Unironically thinking this piece of shit makes good music

>unironically thinking this piece of shit makes good music


It's funny because he's actually a very talented singer and songwriter and the Smiths are the greatest band of all time. Oh you

Moz is luv, Moz is life

I really don't think he's a bad musician, he's just an insufferable faggot.

That's his new song name btw, in case you're using that as an example of him being a faggot

>The Smiths are the greatest band of all time
listen to more music

november soon

butthurt leftist spotted

politics threads are lame

Go to bed Johnny

id have a lot of gay sex w/ him

He makes fairly decent music, but add Marr, Rourke and Joyce and he makes great music

more like lessissey


congrats on the post my dude

t. Someone who watches the news

>the Smiths are the greatest band of all time.

Meat is Murder is unironically my favorite album from the 80's. I think Swans was the best 80's band though.

as if johnny needs to rag on morrissey

I'm glad you agree

Lessissey btfo

This but unironically

His new single is pretty good

It really is isn't it
Grew on me after a couple of listens.. had it stuck in my head all day