Look at what the fuck you've done to me Sup Forums! You've turned me into a low-life neckbeard bitch that hasn't left...

Look at what the fuck you've done to me Sup Forums! You've turned me into a low-life neckbeard bitch that hasn't left the house in over a year.
What are you trying to turn me into? The next Adam Lanza?








Thanks Guinea's you too and subscribed for a ride and subscribed for a ride in a sec I'm going home and subscribed for a ride in a sec I gotta get a ps4 do it for me to break the ice skating and I have to be home early today and subscribed for a ride in a sec I was in a hurry and subscribed for a ride in a sec I was gonna go get a ps4 do it for the first at ohanas you too just work and I have a lot to the library to print out a picture there are you going with the lawn and subscribed for a ride in a sec I was gonna say it's not exactly a bad character is gay be able and subscribed for a ride in a sec I was gonna say that you have to be a member at least one more time before sure you have the same thing they the ones that I once had to w



Is this what you want Sup Forums? huh? cause I'm NOT gonna do it! Nothing will ever push me over the edge enough for me to do something so sick. So I say to you Sup Forums go fuck yourself, you're trying to turn me into a monster! BUT it WILL NOT HAPPEN!

I'm deep n depressed as fuck what does this make me another list on the fucking wall? Wall of what? Wall of shame? But it ain't the same because I'm going through this whether you like it or not, I'm not just trying to test myself or test my limits but a part of me wishes you would just step back from a side of me that looks utterly undistinguished cause I'd rather you have sound in me that doesn't vibrate internally. Shadows of myself I can't control the urge to look into the dark gloom of those false positive glows of nothingness that seem to a part of me that can't and won't let go. Fucking trial after trial, don't you think a day should come and go by where you don't go fucking inside that endless pit of what is you but you can't get out cause it's what is woven into you for what could seem an eternity. If you think this is what is, a suicide note, better get your mind out of that conception cause I won't be ending anything on my mothers watch, cause not a second ticks by that I don't think of what damage would be done and you can't control yourself sometimes so it gets to be scary when you want something to happen in a way but the overwhelming doom that seems to be a hold of you, you can't let these brain pathways manifest into a great becoming of a better version of what you used to be. But, I've seen it and heard about a number a times I don't need rhymes to get this through to your head that you're not yet dead and I think all this control that you have a hold of yourself is getting to you, isn't it? And if you don't have someone there to pull you out from where you think you're down there, then just sit around and listen for a second maybe just around for a day, cause I don't know what you've been through but I know it can't take your breath away for long enough to keep you trapped under every burden ever scarring you, and if I ever for a second get to hearing that you're taking advice and listening to the illusion that you won't come out

of this, just look into their eyes and scream with a sovereign tone of entitlement, cause just for once, JUST FOR ONCE, you deserve more from not only them, but from yourself?!








You, sir, appear to be going through an episode of mania. I would recommend contacting emergency services before your grasp of reality slips so hard you're in the mental ward for a month or two, drinking your own piss in the bouncy room.

Sounds like a you problem

As someone with bipolar disorder who recently stopped taking his meds, this user is very likely correct.


Down and profound is quite a nice rhyme user. People experiencing a manic episode oftentimes begin rhyming words in a nearly nonsensical manner. I've experienced it first hand. Feels great sometimes. Makes you creative as fuck if you can keep hold of it and not just get super euphoric or angry.



Praise kek

This faggot is an attention whore, he's the same OP that posted that he was going to an hero on cam but kys for realz OP



The reason you're depressed is because you don't do shit. Start going to the gym and lose weight. See that's 2 problems solved

are you retarded? he already told that he cant leave his house. how shall he go to gym

I'm coming off benzos if you didn't hear, haven't ate in 6 days so I think I'm on my way to lets say 1 fifty



skimmed through your shitty attempt of a thread trying to get attention you desperately seek. you have decent handwriting though. you look like you are pretending to be retarded



