I hope the internet gets gassed in the process and normies get angry.

Why are stupid people always so literal?

Apperently you don't know how to read
Op said Rick would support net neutrality
Meaning he would be against the government controlling the internet

So many idiots itt thinking op said he would be against net neutrality

Rick and Morty are for gay niggers

Why would Rick Sanchez even CARE about NN? He could just put a tube of Thalaxian AEthernet gel on the modem and have INTER-DIMENSIONAL INTERNET I!!!!!! bitches. Where you could "legally" DL porn that gives you your first mindgasm (and you ejaculate golden[14k] mucus from your nose, and a little bit from your mouth), after which normal ejaculation is slightly dull.