Weight loss is just energy in < energy out. Why are you still fat Sup Forums?

Weight loss is just energy in < energy out. Why are you still fat Sup Forums?

quit tobacco
added 7 kilos in two months

Its govenered by genetics too you simpleton. Some people can't lose weight. Don't judge people until you've walked a mile in there shoes

>Don't judge people until you've walked a mile in there shoes
If you did they'd probably lose some weight, though

for me it s:
energy in = energy out
That's why i stay constantly at ~230lbs. :)

Ever heard of genes? If doesn't matter how much some of us exercise, the weight won't come off. Go outside sometime you virginfag

am fat cuz am buff. am not fat cuz swim. idc

That's just not true. Granted, genetically you might have an easier time gaining weight or losing it than others, but work out a lot more and eat less and you will lose weight.

then why whales are cured by surgery which removes their stomachs which just prevents overstuffing ?

Weight loss is based off your body. For those who say they can't help that they're fat. I gotta tell you a secret. Your genetics can only affect so much ok. Most people who say they have a health problem are lying to not only others but themselves as well however certain medicines can make it more difficult to lose weight but they also make it more difficult to gain weight both are side effects.
If you are trying to lose weight then don't do cardio because it loses fat AND muscle. I know you don't have much but when your losing same of both then what happens is you keep the same percentage of body fat over muscle weight and you stay fat. Doing sit-ups push ups and lifting weights is honestly the only way to lose weight and not be fat or skinny fat.

For those of you like i was "skinny fat" maybe you have a belly or you just feel like your overweight even if your the proper bmi or sometimes under the bmi too. This is the only way to get rid of fat. And if your like i was then you should do the 30 seconds trick. The idea is that by doing a task for only 30 it won't seem so bad. Everyone has 30 seconds they can spend and so you'll be more willing to start it. Then after a while you'll find that it's become routine and you may even Want to do it longer.

>being fat is not genetics
>being built bigger is but only to a small extent
>cardio is bad for almost everything
>lifting weights burns fat but builds muscle changing the weight to fat ratio
>this is important for skinny fat and regular fat people
>start off lifting weights for 30 seconds to 1 minute

I decided that a hade become a bit to fat so I just started to eat less and I have lost 5 kg in about 3 weeks (from 77 to 72).
So yeah is not that hard, will continue until I am satisfied.

I don't expend enough energy.
What even is this thread?
There's like one valid response.
Does Sup Forums have a QTDDTOT thread? It needs one.

Stop assuming that we aren't happy with our bodies. Body shaming is low, even for Sup Forums standards

Don't eat too much less because you can mess up your metabolism like that which will make you gain weight faster and keep it longer.

Alcohol and chronic depression

because i'm gluttonous and feel addicted to food, also so fat that the laziness and tiredness outweighs my desire to be healthy even though i know that's wrong and terrible, there are no excuses for it and i make poor choices because i don't care as much as i think i do etc

Stopp assuming I think that. I'm just stating that weight loss is possible one way, no matter genes or weight. Be as fat or skinny as you'd like for all I care

>Go outside sometime you
Maybe if you actually did that weight would come off.
>inb4 exposure to the elements and the associated increase in TDEE can be offset by genes because you're genetically resistant to external temperature change like some kind of mineral or composite structure

Fat shaming is good
It's kinda stupid to body shame about stuff that person doesn't have influence over but being overweight is not one of these conditions
Fat shaming makes fat people lose weight and that's a good thing

>cardio is bad for almost everything
Nigger you stupid?
5 months ago I was 69kg at 1,97m
Now I'm up to 76kg just through swimming, and I'm fitter than ever
Why would you think cardio burns muscles?

no it isnt, a calorie is a unit of heat, eat more, burn more

>Why would you think cardio burns muscles?
Because obesity is partially genetic but stupidity is 100%.

Because I love eating more than I love moving.

Tell me genius, how do you put on weight that you've never put in your body in the first place? Do you think the body just magically adds mass to itself without you putting food in it?

Genetics can give you a predisposition for gaining fat but obesity is not genetic but a choice

>I love beer
>I love sugar
>did I mention beer

He gets his building material out of the air like plants

Cause it’s much easier to put energy in.

>I can't think of any reasonable excuse, so lets just call him a virgin, that'll show him!
How does the body put on weight that you don't introduce to it in the first place? If you're not burning fat when you actually exercise (if ever), then you're not doing it consistently enough. If your metabolism is shit, you won't burn fat. Your metabolism isn't shit because of genes, it's shit because you don't multiple smaller portioned meals throughout the day, and/or you don't consistently do something active in the week. You need to do quick, low intensity movement to boost your metabolism, not what you call high intensity "working out" at the gym 1-2 times a week.
If you still feel you're a pathetic piece of shit who can't seem to burn off fat by yourself, smoke weed. I'm not kidding, you'll have something similar to beer-shits for a bit, but it will regulate your metabolism. If you do any kind of active anything during this time a few times a week, even if it's not intense at all, like going for a light jog walking a bit, then it will fall right off. Now stop making excuses you fatfuck.

genetics give an error of like 5-10% onto the generic formulae. Hyper and hypothyroidism not only predominantly affect women, they are also very very rare (sub 0.1% of population) and people with these conditions usually seek treatment right away because they're horrible conditions. Not just simply being fat, they have other effects.

You're fat and you're bitching. Lose weight fatty. Take a fucking physics class and learn about energy if it helps you lose weight maube

Yes, but the genetic factors you speak of are monogenic, and they're rare. There are those who are more predisposed to becoming obese, but if they eat right and exercise, then the genetic factors don't make a damn difference.

>pic related
Those with the AA allele at the rs9939609 SNP are more likely to be obese given poor lifestyle choices. But notice how they aren't any worse of than the normal population if they get up of they're damn arse and don't eat as much.

I put more energy into me than I'm willing (through effort) to take out of me. Is it not that hard to understand? Some people are just really fucking lazy and/or gluttonous as sin.

> Be 90kg
> Stop eating and only drink water for 1 week
> Faint once but fuck It
> Only eat fruit and chicken breast for a whole month
> 69 kg and healthy

This was a year ago and still weigh ~70kg. I had already tried many times but failed because depression. Got my meds right and stopped being a lazy fuck.

You are fat because you have no self control and can't look out for yourself.

i'm underweight, faggot