If your bmi is over 25 (withough being a bodybuilder) you are a pathetic human

If your bmi is over 25 (withough being a bodybuilder) you are a pathetic human.

State your bmi:

> 22.1


It's exactly 25. 6'3" and 90 kg.
To be fair, I doubt it can be measured appropriately because muscle is heavier than fat and my body is more muscle than fat. Someone with pure fat of the same weight would have the same BMI but be much more unhealthy.




Posting your bmi online, let alone on Sup Forums, puts you on the top of my "most pathetic" list.

No one cares.

33, not a body builder but I work for a living and can leg press over 1000.

I'll just deliver this to you since you probabaly can't get out of bed you obese fuck.

going by my height and weight: im healthy. hooray.
*lights up a cigarette to celebrate*

This chart is flawed, at 187cm 145 would be underweight (seriously) I’m 187cm and 160lbs and people bug me about being mr skelly.

What kind of work?

if you live in America, the norm is >obese, so if you're in the healthy range people will call you mr skeletal/

You can be skinny and healthy.

29.7, down from 34.2 6 months ago.

Grocery manager, moving 1.5k pound pallets and lifting 60 pound cases for 9+ hours a day.


Tfw i don't fit on the BMI chart


Built-fat tho, I could probably cut down from 190 to 165ish and be ripped.

I'm not doing enough physical exercises, but more importantly I tend to eat random shit at random hours.

Congrats man, how'd you do it?

30, but i do work out regularly and is pretty muscular so its alright

Dat face doe.

Moved to the countryside, closer to work. No shops nearby, no constant supply of sweet things. It's really been as simple as removing the temptations.

22, been around 19 most of my life, but finally managing to put on some weight at 29yo. God damn it, that took a while, lol, been trying to since about 16yo.


bmi is 30
im 6'1, 230lbs, not a body builder but i lift.
my body fat is ~17% according to one of those handheld things at the gym.
why is this pathetic?

28 pic related, my body type

24.7 according to fitbit

20.5 I can eat pizza and still be slim

>Guy who's 6'1 is considered overweight at 190lbs regardless of muscle mass
Calling bs


According to this i've been underweight my whole life.
I also have low bp and low cholesterol.
But doctors have been trained to only treat fat people.
For 23 years no doctor gave me advice on how to gain weight.

Canada actually, you can tell cause we bounce between metric and standard.

27.... Before antidepressants 23 ... FML but at least im not depressed anymore.


So I used to be 260 at 5'11" dropped down to 200 I can do like maybe 10-15 pullups fulldown and up any suggestions to lose the rest of this body fat without a diet? I eat 2 meals a day and snack 3x throughout. Workout needed going back to gym Jan. when I get a renewal on gym membership

Strongman tho


Seriously dude?

suppose you measure in stones?

Canada has basicaly the samw obesity rates as USA. Especially Satatcuaanawwanawan and the Newfies. I'm from Nova Scotia and it's fucking pork patrol here.

27, but got a fat percentage of ~8-9%.. so yeah, that's why I don't like the BMI. Although you stated it's not for bodybuilders, it's still way too much simplified imho

bmi is 17
fast metabolism


>But muh ribs are visible and my stomache is rippling


Jog/ 5k a day.

is 50 good
mom told me higher number is better

Will do coach

14 you fat fucks

Contrary to your fat fucking opinion, muscle is NOT heavier than fat

why is he tiptoing? did the author of this image not like the idea of the human body not being integer units of heads?



cows are the norm now
like anyone would use such ancient way of measure

Ahahaha eat a sandwhich skinny and work towards the ideal

30/31 170Cm. That would make me obese. BMI has always been bullshit for me. I remember weighing 68Kg. I was as thin as I could get. Looked very unhealthy.(alsmost overweight!!) I also remember weighing 75. I was looking fantastic, The slender posture of a Greek god they would describe me as. I was a very, very healthy young man. It would have been overweight BMI of 26. I am now under 90, just. and that would make me "obese" fuck that mate. I only carry it on my waist and belly. The rest is still delicious muscle all day long. fuck BMI. I don't have it in me to lose weight now. Gaining then was harder than everything. i was just too young. And losing weight after was even rougher. Medication does more than you think. I guess I have to pay respect to the people I mocked. I gained 22 kilos in two months

>State your bmi:

Chart does not have weight high enough for me to use it.

I'm 6,3 and was 90kg a few months ago
Stopped working out since then and lost about 10kg but but never had any any body fat

Exactly. They weigh the same. Its not heavier; its denser. Like you.


~17, fuck off all you fat asses.

hey lil peep is now lil sleep nga

good riddance.. all image no talent mutha fucka


>Talking about fat and muscles without any knowledge at all
C'mon fatfag - while you're typing your burger and fries get cold


Lol plz. My max weight is 180 and I've never been that light ever. And I've always worked and played sports

and people like to have fun ugly way iu ui and feel bad ugly way cause of the ugly short bitch that read people ugly way so rather not have turd at all

If you are actually 17% 61 230you're really built, like reaaaallly built, you might want to check again


I'm at 33. I might be fat but I bet you wouldn't do a fucking thing if we were in the same room.

im 17 as well

Wow you can recognize a celebrity, we're all really impressed you pitiful little shut in.




please don't eat me u fat cunt.....


I'll do more than just eat you big boy


19.5 fags

6'2 79kg
Apparently I'm "healthy" yet chubby what in the actual fuck

Hit&Run again and again, works everytime against fatties

what like lick out my asshole searching for pork pies?


I own a gym.


184 cm and 90 kg
chart says 26 overweight
funny this charts never take muscles into account
if i workout i get less fat, but get more muscles
so working out is bad for my bmi

Muscles are way heavier than fat, you must be extremely weak if you are chubby, we have the same dimensions and I'm lean

Actually I insult obese people a lot. What are thy going to do, chase you?

I think the cum you guzzle is a bit more calorie dense than this delicious In n Out ;)

6'1", 210 lbs=28 w/about 16-20% body fat.

holy shit mr autism

If you still believe in bmi you're a fucking moron.

18 btw you fat fuck

25 with no seeable fat for me - I'd be willing to fight a fat fuck like you any day

..or maybe 'cause of weak chicken bones

I second that, fuck the fatties.

it is I, the plainest human being alive


i want to die but i want to make it as drawn out and expensive for the american taxpayer as possible.

You're like the textbook definition of dense.

WTF !!!!

that just is ridiculous

what's 5'12" ??????

it's 6ft you absolute fucking moron

22 here
Not surprising, I do exercice regularly and i'm a vegetalian.