What triggers you the most?

What triggers you the most?
I will start

Education also includes religion. It doesn't have to, but it is a major topic in humanity so why not?



It's the Jevvs

Dumbfucks who will not stop crying about Trump. The only thing that has changed for me since his election is having to hear these retarted fucks cry everyday just shut the fuck up seriously.

>this is Jewish

Trump??? Nobody is talking about the usa kys i hate americans and their hurrdurr usa is the world

Pants on head retarded usage of the English language. Examples:

Could of, would of, should of

How many bird's are outside?

I am literally dead/you're literally retarded (using literally as an intensifier)

Better then nothing!

Thinking affect and effect are the same thing

Your/you're misuse

Subject verb agreement errors

Mistaking loose for lose

And something many morons on this site are guilty of: punctuation in quotes doesn't go like "this", it goes like "this." Would it kill people to do the simplest of things?


Gr8 b8 m8

your literally retarted

>females in the same praying area as males


>Your/you're misuse
>Better then nothing!

faggots that bitch about grammar and make grammar mistakes. i'm triggered by people who lack self awareness.


Who arksed you?


I'm talking more generally about obscenely poor usage, not grammar.

bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks

isn't this bosnia? no reason to get triggered then


All the teachers are women.

The majority of SJW's are women.

We should have never given them the right to vote.

Women are at the core of all of societys problems.


Nah, we need women.

>All the professors are Jews.
>The majority of SJW's are Jewish women.
>We should have never given them the right to vote.
>Jews are at the core of all of societys problems.

only for procreation.

they habitually make stupid decisions.


You think you're really cool and intelligent but you're literally a normal guy posting on Sup Forums.

>fart sniffing

once a year I follow my dad to the mosque and be in that shit.

Still no balls to decline despite the trigger.

Deplorables who think Trump is good in any way, shape, or form. He’s not.

When people IRL talk about anti-vaxxing and homeopathic medicine. Pretty much the only thing if theyre being serious.

I hate it when people start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction.

Being shot with a microwave. Has made me want to murder this person no matter what.

That is 100% made up. There's not a single ounce of actual fact behind it. It is content manufactured by fascists/nazis as propaganda.
I know, bc I pass there every day, all hours of the day, and there's just... nothing going on there.

I'm fuckin triggered that shit even exists. And that people believe it.

Women are useless

And you don't? You're delusional man, go see the world some time.

You seem to be a lot more concerned about self-image than I am, all I care about in my post is how people butcher and dumb down English.

lies. i was there and its true

This can't be real

This photo could spark a protest in Muslim countries. Not only are the woman not wearing headdresses, the worst thing is that they're all laughing at the act. It's a mockery unto Allah the majestic and exalted.

He's not, but SJW's as a whole are as bad. Possibly worse as they don't have far more impact.

Trump was the response to the indignant social movement. The unending offense. The unrelenting outrage at every slight, imagined or real. The constant demand of massive rapid social change, peoples comfort with that change be damned. Is a woman feeling uncomfortable about a mentally ill man using their showers? Fuck them, they're bigots. Get used to it. Black people getting arrested or killed for violent crime? Protest it. Now murders are up astronomically because cops are terrified of doing their jobs. But to SJW's that's a good thing, they deserve to get away with muder. And if you disagree you're a racist.

When I watched the movie Contact in the 90's, jodie fosters character was asked what she would ask the aliens if she met them. She said "I'd ask how they survived their technological adolescence."

At the time, most people thought it meant Nuclear Weapons or Industry destroying the planet. But now I think it's different. Everyone has a voice and everyone is screaming. The Mob has taken control. So now when I think of surviving technology, I wonder how we're going to survive Social Media.

This cracks me up.

>muslims mommy
Because you're stupid

Muslims are ok Sup Forumsro. It's jews who are the real danger to the world. Muslims usually don't do anything unless provoked. The vast majority of them are chill and peaceful af. It's the .0001 % that are violent.

Muslims. They need to die.

Oy vey my friend why so much hate?