Mfw my relationship has been on a steady decline since my daughter was born

>mfw my relationship has been on a steady decline since my daughter was born
>mfw I wake up everyday getting screamed at for being alive

Can we get a feels thread for those faggots who don't what a good day is?


I guess I'm alone even here

Final worthless self bump

Trips of truth

hey user

Cry harder? Or actually fix your shit, but we all know you won't
>OP is a faggot

I feel good af. So you should too. Le me give u good shit art from user to user

I don't get it feels threads use to be popular now they seem to die immediately

you're 35 years old and have spent 5 hours playing video games today in a messy room with a woman who's resentment is growing

sounds like you already know what needs doing, nice trips though

Literally nothing about that is true
>Just finished my 4th 12hr shift in a row (third shift fag)
>pick up daughter in way home
>walk inside house to find gf sleeping on couch
>simply say "hey" in a hushed voice to try to wake her gently
>immediate storm of insults and unintelligible screaming

Fuck you OP, at least you have a wife and kids. I have nothing but a returned engagement ring and crippling loneliness and am quickly spiraling towards 40. Fucking kill me

your wife is depressed, might be regular post-partum, might just be stress-induced. Doesn't mean she should be taking it out on you but that's what's going on

>Being rejected < being mentally tortured because your significant other regrets choosing you

I'd rather be alone

Sounds like she needs to see a doctor about depression. If you care about each other, she should hear you out about going to the docs.

Woah damn...get out there man. Grab some chicks out there. Women who are near your age are probably horny. But choose the right woman tho. Or work yourself out by exercising and get shit together all in one place for you to seek your future. You still have time

We've both been depressed since before we got together but we were enough to keep each other going but after she gave birth it just got worse and then it turned into your stereotypical bad marriage

Im going for this user's advice

Im so sorry OP
Be there for ur daughter no matter what happens ur wife is a jerk

>desperately trying to get meds but keeps getting turned down for not having a doctor
>no proof of insurance cuz out of state ran away from home
>withdrawal sucks ass
>got no sleep
>needs to start orientation at 3pm
>broke af

>Tfw you started this thread not for advice or pity but simply so you could take solace in the fact that you're not the only one suffering

Because they used to be made more around the evening/night.
When anons are trying not to cry in their bed in a dark empty room.

just leave her faggot she doesnt love you anymore

I know I should but my brain has a habit of fabricating and then clinging to false hope that things will go back to the way they were

But it wont

So dont be alive u moron

Tell that to 4billion years of evolution causing my brain to act like nothing's wrong just to protect its fragile little ego

Thanks user. A broken engagement is like finding out you're weak in all the places I thought you were strong. But I'll pick the pieces up and move on. Just get super jealous of people that take their wife and kids for granted - I'd kill to have that

welp the reasonable solution to this is to set boundaries for yourself and prioritize your daughter. suggest your crazy bitch get help and if she doesn't want to, get a lawyer and play the legal game that's stacked against you

it's still better than being shackled to torment, all the guys i know who work 3rd do it to see their wife/kid in the evening when they cross paths. 2nd is home wrecker shift.

Your fault for getting hitched to what sounds like a bad person. Also have fun, because if you make more than her, she gets half when you guys split up. And probably custody of the kid!

It's your fault for falling for that shit.