Andela Effect Has Now Reached The Bible. Seriously

The KJV of the Bible now uses the word "Stuff".

Wineskins is now "bottles in Luke 5:36-39.

Lion is now "wolf" in Isaiah 11:6.

The whole dialogue of the snake and Eve has been changed.

Other urls found in this thread: 11:6-9

What's the andela effect?

Even other conspiratards think this is bullshit

What makes you think this hasn't been done dozens, if not hundreds of times before?

Oh, since I'm here, I have a question:

What Bible do Catholics use?


Dude, I talked to 2 priests and they are freaking the fuck out.

I got another one for you guys

That feminist lawyer woman Gloria Allred used to be called Gloria Albright

And the snake sounds like fuckin Bane now

What, the reality change?


Do you have any mathematical and experimental evidence that colliding particles are able to modify historical events?

A lot of shit has been changed cine they started the experiments.
Sometimes only in a certain language, sometimes globally.

Like "mirror mirror on the wall" is now "magic mirror on the wall", Berenstain bears etc.

Quantum entanglement implies this sort of things actually.

This was the origenal dialogue. It's slightly altered since this is the NIV version but the basic message is the same in all versions.

What did you remember him saying?

In Lord Jesus' name I command you filthy serpent to leave this thread and all those who participate in it.

Blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord, Amen.

>The Mandela effect is getting worse
We're in deep shit.

What did it say before "stuff"? 11:6-9
Some people are gullible, schizophrenics lie to them.

Don't be either of those two, please.

In the original dialogue snake was more elaborate and didn't ask REALLY?


Oh, didn't realize the Bible change was a retroactive reality warping.

The Mandela effect is a psy-op. Nobody has changed God's Word. You are literally remembering things incorrectly, because you are not perfect.

The KJV bible hasn't changed. If it did, we wouldn't need to believe it because there'd be doubt about God and faith in Lord Jesus would be impossible.

Psalm 12:6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

Tell it! Amen, bro!

If whoever the fuck is doing this can warp reality why can't they just change your damn memory too?

well aren't you a fucking fruit cake

May God bless you, friend.

Daily reminder:
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

The evil one is trying to destroy your faith with cheap tricks.

Daily reminder:
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

This has been done before thousands of years ago.

What if they changed God?

Word "stuff" couldn't have been in the bible at the time and it always said "possessions".

Interesting, I remember hearing someone talk about how we remember things wrongly and what we make as a "meme" in pop culture is actually wrong. Since we hear the pop culture "meme" more often than the actual quote we're surprised when we are confronted with the real thing.

Thought it would. Someone is trying to edit away the idea of personal property.

fug Mandela effect is now andela effect :DDD

I thought at first this was some "there is a conspiracy, they're changing it on the internet and everything!" but it turns out this nigger actually thinks reality changed.

Mandela effect is a tryhard concept that doesn't exist that faggots try to force because they want to feel like in a sci-fi world.
Check out the subreddit on it (if you can bear redditor faggots), full of boring stupid stories that make no sense.

It all boils down to
>I misrembered, and everything around me suggests I misrembered.
>that means the world changed.

Shit nigger, I sometimes forget where I left my keys or glasses. That doesn't mean reality fucking beamed them somewhere else.

>What if they changed God?
Malachi 3:6
For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Not possible.

The andela Effect is actually competing meme magic from another source. Prove me wrong.

I want to believe but personal anecdote isn't proof enough


Nigger, we wouldn't be aware of historical changes if they happened like that

It works differently, meme magic doesn't change stuff but makes improbable events happen in a way to connect them to memes

It could be not on purpose and it is just "seepage" from a parallel dimension.

Say we're "Universe A" which the Bible says "Lion lays with the lamb" and we got "seepage" from "Universe B" where the text is "wolf" instead of "lion".

Our memories are of the original but the reality seepage changed the Bible. So we're looking at another dimension's Bible.

Madeline ALBRIGHT, you idiot. The Mandela Effect is just retarded millennials unable to fathom the limits of 'knowledge found on the internet'.

You should use the Wycliffe Bible:
'In that our he that is in the roof, and his vessels in the hous, come he not doun to take hem awei; and he that schal be in the feeld, also turne not ayen bihynde.'

The word "stuff" is heavily used today, and we don't generally associate that way of speaking with the past. So when someone points it out and says that someone changed it, you are left with doubt in your mind.

If you look for the word "stuff" in the KJV bible, it comes up with 13 results.

You're letting a retard destroy your faith.


On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back. - Luke 17:31 ESV

They use the "Vulgate" Bible, or are you calling me a "Vulgate"?

The official Bible of Roman Catholicism is called the Vulgate.

It makes sense in context that the wolf will lie with the lamb. Basically The wolf would typically eat or hunt the lamb, but is quelled by God.
The lion and the lamb refers to Jesus.
Please stop posting.

Meme magic can only effect the future, whereas this new form of mandela magic can only effect the past. We need to tap this source.

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?"
2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden,
3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'"
4 But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.
5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:1-5 ESV

Axioms that must be true for your interpreation
*There are multiple universes
*People can transfer from one universe to another
*For some reason people are only transfer to universs where the history is 99.999% the same (ie we never get people that tell us that Rome never existed, Napoleon won at Waterloo, etc.)

These are HUGE leaps. The possibility that a few people just remember something wrong and latch onto a meme is a far safer bet.

I am telling you that what the snake said in the bible is what he always said? What would that make me? Am I a resident of "this" universe and you are from another which is exactly the same but the name of same cartoon shows an a few passages in the bible are different?

Why don't you try taking something from the past and creating a new version, than peddling it as authentic with meme magic.

Ah ha. Thanks.

Quite interesting, though his grasp of history is a bit poor.

Quite possible. In every universe there is a God. It's the same one, but he may vary.
So if we swapped a universe, we swapped God.

I know a woman that memorized the bible cuz blind. I should ask her.

>Wineskins is now "bottles in Luke 5:36-39"

Not true.

I think someone is really just freaking out.

It's easy to get confused with all the different translations

It's the exact same thing, based on wave-particle duality.

"For He who came as man, to walk among us and ascended to the heavens shall rule this land forever."
"For He was born man only to become one of the Nine Divines.
Talos guide us."

>In every universe
I'm sorry, you've strayed in to insanity.

God does not change. No one has power over Him or His Word.

This is a psy-op to destroy Christian faith.

Well, if there are more than one universes there could be billions upon billions with only minor differences. For some reason ours and another "rubbed up against each other" which left us with different Bibles.

Or people just remember the inaccurate but often repeated "meme" more than the actual thing.

>implying anyone knows history anymore

Would you be aware if a few obscure Roman emperors changed their names or a medieval kingdom won a war it was supposed to lose?

It has nothing to do with the Christian faith, because the Jewish torah changed too, I just checked.

look, God created the universe ok? Only this one.
There are other universes. Which should mean every single one of them has a creator-God.
So if we jumped a universe we have another God now. Almost identical to ours, but different.

At what point does God say "I only made this universe"?

>I just checked
You're not a Christian. God cannot change. No one has power over Lord Jesus.

That's been pretty much proven. Every particle split creates a different universe. Which means there is a universe, which only difference is the color of your underwear.

>No one has power over Lord Jesus.
In this universe. What about other universes?

so how do we break into CERN and use their time machine to make Hitler win?

The bible is true. The bible does not support your new-age psy-op religion of multiverse theory and meme magic.

You're wasting your efforts.

What does God changing have anything to do with the Bible changing?

Holy shit how far are you going to push this I'm seriously wondering

>Okay okay hol up but what if it was Tuesday

God doesn't change.
God promised to preserve His Word through all generations.
God promised not to leave us even until the end of time.
Nobody has power over God's Word.
Ergo nobody can change God's Word.

If someone COULD change the preserved Word of God, don't you think they'd do something more menacing than add the word "stuff" instead of "possession", despite the words meaning the same thing?


Holy shit I have that exact cross. Just made this rosary yesterday.

One, we know the Bible is changeable because we've had thousands of versions and translations in the past 2000 years.

Two, you're implying a deliberate, malicious intent to something that could just be an accident.

Quantum physics is the real word of God, nigger. It pretty much proves the existence of soul.

We are essentially self-aware particle-wave spikes in the time-matter fabric.
And during the particle-wave duality experiments it has been proven that we affect the fabric of reality by merely observing and having preconceived notions of something. That's what "free will" means.




They fucking changed fruit loops to froot loops.

Aren't you the person I linked to the KJV bible explanation video? The video explains it.

Don't engage with me any further, I'm not reading your posts, you're completely lost adrift with no rudder.

youtube vidoes before 5 years ago say wolf, after that its lion, when did CERN get going!??

You are making so many assumptions, each univerified.

Let's say there are multiple universes (one assumption). Than you assume they could interact with each other (second assumption). Than you assume it would happen in a way where certain things change in history (third). But never memories (forth).

Frankly if bibles were changed the first people to notice would be bible scholars or hardcore priests. People that read it daily. But do we hear any word from them? No it's kids on Sup Forums.

If Nelson Mandella's history was changed and he used to be dead we would expect the first complaints to come from people that actually lived in his country? Nope we don't get that either!

No it hasn't. Multiple "realities" is a possibility but with no real proof. It would also be extreme problematic because much of reality is deterministic. The color of underwear I buy is decided by what my favorite colors are. This is based on events I experienced as a kid (for instance I decided orange was a bad color and purple was the best).

So in order for me to buy orange underwear I would need a differnet childhood. But in order to have a different childhood my parents would have had to have raised me differenet, sent me to different schools etc. There would be a reason for this too. And a reason for that. And it would go back in a huge chain of events.

As a matter of fact if determinism is true the same universe will always achieve the same results.

Alicia backman it's like this hasn't been happening for the past two thousand years

Your not reading the word of God you poor cucks

Berenstain universe master race

Welcome to my world steinfags

>So in order for me to buy orange underwear I would need a differnet childhood.

All it actually needs is a single electron take the wrong path down your neurons to make you buy a different color.

Video of a "matrix glitch". This is actually done through time travel, by influencing key points during the creation of products, texts, and media events, to alter the time stream. It is a time splice, you could say, by interjecting new reality into our own.

i love the dark and ominous music.

it's really needed when trying to convince normal people of your point.

I'm not making any assumptions, I'm just trying to explain the idea.

There is as much proof there is alternate realities and they can interact as there is proof they don't exist and can't.

The joy of science.

By the way it's funny how "Luney Toons" got changed to "Luney Tunes", but "Tiny Toons" stayed the same.

>because this reality occurred, only this reality is capable of occurring
what is probability? Nothing is determined, not even your favorite color.

Also to add to this. If what you said is true why the fuck are we only getting trivial shit?

Where's the guy who said Napeleon won at waterloo? Or the guy that said Hitler won ww2? Where's the guy from reality where Alexandria the great lived longer and conquered India? Or the guy that said Christianity lost the religious war and everyone is a Gnostic? Or the guy who said the black plague never happened?

He is the first dipshit

>Aren't you the person I linked to the KJV bible explanation video? The video explains it.
It was linked as a response to me. I'm watching it now. Besides his history being off, I get what he is saying and it is interesting, but I'm still not seeing how the King James Version is so correct.

I find it strange a 17th century Protestant-Anglican Bible is the correct version. Imagine a bunch of Catholics would too.

>the King James Version is so correct.
It isn't. It is revered for its language, not its accuracy.

>I find it strange a 17th century Protestant-Anglican Bible is the correct version
It isn't.

I have a KJV Bible from the 50s and can confirm that it says "stuff"

Because who knows what minor of major effects could occur? A single tree disappearing out of the Amazon probably wouldn't be noticed, Australia disappearing probably would.

When we don't understand the rules of the game, how can we judge the outcome?

>Religitards defending this change as, "It's always been this way!"
Atheists win.

New King James Version
Everything else is pleb-tier

Anyone have a link for the best bible translation?

>Because who knows what minor of major effects could occur?

Appearently you do. Not only are you confident that multiple universes exist and that they "rub" against each other but the only fucking thing they change is the bible and a few tv shows.

Ah, so it has "better language", how is that different from just choosing the version you like best, that coincides with your personal belief's best?

Shut the fuck up you idiot

Here's a thought, go get an older bible, im sure you can dig one out. The online stuff is almost definitely altered.

No. I'm just willing to say "I don't know" and be okay with it, which is really what science is about.

I think people just are remembering meme's over the source material.

Letting the christfags in was a mistake. I almost don't even recognize this fucking site anymore.

Are you being ironic? Or are you actually larping a fucking exorcist on Sup Forums and praying and shit?

>he doesnt realize the bible has been edited and "re-translated" countless times through history.
You ever play telephone in primary school? One kid starts off whispering a message or phrase, the next kid changes that ever so slightly, then passes onto the next and so on? By the time it gets to kid number 10-15, the message could be completely altered. Imagine that going on for over 2000 years on a global scale across scores of languages.
Thats all the western desertjew religions.

That isn't what the video is about though.

It used to be Fruit Luips