Is he the only true nihilist in music?

Is he the only true nihilist in music?

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Early Swans is the only true nihilist music.

he was pretty upset when his dog died, so no

he's not even a nihilist. he may have been in the 90s but i think that was just playing a character

no, he's just a fucking pussy

people like Stockhausen and Cage were

nihilists are the ultimate pussies

The Downward Spiral was definetelly a character of nihilism.
The Fragile is Trent. And it is clear he isn't a nihilist, he cares about himself and others (The Fragile/We're In This Together"

Nihlism doesnt mean you cant love or feel emotion

Not him and i know op is baiting, but reznor is clearly pushing a set of morals in his later work. especially year zero

No, they're the overmen.

unfortunately people have been fed with the idea that pop music's depressed juvenile drug-abusing poseurs are somewhat "nihilistic"
if they were nihilistic in the first place they wouldn't produce their subpar whiny insufferable music

Cage wasn't a nihilist

If you don't outgrow nihilism by 16 at worst you're a total brainlet


Fuck you all.

Explain yourself

Someday the old shack we call the world will fall apart. How, we don’t know, and we don’t really care either. Since nothing has real substance, and life is a twirl in the void, its beginning and its end are meaningless.

I know, im not saying Reznor is either. But most people dont understand Nihilism so they make assumptions

VERY good goy

He thought himself a member of a radical dharmic sect, which is an even purer version of nihilism.

Now THIS is textbook pseud.

Daily reminder that if you claim to be a nihilist and haven't raped and killed dozens of times you're a fraud, a brainlet, and a bitch all in one. What's that? That's mean? Who cares, youre a nihilist right?

You are confusing existentialism with nihilism

Existentialism is still more rational and logical than nihilism, its something you outgrow shortly after outgrowing nihilism.

this user gets it


I've literally never once seen anyone that understands the concepts of nihilism on the internet. Its almost on level with post modernism in how nobody understands it but is contempt with namedropping it anyway to look smart.

Its almost as bad as every single atheist on earth that doesnt understand that its completely illogical to claim to be a "moral" atheist. This shit is infuriating and surprising since everyone seems to have no problem whatsoever just referencing shit they clearly have never looked into or properly learned.

Youve got it backwards. Existentialism is edgy. Nihilism is patrician

Yep between the existentialists who think they are nihilists and the idiots who think nihilism is as bad or the same as nihilism

No it isn't. If you're a nihilist just kill yourself. If you don't want to then just kill others and rape and loot.

>but that's irrational

Based on what? If you say no to the above then you're an existentialist, a phoney, and a brainlet that can't differentiate between similar ideologies.


nihilism is a thought disorder of lazy brainlets

Sup Forums - remedial philosophy

you guys have it all wrong


You (and all tripfags) should honestly kill yourself for being a slave normie reject. On Sup Forums and you still crave attention you never got on Instagram and Snapchat.

Sup Forums - projection

Do you see me with a trip? Faggot.

Youre literally the worst kind of normie, the one that's a reject and still clings to conventional social attention.

it's easy to be a nihilist when you're rich

>I'm just trying to find my way
>Oh Dear Lord, hear my prayer
>I am forgiven, I am free

Settle down.

It's and edgy and makes you look deep to other morons. Parrots gawking at one another and patting each other on the back for their intellect.

I'd say it takes above average intelligence to even pretend to understand it, but that's not saying much nowadays. The average self proclaimed "nihilist" is a dead giveaway of a compensating pseudo intellectual that can't even realize his own contradictions in his edgy declaration.

"Evil, whether spiritual, physical, or intellectual, is, in itself, quite unable to introduce nihilism, i.e., the absolute repudiation of worth, purpose, or desirability. These evils allow of yet other and quite different explanations. But there is on very definite explanation of the phenomena: Nihilism harbors in the heart of Christian morals." - Nietzsche
Not nihilism, that's a basic Will to Power and a quite autistic one at that. Congrats.
>I associate my judgment of existence with social trends.

>Not nihilism
No, it is. Under nihilism anything goes and there's no constructs of any kind.

Yet another fucking retarded "moral nihilist" on the internet that's too stupid to see there's logically no such thing.

A true nihilist wouldn't see the point in making music

A will to power is not nihilism, fucktard. That's why "scary" metal isn't nihilism, it's people attempting to sound as tough as possible. They're trying to climb a dominance hierarchy. And that's why early Swans is the only nihilist music, because it is a dismissal of human power hierarchies. You would know this if you
a) could think
b) have read a basic philosophy book.
You however, cannot do either, so now we're stuck with this.

oh don't be mean

Everyone please refer to these lyrics.

TDS is a criticism of an edgy nihilist who is probably a wanna-be one.
How does that end up for him? He fucking kills himself after he rejects and names himself "God".

Google the definition of nihilism, would you?

The point wasn't a claim for power but to point out that there are no constructs under nihilism. Which is why scholars usually say there is no such thing as a "true" nihilist, but (IMO) watered down edgy teenagers trying to look deep.

Nobody seems to understand what nihilism is, because if you did you could easily point out its illogical flaws and reject it. That's basically what Dostoyevsky's career was, disproving this trash as illogical and irrational.

I'm amazed at how seemingly everyone can't grasp this. I think that its a mind virus that promotes close minded thought while under the delusion of being a free thinker, ironically the very mindset nihilism is supposed to free you of. Its sad to see in action.


in case anybody doubts this listen to "Big Man with a Gun" again

You watched Jordan Peterson and you think you're a genius.

And you've also never read Dostoevsky if you think his entire "career" was "him disproving this trash as illogical and irrational."

Nicolas Cage is a bigger nihilist

Nihilism has surpassed postmodernism in the pseud category. Rick and Morty fans are way worse and redditlike than say a Thomas Pynchon erudite reader

. What Dosto generally went against in his books was extreme materialism and distance from God and your fellow man. That's what, say, Raskolnikov's and Ivan Karamazov's entire character arcs were all about.