I woke up despising niggers like every other day

I woke up despising niggers like every other day.

Every thought about them pisses me off.
The way they smell
The way they talk
The way they take their time with everything.

I have hundreds but listing their flaws pisses me off even more.

How is your day going?

The way the fuck white women?

Next you're gonna flip out over them getting in the swimming pool....

I do anyway. I cannot get into a swimming pool knowing that a filthy nog was in there.

I'll dig through sewers and get pissed on by Asians but not share the same water with a nignog.

(Dig through sewers) meant metaphorically just in case your tard side shows up.

Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by mating with a savage African with skin the colour of a thick, warm log of shit to create an unusually ugly, caramel coloured baby? Her beautiful white recessive genes being overpowered and corrupted the dominant black ones, making her next generation of offspring darker, less intelligent, and more inclined to violence

You are just a sick fuck that encourages the extinction of the human race, and by human race I mean white people, every other race aren't considered human.

Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever. A pure white woman becoming a brood mother to a litter of brown mutt babies. Like a cup of raw sewage being dumped into a barrel of fine wine, fouling it. It's such a beautiful thing to imagine, I'm actually hard as I type this.

I dream of this diversification that Europe is experiencing to happen over here, and I'm glad that my country, my leader, and my people feel the same way. Litter after litter of brown babies will inherit all that we've built.

>The way they take their time with everything.

this made me kek

Sweden is a nation I really look up to. I like to envision a pure, nordic family that has had dozens upon dozens of generations born carrying genes as pure as untouched snow, only for the family's daughter to give into passion and accept the seed of an unidentifiable negro refugee from Somalia.

His putrid spawn growing within her belly, his primitive genes now forever tarnishing a family's future bloodline forever like a splash of feces being mixed in a snowbank. No matter how much white you try to add, it will never be pure again

Die you fucking crackers whites are stupid

Whites will all be wiped out...if your jealousy of blacks doesn't kill you then we will do it manually

The way their hair feels.
How they touch me all over.
How their dicks feel in my ass
How they cum inside and send shivers up my spine
The way they look sleeping in the dusty sunlight shimmering in through the blinds next morning
Man i just can't stop thinkin about'em... hate it so much

The way they reveal themselves by the shine of their teeth in sheer darkness, reminding you that they are still around and have not been sucked into the void of blackness.

Samefagging hard.


t. angry white cuck

Eastern person here whats wrong in that ? Are they bad at hygiene or overall personality as a person living in tropical country brown is most common color so we dont criticize a slightly darker tone im just curious why black people is the most hated race of all an honest answer will totally help tnx

Jealous of the BBC

But they smell like coco butter...
My mum uses coco butter you cunt.
What 'ave you against my fucking mum?

This dumb ass thread again. Man. White people on here sure don't have shit to do with their lives. Call random pics of few black ppl niggers jerk to traps and feel good like they accomplished something. No one cares

I think the word you're looking for is


Some of y'all niggas fell into this trap. Heck nigga I wanna get some white pussy as well, but damn son that be some slippery wet soggy trap, especially if you one of them rich cats. You think you the main nigga? Bitch please, thots like that have multiple side niggas with no main niggas, they be the main nigga. Unless they preggo, the richest nigga is the main nigga.

If y'all niggas enjoy fucking some white soggy hole go right ahead, but I'm just sayin' that mf gonna fuckin' pop up to the richest nigga and tell them they preggo.

Chase the check, never chase a bitch. Value yourself, value your homies dawg. Don't be no thot fucker.

This nigga going for the fucking throat kek

why do you let black people bother you so? did something happen to you?

Why only every other day? The seething hatred of negros should be your waking thoughts every single day.

Why are you so obsessed with them? Maybe find a hobby or something.

Hell yea fuck those niggers