Why do people hate them?

Why do people hate them?

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Because they're libals.

I understand anti-liberals so damn much

Not really, even liberals like to make fun of California.

success breeds jealousy

Cause we are brown

Its a big state with a lot of people so there are a sizable population of idiots there as well

it appears that their superiority has led to some controversy

It's the only state that in the union that would be in the G8 if it seceded.
This guy gets it.

because they think our entire state is San Francisco and Los Angeles


On Sup Forums? Because this site is full of of alt-right crybabies.

IRL? Because after decades of sending people over here driving up property values and buying into Hollywood bullshit, we got too full and people are now going to the same states that flooded us in the first place, and they can't take nearly as much as they dish out. Native Californians have been pushed to the fringes of the metros and beyond cause foreigners bought all of the good property but since Denver has a restaurant selling kale they are the victims of the "Californian Horde"

Also the same hyper-partisanism that affects Sup Forums.

Racism is definitely a factor. I didn't want to buy into the "everybody outside of Cali is racist" meme but after actually visiting outside of California it is definitely there.

Though in their defense. Hollywood is cancer The Bay Area is stuck up and our gun control has gone too far.

Funny thing is that California isn't even that liberal. It's a purple state that tends towards Democrat because the Republicans consistently bungle their chances at our constituency (Among other things, their marriage with the protestant fundamentalists doesn't sit well with a fairly catholic and religiously diverse in general state). We're not afraid to vote GOP, and not too long ago we voted in Schwarzenegger who was republican. Furthermore I have yet to stumble upon a local news source that felt comfortable with Berkeley's bullshit and I visit some hippy liberal ass sites.


because the rest of the cunt is insanely butthurt about being inferior to a bunch of obnoxious faggots

Because they ruined California and now they're fleeing to Texas and Colorado and shitting them up too

*brings in money and votes liberal*
nothing personnel kiddo

Unwarranted arrogance. The north is the only decent part of the state.

t. suicidal bowler that eats cheese all day

California is almost Mexico.

Nope, but id rather live in Wisconsin than California desu.

t. industrious fella that has a nice view of the lakes

They trend towards unearned arrogance online, and that's because the majority of Californians today have had nothing to do with California's success, but want to pretend they do because "Nobody knows nothing online xdd"

They're rich compared to the rest of the country but the cost of living keeps up with them

They like moving here because it has nice nature and isn't too densely populated so it must be a nice contrast to beautiful and sardine-like California. I wouldn't have a problem with this if they understood that you can turn right on reds here and there's no reason at all to go 25 under the limit just because there's some snow on the road

They're fine so long as they don't mouth off about how great California is, or brag about California or talk incessantly about California
It's annoying and redundant

Their politics are weird to me but we're weird in politics compared to the rest of the country so w/e

Overall Californians are fine but they can be a real pain in the ass if they want to

Success breeds jealousy indeed

Is Los Angeles really the unofficial capital of the Third World?

Nobody hates California.
Actually, California is America itself.
1(One) California >>>>>>>>>> 50(Fifty) '''''states'''''

>Has legitimate complaints about California and can actually articulate them without just bitching about liberals
>Still says so in a respectful manner
>Patient with the expats and not expecting them to know everything from the get go.
>Actually lives in the area that he is claiming has Californians coming in (There are an awful lot of Dixiefags who complain about the migration to Denver and Austin and for some reason its only ever those two cities as if nobody ever goes anywhere else).
>Halfway positive about California in general without sucking its dick nor claiming its worse than satan

I'm confused, I'm not used to this, I don't know whats happening.

Fuck NCR and fuck bureaucracy

t. Caesar's Legion

Because Californians all in all are still people, not some enigmatic "bad" to blame societal problems on for a place that's experiencing a lot of people moving in and out
They're not saints either, nobody is just from where they live
California and Californians are just people, that's it

The only reason I know about some of these problems is because of expats, and because of expats I learned to let people alone if they don't get something and to help them to understand some things about their new home

Californians breed Mexicans.

Independent obviously

I'm about as liberal as a person can possibly be so it has nothing to do with politics in my case. I just think Californians are stuck up cunts.

Because losers.

Countries that have more economies than one in the US state of California:

I dont hate bears

everyone here (outside orange county) is a fucking hippie and the worst kind of liberal.