First post here before. I'm asking for your help. I don't know if there's any justice here for this but trust me...

First post here before. I'm asking for your help. I don't know if there's any justice here for this but trust me, this guy deserves it.
He has harassed me and my friends and tried to grope several girls at the school. School won't do anything because they say we don't have proof. Only 2 of us have been able to come forward because we are scared.

Maybe ya'll have some underground internet stuff that can make his life hell?

Shaun Donelly; pic related
@donshaunelly on pretty much everything, I've heard from his ex-friend that he plays xbox a lot too
Mojave High School
idk where he lives but it's somewhere near the corner of Clearwater Dr & Marina Blvd in Bullhead, AZ

Idk what else to do but I want him to pay.

Other urls found in this thread:

.listen and believe


You doxxing little cunt

looks like a cool guy

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

>We don't have any proof
Are you a female? If so show tits


Can you not find where he lives and do something for yourself? Don't think im coming at you sideways but this seems like a personal revenge scenario. I think you could make his life hell. Just think outside the box.


What kind of proof do you need? It's not like I know when he's going to do it to someone and I'm not constantly filming him. I don't want it to come back to me. That's why.

just bend over and take it like a champ.

not your personal army

so we just take some anons word for it? LOL fuck off.

OP, did you confuse Sup Forums with tumblr? You're a long way from home.

create shit accounts in twitter, then call feminists bitches to make your army and attack him, you faggot.

if this guy bullies you, you have to tell him to fuck off and go somewhere else, try not to get offended by what he does

best thing to do is to ignore him

he also looks like a good bottom, i'd personally go and bareback him


Consider suicide

Kick his ass, pay someone to kick his ass? He looks like he sucks cock for a living. Shouldn't be hard. Do some of your own recon work and fuck his life up. Without proof no one here will help you.

This isn't Tumblr retard. NYPA

If you hate him that much just hit the gym and whoop his ass.

NYPA First NYPA post NYPA here NYPA before. NYPA I'm NYPA asking NYPA for NYPA your NYPA help. NYPA I NYPA don't NYPA know NYPA if NYPA there's NYPA any NYPA justice NYPA here NYPA for NYPA this NYPA but NYPA trust NYPA me, NYPA this NYPA guy NYPA deserves NYPA it.
NYPA He NYPA has NYPA harassed NYPA me NYPA and NYPA my NYPA friends NYPA and NYPA tried NYPA to NYPA grope NYPA several NYPA girls NYPA at NYPA the NYPA school. NYPA School NYPA won't NYPA do NYPA anything NYPA because NYPA they NYPA say NYPA we NYPA don't NYPA have NYPA proof. NYPA Only NYPA 2 NYPA of NYPA us NYPA have NYPA been NYPA able NYPA to NYPA come NYPA forward NYPA because NYPA we NYPA are NYPA scared.

NYPA Maybe NYPA ya'll NYPA have NYPA some NYPA underground NYPA internet NYPA stuff NYPA that NYPA can NYPA make NYPA his NYPA life NYPA hell?

NYPA Shaun NYPA Donelly; NYPA pic NYPA related NYPA
NYPA @donshaunellyNYPA on NYPA pretty NYPA much NYPA everything, NYPA I've NYPA heard NYPA from NYPA his NYPA ex-friend NYPA that NYPA he NYPA plays NYPA xbox NYPA a NYPA lot NYPA too
NYPA Mojave NYPA High NYPA School
NYPA idk NYPA where NYPA he NYPA lives NYPA but NYPA it's NYPA somewhere NYPA near NYPA the NYPA corner NYPA of NYPA Clearwater NYPA Dr NYPA & NYPA Marina NYPA Blvd NYPA in NYPA Bullhead, NYPA AZ

NYPA Idk NYPA what NYPA else NYPA to NYPA do NYPA but NYPA I NYPA want NYPA him NYPA to NYPA pay.

B-but I s-saw the n-news s-say t-the hacker f-fourchan w-was p-part of t-the internet h-hate m-machine. Th-they said t-the hacker f-fourchan w-was a-almighty. P-Please Sup Forums h-hack him, b-be anonymous

> First post here before
> Maybe ya'll have some underground internet stuff
> Coz I am cute girl and don't understand Sup Forums teehee
> uses term 'pic related'

We're not your personal army you fucking faggot and you know it. Get back to /r9k/ and stop being so jealous of this Chad.

Come on guys lets do something. We haven't done anything worth doing for years. And besides he looks like a douche.

Ok sorry, I don't know how all this stuff works. I just heard that it's happened before. Thank you for the advice I guess. I'm just trying to have something be done. Not trying to piss you guys off.

I'd LOVE to "do something", but not help some little faggot with his personal vendettas. I'm happy to go raid some jews or whatever


We? gfto newfag, you haven't done shit

I'd say just record him with your phone for a straight week whenever you see him. Get a ton of shit on him then bring it to the school. Or just fucking beat him up after school. (Also, word of advice, don't try asking Sup Forums for things, we're all cunts.)


Reported op to fbi have fun in the pokey faggot. Doxxing is a fed offense in Az.

good job, fellow user

show bobs and vagine

You're a faggot tho

Oh sheeeeit negga

Well done user!


>old man cuck dildo

> those tabs
> read from right to left
> how to unrape sister
> topfuckingkek

>aborted feetus porn


someone's mom burnt the tendies again

i sent a screencap of your post to Terri Sutton, Principal Secretary of Mohave High School on [email protected]

>The tabs

fuckin rekt

sandwich man?

Nice, I've messaged Mr. Donnelly, hopefully he'll know who this little bitch is

Why don't you just fucking record him groping a girl who clearly doesn't enjoy it? Fucking dumbass, if you want something done, do it yourself.

on the topic of /r9k/, I know someone who only goes on it and says Sup Forums disgusts him. Wat do?

Gotta learn to do this stuff yourself lady.

Wow, you embody /b

You guys all have no soul.

is this opera/

REEEE CHAD: The thread

We have -2 souls

it's chrome you nigger

>Fed offense
>in Az
pick one

okok but what exactly is a "chrome"?

It's a sort of large black marital aid. Not that guy btw, but you wanted an answer


He looks like a Chad and that's enough for a death sentence


Nice little fake story OP, but I don't dig it. I bet this dude just stole your gf and you're salty as fuck over it and now you want Sup Forums to be your personal army.

Watch yo profamity


proof or gtfo

God among men, FACT.


You might be new but you know the rules