Dubs decides what I fap to

Dubs decides what I fap to






rekt thread

To the thought of you that cannot control your impulses.


I'll be nice


The smell of cookies made by your dead grandma, but you were to busy partying instead of visiting her.



BME olympics

To the fact that masturbation is an empty addiction that is ruining your potential

Checkit !!!!







A lil too late bud

To the thought that you are able do do great things if you apply your mind to it. Just be friendly to people and try to help the souls in need instead of masturbating constantly. Lots of people have died for you to have this freedom but now you use this to fap.



Well at least it's not a trap

Too late

All these pictures are empty and soulless, but yet you want to yank your crank to it. Rather do 50 pushups and 15 burpees.

Let the degenerate do his thing.
Nice seeing someone with a stable state of mind though

You are not completely lost , just in a dark place and where you think that releasing dopamine will be the light. It wont, hard work and focus is the light.

dodge a bullet there OP

I'm not a robot, masturbation is not my reCaptcha, I will not jerk each block with a double until my dick falls off.

Sometimes you will feel guilty, other times you will feel relieved but do know this your dick is actually masturbating you and you are the slave dick

Nope, he didn't

Yeah, Dodged a bullet.

Your own suicide.

Oh, if that's what you meant then yes, op narrowly avoided being a complete faggot

Oh he is a complete faggot, he just had a different cancer to choose from.

Your mom
