After spending 5 months digging deep into the Salty Demonic Poop Cult created by Jillian Epperly...

After spending 5 months digging deep into the Salty Demonic Poop Cult created by Jillian Epperly, I have returned to the place I originally leaked this story. I now have over 4500 screenshots and every single video Jillian Epperly has ever uploaded. I also have a copy of her "book." My research has uncovered what I believe to be just one tentacle of a much larger, much more sinister leviathan.

I firmly believe that this is one of the most paranormal things I have ever encountered on the internet. I believe this is a social media experiment that is being protected by Facebook and other agencies. I have been banned, censored, trolled, bullied, harassed and internet stalked as a result of exposing this dangerous experiment. I have unwavering determination to slay this dark evil leviathon. I am here to publicly report on my findings.

Children and Pets continually subjected to excessive amounts of salty cabbage water. Bloody diapers and pooping stomach lining have been reported.

This is a video of a 12 year old child passing stomach lining after being subjected to a salty cabbage water enema:

This is a blog that has proof of children being bribed into drinking salt water

The SS I am attaching is a 3 year old child who is continually subjected to this salt protocol. Notice the dark circles under her eyes? They are getting worse.

In this video, you can watch that 3 year old child being given a syringe full of salty cabbage water. Her mother calls it "juice"--watch as the childs trusting face changes once she tastes the salt water.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jillian Epperly continues to give her dog unmeasured amounts of her salty cabbage water recipe. Jillian has stated that when she rescued her dog, her dog was suffering from severe skin allergies. However, based on my investigative research I have been able to create a photographic timeline showing her dog's skin declining after being given the recipe

Children appear to be passing stomach lining after being subjected to the jillian epperly protocol,

picture related

it was a stool sample collected by a mother who subjected her child to the "jilly juice"

Jilly has become militant with doxxing researchers who expose her dangerous protocol.All proper law enforcement agencies have been contacted. It is currently unknown if there is an open investigation into the poop cult. All child abuse content remains live and available as of 12/3/2017.

For those who are unfamiliar,
Jillian Epperly has created a private, members-only group on facebook. Members are required to answer questions in order to join the cult. Jillian Epperly has brainwashed people in her cult. Jillian tells people that "The Elite" have created "weaponized parasites" that are dispersed via "chemtrails", vaccines, food, and even claims that the water we drink is polluted with these "programmed parasites."

Dont worry-Jilly offers a 1 size fits all protocol that will purge the body of these demonic parasites. Her recipe is: 1 tbs salt+ 2 cups cabbage+ 2 cups water fermented for 3 days. She tells people to drink up to a gallon per day for the rest of your life.

A large amount of the people within the Poop Cult have supernatural belief systems. Many believe in conspiracy theories and paranormal ideas like demonic possession. A lot of people have "Morgellons" and believe that vaccines cause autism.

Jillian states that weaponized parasites have demonic souls that control our thoughts, our emotions, and even influence our personality. Some of the poop cult minions admit to having supernatural conversations with the parasites that live inside of them. Jillian states that if the parasite infection goes on too long, people basically become "sock puppets" to the parasite.

take this to /x/ and Sup Forums
their more willing o help i bet

they banned me on multiple occasions, im not sure why.

I have proof that Jilly has hired trolls to create disinformation about her protocol. Jilly told her trolls that she wanted to "desensitize people to the idea that the fetus is not apart of the woman" Why would she do that? Jilly tells breastfeeding mothers they are infecting their children with parasites via breastmilk. Jilly tells parents her recipe is safe for infants. I have evidence of a reported 14-month-old baby who suffered 2 seizures the same week being given the protocol. This person was banned and blocked for reporting the side effect.

Prob because you don't believe Paranormal Activity is a real footage or are neonazi

Fucked up shit dude

Time to go an hero :)

One of the brainwashing techniques that Jillian Epperly uses is to repeat the mantra that "pain is healing." People are drinking toxic amounts of salt, poisoning their bodies, and being told its a sign that the body is being purged of the parasites.

Side Effects of drinking "jillyjuice" include seizures, convulsions, internal tremors, internal vibrating, neurological issues like half the body going numb, hyponatremia, physical pain, migraines, edema, uncontrolled bowels, bleeding from the anus, confirmed permanent kidney scarring and confirmed permanent esophagus damage. I have an entire folder dedicated to dental issues, people reporting soft teeth/loose gums/tooth pain and one person lost a tooth. Reports of brain fog, uncontrollable rage and anger are also common reports.

I wrote this blog to discuss and debunk the alleged herx reactions that are being reported in the poopcult.

2 people who had cancer died the same month they did Jillys protocol. Despite this fact, Jilly continues to state her recipe is safe for cancer and can reverse cancer.

In this video, Jillian Epperly BACKTRACKS on her original statements regarding people with protocol using her recipe. This video was published Aug 28, 2015. In this video, Jillian Epperly states that "really good people are advising me". Who is advising Jillian Epperly? BTW, Since this video was published, Jilly has retracted her statements and continues to advocate for people with cancer and who are in hospice to be using her protocol.

??? wtf is this, do i have to be american to know about this

These people are turning themselves into leather from the inside out. They are drinking up to 4 tablespoons of salt per day

I don't have time to read all this


Nah, even eurofags are doing the protocol now. This is pretty much a 1st world problem at this point because Jillys Poop Cult minions are spreading like an infection to other parts of the internet.

This ss shows a lady that thinks the parasites give her a 45 min orgasm

Yea, but who cares? why does it matter?

have never heard of this before, but it's beyond retarded

If it kills off stupid people then whats the problem?

b...but what if it's all true?

lady forms poop cult, convinces people to abuse salt laxative and poison pets and children

people poop stomach lining and think its a good thing

Jillian is a coprophilliac who loves to stick #3InTheStink to make herself poop. She also poops on live stream, sharts, and does a bunch of over vile disgusting shit.

Vid related...its jilly talking about how much she loves to poop her pants

user's right OP, talk to /x/ and Sup Forums, maybe push this to YouTubers like Mr. Metokur or Phillip DeFranco. Hell, talk to InfoWars.

I guess the problem is that these people are also killing innocents by proxy (their kids)

children and pets are being harmed

i have reports of a 14 month old baby having 2 seizures

1 dog foamed at the mouth and had a seizure

children pooping their own stomach lining and having bloody diapers

>Could go longer if I had the time

I am the lead researcher exposing Jillian Epperly's salty asshole. I can confirm everything I have stated with proof.

I have 4500 ss and so much video content.

Jilly literally posts about sticking 3 fingers up her ass to pull out poop ALL THE TIME

This is some fucked up shit.

their kids are probably stupid too, and if you have proof, just notify the police.

Even though jilly loves to stick 3 fingers inside her loose asshole, her poop cult minions can only stick 2 up there.

explain to me how different babys/kids can or can not be stupid. stop trying to be edgy, faglord

So? There's people doing the same thing with bleach. Google "miracle mineral supplement"

I have notified all proper agencies, cps, local and state police, the medical board.

Ive been actively trying to get this poop cult shut down for 5 months, nobody does anything.

The child abuse content is still live, pic related, another infant being given salty cabbage water

Yup, Im aware of the bleach cult enema and I believe this is a new age bleach cult that is much worse....

2 people have died because Jilly told them to drink a gallon of salt water a day to cure their cancer


if theyre the kids of people who think this stuff does anything, or that the parents havent noticed the problems then the kids are probably idiots too.

not to mention kids with parents like this are probably homeschooled to learning retarded shit.


High five user. Now you can kill them all.

keep on fighting the good fight user

you'll probably be more successful if you don't call it a "poop cult"

Fucking hell, this is insane

ill be honest, never heard of this shit, but i wouldnt mind this bitch being killed. user, you might not be getting results, but youre doing a great job, someone find out where she lives, and kill her.

Bump to spread awareness

>the parents are retarded, so the kids are retarded too
you do know your mother is more stupid than moldy bread, right? I see no other explanation for your logic

Oh, you're back. Not much progress eh?

have you tried contacting facebook support about this?

Some people from Jillian's past are starting to surface and share their experiences with Jillian Epperly. MANY people have alleged that Jilly has a long history of plagerism. I am currently dissecting Jilly's book and double/tripple checking her content to see where she plagerized. It is a daunting task. Here is the chapter list of Jilly's book:

The chapters of her book are
1. Introduction
2. Candida and probiotics overview
3. My journey
4. The human body
5. Candida, vaccines, and the food supply
Biotechnology and academia
6. How my book was born
7. How probiotics work, expectations
8. Who should and should not do it
Belief systems, mainstream media
9. Mind control

Her book is written like her "files"-complete word salad. I think at one point around chapter 8 she even talks about pooping in her bathtub and scooping the turds into the toilet to hide it from her husband. I have a video of Jilly where she admits the shower drain was clogged up. There is now a hole in Jillys roof where they had plumbing issues. Its because Jilly loves to shit in her shower. Its nasty af.

At the end of the original SS, a poop minion claims that only 1 person has died on protoocl and that we are "Reaching" by saying he died from the juice.
What I find most interesting about the exchange found within this SS is that nearly all of the Poop Minions are still unaware that there have been TWO deaths assoicated with Jilly Juice.

I have continually exposed the truth about Jenny Rink being bullied and mocked by the poop cult before and after her death. Jillian Epperly and her group continue to deny the death and advocate that its safe to drink toxic levels of salt.

In this video, Jillian Epperly says bruce wilmot was not aggressive enough with her salty cabbage juice:

Just saying stupid shouldnt reproduce. This is probably the closest thing to eugenics.

This is fucked up

Nope, Not a goddamn thing has happened t other than these poop cult minions attempting to cyber stalk me.

Here's hoping she kills herself with her batshit-crazy regime before an innocent kid dies

Someone tl'dr this for me
Somebody is saying making your kids drink salt water reverses Down Syndrome?

Love these threads make a youtube video


Only women can be this fucking retarded, I swear!

I thought so too. I even wrote an entire blog trying to debunk her protocol.

Nobody cared about this content until I called it a poop cult.

Also, Jillian herself calls it a poop cult and so do many of her minions.

Ok, then surely you're aware that even if you manage to tear down this one person, or break up the entire "cult" that another one is going to swoop in with some equally dumb shit to exploit people with, right?

I just need to confirm that you know that this is a Sisyphean pursuit and nothing real will be gained from it

I did, this is my video:

Having a real domain and not .wordpress would help

The shit retards waste their time with never ceases to amaze me. Who cares dude. Go get a (new) hobby, play video games or workout , get a girlfriend, fuck off.

I have managed to stop 15 people from continually poisoning themselves, their children and/or their pets.

These are major victories for me. I will not stop.

Tits or GTFO

I'd like to stick my fingers in Jenifer Beldins ass

obviously, doing this thing is worth more than doing the other thing. trust me, I'm an expert. now do what I tell you.


Im a fucking crypto millionaire, Ill do whatever the fuck I want. Right now, i am exposing jillian epperly and her salty asshole.

Check out this video, its of a woman who has been drinking the jilly juice for 52 days and she looks really ill:

ffs, keep this shit on infinity chan.

Or maybe spend time dwelling on real corruption and conspiracies like off shore money laundering or north korean assassinations. You know, not, facebook poop cult. Fucking idiots.

>looking like a zombie isn't normal, but on jews it is

Send all to the police?

Based on my 5 months of activism, the only place I can post this content is Sup Forums

every other board is full of fucking faggotry that censors me

Dude I fucking applaud you. I hope you have success with this shit because this is fucked up

I have repeatedly sent my content to Canton Ohio police and the AG

I guess there's not much you can do about it other than keep reporting to authorities until they give a shit. Facebook support not cooperating?

What did she find in her butt!?

More like some basement dwelling faggot wasting its time either way. You're worth nothing your moneys worth nothing this shits worth nothing.

That’s one crazy bitch


"Jillian Epperly claims that her recipe 1 tbs salt + 2 cups cabbage+ 2 cups water fermented for 3 days and consuming up to a gallon per day of this mixture is a panacea for every ailment known to man." That's a lot of salt. The product of the fermentation is probably whats damaging the intestines. The salt is overloading the kidneys so I'd imagine doing this for too long would result in death from dehydration. Like drinking sea water.

I don't want to be meanie here, but if someone believes that a gallon of salt water will cure him of anything, maybe, just maybe, he/she really deserves to get what comes with it...


Yeah... this might be mother nature and her all powerful natural selection. I just feel bad for the children.

I just checked out some youtube videos. There are actually recipes for cabbage juice, which is fine. Some actually DO suggest to add a tablespoon of salt. Furthermore, they also tell people to use distilled water in the video i saw. That's harmful because it absorbs minerals from the cells it touches.
I don't think, that there is a possible way of stopping this. People will start this and then stop at some point, just like lifting heavy weights and fucking up their joints, using vodka infused tampons and shoving them up their asses to get drunk and other crap like that.
The harm this does to children and dogs is a problem, but it won't stop.
Maybe you guys can help by flagging all videos that you can find.
Hoping, that OP is not staging this in order to become a famous internet-hero.

At least they got water, food and a roof over the head.

Drinking a gallon of that shit is taking in 8 tbs of salt. That is a mind boogling 55 thousand milligrams of sodium. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2300 mg of salt a day, or about a teaspoon of salt.

This bitch be crazy.

A grapeseed. She tried to tell her minons that it was a parasite egg.

This is one of th craziest fucking things I’ve ever seen on /b.

what is it with whackos and their love for incoherent rambling in run-on-sentences
does ingestion of copious amounts of salt also dehydrate your sense of grammar and sentence structure?

doesn't matter if it's schizos talking about lizard aliens, soccer moms complaining about the gubberments latest chemtrail efforts or natural/spiritual cancer remedy whackjobs, they all love their fucking run-on-sentences

so, any way the average user can help you here OP? what can we do?

This user is right. Look what happened to Do5. Phillip has a massive base that'll bring light to this, putting pressure on the local law enforcement. Not only that, but Phil will lose his shit when he sees the stomach lining in the diapers. You can expect a massive response from him.

I have over 60 vids on that youtube channel.... they are private right now. Ill make them public right now just for you.

I need help compiling a wiki. I don't understand how to build a wiki.

I believe it is a form of brainwashing/mind control

I don’t think this bitch understands how the human body works at all

>reversing age process

All of this shit seems similar to the things L Ron Hubbard was doing when he started Scientology

I am not trying to be famous. I legit do not want people hurt by this crazy bitch. Goldie the dog has a seizure, and I fucking love dogs ok.

I have been criticised so much for researching this disgusting vile woman. I literally dont care what anyone thinks about my intentions, I have been clear from the beginning. I have no desire to gain money or fame from this stupid woman.

I want her stopped.

Yes, Jillian literally accuses people of "actively aging" and she thinks she may be able to live until shes 300 years old.

>these people are actually killing their dogs, even some that are already 12 years old anyway
shit's disgusting

this cult has ruined the word "juice" for me.....I wont stop until this is over

Hey pretty lady wanna come by my place and down a couple salty cabbage shakes then fuck?

Jilly is a psycho bitch who thinks she is going to "shapeshift" from drinking her salty cabbage water. In this SS she says she thinks her recipe may grow back a circumcised penis.

She bans anyone in her cult for questioning salt levels, watch this video:

If this is all true dont post it to Sup Forums, send it to local news or w/e if you actually want to get shit done