I'm going to kill myself soon but I don't have a gun or any prescription medication to use...

I'm going to kill myself soon but I don't have a gun or any prescription medication to use. I also heard short suspension hanging is painful as fuck so I will not be doing that either. Is there any over the counter medication I could use to guarantee me a 100% death, I don't want to accidentally survive and be a brain dead faggot. BTW no "don't do it" bullshit I'm set on this idea and I want to follow through but I want to do it successfully. Thanks.

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dive head first off any 3+ story building

I feel your problem but tbh i would just jump off a building or smth like that. A nurse recommended that you should just take some benadryl and just get in your car and peacefully drive into afterlife.

Hang yourself, drown yourself or duct tape a bag on your head

Do you have to tie some weird tube from your exhaust or can I just run it in the garage regular? BTW I have no high rise buildings near my area

>Least painful ways please

get yourself a largeish canister of CO2 and a large bin liner put bin liner over head run line from CO2 into bag turn on .. Prophet. Doctors like to use helium to kill themselves as it is quick and painless .. it is harder to get hold of than CO2 tho', they are both painless, you will be totally unconcious before death.

get blackout drunk, take as many benadryl as you can then put a bag over your head before you pass out

lay your head on the rails when the train comes

Did that last time and It didn't work I woke up in a hospital and had to go to a phsyc ward

Take lsd change your life.
Take so many drugs where your emotions and melt away to where you don't even give af



Sleeping pills... like alot then car in a garage window open engine on. In the morning youll be set and its painless

Helium hood method.

>Google: Trains near me

>Go have a walk, annon

give me your money before you kill yourself please
i am kind of poor currently

Enjoy the Pain

Then drive to one? Take a bus? Are you retarded? You're not gonna need your money anymore if you're offing yourself

Combo high doses of rc benzos and traditional opiates. Cardiac arrest here you come.

Find someone to sell you Heroin, and overdose, you just fall asleep my man.

here in the UK we cant buy lethal doses of paracetamol in one go... just buy some over the daysd and weeks then take them all

If you are going to killyourself you should just do it in the most painful way possible. It will be the last thing you feel anyway

i highly doubt you're gonna do anything, based on how pathetic and helpless you're. if you will ever change your mind, feel free to pull the trigger on a shooting range, fall down/head down from tall building, use exit bag, you attention whore.

forgot, you can also lay your neck down on a train railing, faggot.

That's nice

he did this last time and didn't work, woke up in a psych ward..

do christianity
god will help you

CO2 is definitely not painless. CO is. High CO2 in your blood is what makes you wanna breath fast and shit.

> BTW no "don't do it" bullshit
Eh, why would i need to do something like that?

It's not like theres any way you can off yourself anyways...
With no prescription medication and no gun there's no way you can pull it off.
Not in a non-extremely long and agonizing way

Enjoy being depressed and not able to off yourself for rest of your life sucker

Large amount of aceteminophen. Liver nuke.

Learn darkweb, buy bitcoin, but heroin, snort a bunch of it and pass the fuck out.

Don't under-dose. You can be dead in a week.

False. Drop-hanging is effective, easy to do and practically painless.

I was forcibly given drugs as a child by my step father. I've hurt a lot of people that didn't even deserve it.

Try LSD, OP, but not so much that you don't give a fuck. It's difficult to explain.

This would work if OP was atleast a tiny bit intelligent, but judging by his thread i'm rather certain that he isn't, and that he will fail horribly and die a painful death.

Resultant from scratching his throat out with fingernails as he would have tried to loosen the noose after failed drop-hanging and when his survival instincts would have kicked in.

isnt hanging not that bad

dont ypu pass out in a few seconds

That's painful as fuck though, your liver slowly dies and so does the rest of your body. You'll be in atrocious pain for hours before you actually go unconcious.


This is a very popular ornamental plant where I live, and easy to recognize. I've put yew berries between my lips and teeth and sucked off the syrupy sweet red juice.

The seeds, which I always spit out, are said to have a delicious nutty flavor, but after eating a dozen or so, your heart stops and you drop dead. Quick and painless.

Lol exactly, this is why I'm using it. As long as it is properly preformed, death will be swift and simple :)

If you arnt willing to do with what you have then youre a fucking pussy and you arnt serious about killing yourself. Wake the fuck up lol

Bro. If I would ever be in this situation, come up with a fcking rediculous idea.
If youre gonna jump of a building, jump of a building in Dubai. If youre gonna take an overdose, try hallucinogenics first. Fcking, wtf is there to lose. Make iT spectecular, and enjoy that shit.

I hang myself to get off.It doesnt hurt at all.