Godzilla is about to destroy your city. Use paint or whatever the fuck you want to defend it

Godzilla is about to destroy your city. Use paint or whatever the fuck you want to defend it.

build other city to defend city
> checkmate godzilla


>godzilla comes up to city
>sees bible
>reads it
>gets saved
>protects the city rather than destroying it

You scared him


shit :(



Checkmate atheists


WTF the same shit again

waste of quads


You can't stop him you immigrationophobe , it's the current year



Got you fam. Fire with fire, ya dig?

I am protected by this glass dome

Hope your city isn't in Europe, cause you would have just trapped yourself in with a shit ton of mudslimes...

hello ruskie

Ya got me, now shut up and contribute fag.

Godzilla is the good guy, man is the asshole who always attack him.



Lots of ants

Simply move the city

This one. Why isn’t this being militarized

simply let muslims in they ll sabotage everything and rape everybody so godzilla will havbe nothing to destroy as every human being have left like every neighbourhood were muslim migrants come (like in my city in France)


Other Godzilla will cancel itself out.