Fuck capitalism

either we die from capitalism or communism comes and takes its place, the people have the power

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Communism is slavery. You are a slave. yeah your slave master will feed you, give you a place to stay at night and even make sure you have medical care but you are still a slave.

>utter ignorance of history and economics

Worst infographic in the history of mankind.
>OP is a fag

capitalism is slavery with the option to choose your slave master, you are still a slave

communism is the freedom and equality for all

you can call me whatever you want, its still true

atleast under capitalism you have a choise, you can try to set up your own bussines or in the worst case you always can go inna woods
under communism this 2 would be a reason for a deportation to a labor camp


cool argument bro

under communism you can do what you want

how so when labor is a duty for every worker?

Under communism.
>you go to the library to look for another job.
>a government officer spots you and deports you to the gulag for spreading unhappiness and doubt.
>you die 200ft down a mine

labor is a duty under capitalism, not communism, today you have to work or die, no matter how shitty the job is

Because communism hasn't resulted in many deaths at all, has it?

No it isn't

You're going to have a theocratic government under sharia law soon and it won't be much like either one of those western systems.

>today you have to work or die

>more milk on the market
>price rises

>work 50% more
>don't get paid extra

>trash a computer because truth hurts

what the fuck is this guy thinking

This is why I'm now a #cruzmissile

stop pretending like muslims are the enemies

i can put up a list on all the deaths capitalism has resulted in and you will see how stupid this statement really is, people are dying of hunger and companies are throwing away food cus it will "hurt the economy"

the difference is that you have to work for somebody else if you are not born into wealth. In communism everyone works and has control over their labor through democracy. in capitalism you are forced to sell your labor at a loss(your loss is the bosses gain/profit, because otherwise no one would pay for your labor), you can't truly enjoy your labor.

you slave away for years, selling your labor at a loss, to buy a home from someone born into wealth.

stay cucked.

>and companies are throwing away food
Because they're required to by law thanks to outrageous food "safety" laws.
Alongside the fact that transportation of food across oceans is expensive.
Oh and government subsidies leading to a huge overproduction of food that goes out of date which again see point one.

Btw thanks to capitalism 2 billion people have been lifted out of objective poverty in the last 20 years

private property is a shit tier spook.

I'm not gonna waste my time typing up why your claims are BULLSHIT so I'm just gonna link to you a video that pretty much sums up why your claims are BULLSHIT far more articulate than I ever could


You're finished Sven, you've literally failed natural selection.

>the difference is that you have to work for somebody else if you are not born into wealth
This is patently false
Go look at the IRS income tax data it proves this absolutely 100% a lie

> in capitalism you are forced to sell your labor at a loss
Any fuckwit is 100% free under capitalism to become an entrepreneur. Even with today's massive over regulation protectionist policies undermining capitalism it is still easier than ever to become an entrepreneur especially thanks to the advent of crowd funding.
> you slave away for years, selling your labor at a loss
LTV has been debunked since before the beginning of the 20th century so I'm going to proceed to laugh at you

>communism is the freedom and equality for all
You don't even get property rights, Sven.

"now you can just use this video instead of having to make your own argument"

the irony is real

maximum kek

Fuck I need to save this but I'm not at home. I'll just email it to myself

I can understand why he would do that. People who unironically believe communism works are actually somewhat mentally ill, so it wouldn't be of any use to put in the effort to convince them.


If companies throw away food for a reason I work produce at wal-mart and trust me you do not wanna eat the shit we throw away. I've heard claims of other companies throwing away perfectly good food but I still wouldn't eat it. Because I've known someone who actually did dumpster diver for and guess what He almost died of botulism. So yah if you wanna eat shit faggot feel free don't whine when your in the hospital with food poisoning.

Also it's cool that you nitpick on something so minor yah Capitalism has it's flaws but guess what it fucking works now eat a dick you swedish cunt

>make a new product
>It's called telephone
>First version : $10000
>There is a rich guy to buy it
>Second version: $9000
>There is a rich guy to buy it
>Version number 40
>Minimum wage people can afford it
If you didn't have the first rich guy the "mobile phone" never would have existed

This graph triggers commies

Jealousy and theft. That is all communism is. The strongest and the smartest will not stand for it. The army that fights to protect your nation from foreign invaders will quit. Your leaders (both political and corporate), as self-centered as they are, are actually smarter than you give them credit for. They will now quit.

Communism is great for the mentally and physically incompetent, and for those who aspire to be nothing.


>the difference is that you have to work for somebody else
In communism you are also working for someone else: The politburo, the Secret Service, and all the lazy motherfuckers that can't be bothered.
Dumb ass.

Heh, Stefan used almost this exact argument in his "Why Women Like Socialism" video.

Not implying anything with that, it's a sound argument.

There are virtually zero small business owners that don't work harder than every minimum wage worker in the country

How the fuck would the milk price go up if you double the number of cows? Did the demand for milk increase as well?

I feel this is relevant

There have been some pretty interesting studies in the last few years which posit that many people will double down on their beliefs, even when they are presented with facts that directly contradict them. Beliefs make up a core part of our identities, and it can be painful and confusing to change them, so most of us will scramble to protect them rather than examining them for what they are. Worse still, the harder other people fight to change our beliefs, the more entrenched they become.

This is known as the Backfire Effect, and knowing about it can really change the way you approach discourse with other people, in two important ways. First, you'll understand that people won't respond to a barrage of facts, so there's no point in presenting them with one. Secondly, you'll realize that in all likelihood, there are beliefs that you hold that are wrong, and you too will behave this way when confronted with them.

Personally, I find that if you want to change someone's mind about something, it's more effective to simply believe in the thing that you'd like to convince them of, and act like a person they can trust and who treats them respectfully. If you have any hope of changing their mind in the first place (and often you don't) this will probably be the way.

Most people on this board don't want to change their opinions but just a self congratulating circlejerk. It's important to look at your opinions objectively and think how much of my views are my own and how much am I parroting other peoples opinions.

>the people have the power

when will you learn

>commies don't understand the most basic tenet of economics
No surprise

Yeah, I already read your condescending post. I've put thought into this, communism is not a functional system.


Show me ONE country where communism has worked and improved the country rather then turning to a massive pile of shit.

Communism says they want power for the workers but how do you go about giving
everything to the workers?
Do you also know you have no private property under communism?

Everything is owned by the state and not you idiot workers.

Who said I believe in communism I believe in capitalism all the fucking way. Socialist and communists are just lazy bums who want everyone else to do the work for them.

capitalism is great for business and production.

however, it's terrible for society and its' morality.

>LTV has been debunked since before the beginning of the 20th century so I'm going to proceed to laugh at you

higher price=more profit

capitalism wants to pay the workers as little as possible while still selling stuff for as much as possible,there a contridiction of capitalism now show me a contridiction of communism

Labor theory of value works I guess if you don't consider the amount of overhead that goes into the facilitation of work.

People don't just show up in a building and suddenly start producing cars, they need machinery and other equipment.

Neither communism nor capitalism are systems that dictate morality, that is for religion, art, and philosophy.

>change their minds by changing yours
No thanks, comrade.

Someone putting in 60-80 hour weeks making $300k is bad, so we will tax them (steal) and give it to the guy who clocks in at Burger King and proceeds to smoke out back for the entire shift.

Mises argued for a basic income you dumb fucking faggot.

communist dont want to take away private property, the want to take away the private ownership of the means of production

also a communist society is stateless

>dying from capitalism
but this is what i want senpai

Examples, because every communist state has resulted in the seizure of private property.

>however, it's terrible for society and its' morality.
This is wrong
Being raised in a capitalist market economy has a massive correlation to an individual being trustworthy and caring towards random strangers

> fuck marxist strawman
Fuck marxism in general. And libertardianism too.

Yea and communism wants everyone to be payed the same. How are you going to get people to work if a surgeon makes as little as a teacher? There is no progress under communism since it kills all competition and if it wasn't for capitalism you wouldn't be able to shitpost like you are now.

Also don't forgot technology has improved immensely in 100 years hell in only 10 years there is tremendous change. Remember the first Iphone You can get a phone with better specs for less than $50 now. Give it enough time and that fancy Iphone 7 or whatever that $800 hunk of chunk status symbol is call will be able to brought for less than $100

>ebin ruse thread by Sven

Or by Ahmed, I don't know.

>higher price
>higher price when there's more supply
>more profit
enjoy your warehouse full of overdue milk

sage because the poster owns the means of bump

based ecuador

Only as a step between the current fuckery that is welfare to the removal of all government subsidy.

And you're thinking of Hayek and Friedman

>valid research

>sage because the poster owns the means of bump

> utter ignorance of the fact, that only marx defined what is capitalism
> blaming someone for economics knowledge

>oy vey, only the most kosher of sources from my college book store count as valid research goy

>communist white soviets first in space
>no progress

>le unproven, same wage meme

How are you going to enforce business owners to hand over their assets to the masses?


>Only my leftist rags count
Nah that isn't how things work
Attempt to discount the methodology or fuck off and accept that you're wrong

Nice dissertation of capitalism OP
> Hope you get that doctorate

>capitalism is bad because OP wasn't industrious enough to save money to buy his own fucking cow

capitalism only harms the lazy and the stupid. communism harms everyone.

/leftypol/ pls go

And communism still failed. Much progress there mate.

The countries, who implemented it prosper actually (UK). The countries, where it was being implemented collapsed.

There is no pure capitalist country either so, liberal states never last because they turn feminine and weak

>million billion

for you pigs that say communism doesnt work

The Frankfurt School solved it, look it up.

You just want everyone to live as shitty as you do. You are a lazy and greedy bastard who cant tolerate other people who takes risks starting business and you whine that you cant steal from them yourself so you are manipulating everyone to do it for you.

You keep moving them goalposts, retard.

Do me a favor, read Animal Farm. Communism doesn't work.

You're a swede; the world knows how utterly stupid you are.

You need not confirm it.

Go fuck your communist self

Show me a country where it worked then?
No? Thats what I thought.

I'm sorry. when did anyone in the thread say that capitalism was flawless? They didn't. go back to watching Jamal fuck your mom, sven

Well seeing as how London has a muslim mayor and whites are leaving the country in droves free speech is practically dead anyway in the UK. Yah I actually agree the UK is communist Now but atleast your leaving the EU soon. Now I just get to sit back and watch Europe burn as Trump MAGA. I;m sure we will eventually save your asses again once WW3 break out and the Muzzies start killing all the cucks that so happyly invited them in.

>logistics are free
>these houses cconsidered by this faggot chart are in detroit or stockton and are likely dilapidated and shitty, and the homeless were the previous occupants but defaulted on loan payment
>Hurr durr, Imma commie
Better dead than red.

>implying i don't want the poor to suffer and starve and die
shiggy diggy

when will rightist stop talking about their fucking animal farm? it was written as a critic of stalinism and the author, George Orwell was a fucking socialist


Why am I not surprised?

>gulags are good
>the purges were good
>the holodomor was good

When will communists realize that socialism invariably leads to despotic regimes, so the distinction is meaningless?

it points out every problem with communism. stay mad, Sven.

So, if a communist society is stateless, you have to rely on everyone in the society to be pro-communist and follow the rules as set down.

But what if somebody breaks the rules? What happens if somebody gets greedy and refuses to give his money away to other people? There is no enforcement as there is no state.

So, you need a state to ensure everyone does as the system demands. This, in turn, means that the state must micromanage every aspect of a person's life. From this, dictatorship arises.

Smith may not have defined it but he recognised its existence well before Marx.


>argue the welfare system is so shit you might as well just give everyone the money you are wasting in administration and distribution to specific groups so everyone gets a small amount of money
>still say it's a stupid idea, but point out it is less stupid
>this means you like it
I bet you thought Friedman spoke of the negative income tax as a good thing.

Go read Homage to Catalonia. Orwell fought for the socialists. Dear god, you statists are pathetic.

>WHY can't I have other peoples resources?

When will communists realize that socialism invariably leads to despotic regimes, so the distinction is meaningless?

When will retards learn that some people can be correct on some subjects and still be wrong on other subjects?

What is particulary interesting is that this mayor is officially open fabian society member.
And the whole mudslime thing appeared only after anglos occupied middle east after WW2 and had deep contacts with wahhabi islam - the only active worshippers and thus the only violent ones at the time.