Parents kicked me from house... i'm now in a YPF (Gas station) stealing wifi...

Parents kicked me from house... i'm now in a YPF (Gas station) stealing wifi... i just have $500usd (You can do nothing with it in argentina)...

i'll go to a hostel for some days and buy rice or beans can...

also, i need to find a job quickly.

kill people and steal them shit. whats the problem, you are back to survival mode, you are the smartest beast ever seen.

i don't have a gun... if you steal with a knife here, people will also laugh.

Keep your ass out of trouble! The gangs will skin you alive. Literally skin you alive.

Yes i know, i just want to find a job to pay a place where i could live.

what the fuck did you do to get kicked out of your parents house?

Sell your butthole/mouth to older gentlemen.

I'm 18 and my parents wanted me to get a job (What's i was trying but got no success)

how are the chances to get a job in argentinia?


guaranteed $500 is more than average monthly salary in fucking Argentina faggot


mmh... pretty low i gues... i was the whole year looking for one but couldn't get a shit.

dude, you can't do nothing with just $500... i'll buy some food, pay a hostel and my money has gone.

Empeza un círculo de prostitution con las Bolitas.

if 500usd is more than people make in a month, you can easily get a security deposit and first month on some shitty apartment.

No, ya veo que me cagan a tiros jaja

yes but i don't have papers, recibo de sueldos (i don't know how to say it in english)

start living as an dirty oogle those losers will accept you

Eso es segurísimo. En que parte vivís?
Yo nací aya pero me fui hace como 17 años pero me quiero volver. La cosa es que todos me dicen que esta todo horrible y re peligroso.

Rosario, esta mas peligroso que antes no te lo voy a negar pero no al nivel de algun pais centroamericano o venezuela... tambien esta todo re caro, te dejo, me voy al centro a preguntar por laburo local por local

Che, buena suerte. Todo es temporario, quédate tranqui.

Pero si hablas ingles papá! Tene confianza en vos mismo que todo se puede!.


Fun fact. My father left the farm he lived out on at 16. Traveling up south America from Cordoba all without a single dollar to his name. Till around his early twenties he lived like that. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Why didn't you loot their bank before this happened user? You live in the same house, how do you not have their bank info?

op this extremely important, how white are you?
if you are dark enough you can buy a ticket to Europe and claim refugee status and collect like 450 euro a week in neetbux

take a job on the restorant MESERO in spanish..


he said steal not rob


This fucking shit again