It gets better just hold on for the whole story

It gets better just hold on for the whole story
>be me
>16 year old junior in high school
>beta, mentally a child
>never touched any drugs in my life but wanted to try at some point
>my best friend had done lots of drugs so I felt left out
>mom smoked weed from time to time
>it was a thursday
>parents went out for several hours
>had the entire house to myself
>looked under the sink in my parents' bedroom where I'd previously seen my mom's weed
>unzipped the pouch and pulled out a ton of bags eventually revealing a small nug
>pinch off about a third of it and drop it into a new bag
>grab a lighter from my dad who smokes cigarettes and has them lying all around the house
>autism mixed with having no clue how to smoke kicks in
>grab an empty can of planters peanuts and punch 2 holes in the top
>drop the weed inside the can and put the top on
>hold the lighter under the can and try to vaporize it
>realize it isn't working
>decide a hotter flame is needed
>get a dumbass idea
>turn on the stove, grab a fork, ball up a sheet of paper, stab it with the fork, and press it to the hot stove
>oh yeah also I smoked inside like a fucking idiot
>smoke from the paper floats up around the can in huge swathes burning the fuck out of my eyes
>drop the makeshift torch on the counter as I stumble back
>the counter had more paper on it
>all the fucking paper catches fire
>smoke everywhere
>start freaking out
>turn on the sink and pull out the extension for washing dishes
>pull the little trigger and let the sink cum water all over the fucking counter soaking all the food and burning paper, blasting singed bits of paper all over the floor with the force of the jet stream
>ash and smoke are fucking everywhere and it took ages to clean up
to be continued

go on

>text my best friend who used to smoke a ton asking how he used to smoke
>tells me how to make a makeshift bong type thing which was basically a bowl on top of a bottle where the force of water being sucked out by various methods pulls the smoke from the bowl down into the chamber where you then take the bowl off the top and inhale all the smoke
>make a cheap one out of a water bottle by punching a hole in the side
>go outside this time after the last incident
>light the bowl and remove my finger from the side of the bottle
>fucking drop it
>weed gets soaked
>go inside and set the bong on the counter
>go back to the cabinet to get more weed
>see a shiny object at the bottom
>see a pipe shaped object which I would later learn was called a bowl
>go back to the kitchen because the wind made it almost impossible to light the bowl of the makeshift bong
>light the bowl and inhale, pulling the flame of the lighter down into the bowl
>the smoke is 1000 times harsher than I expected
>cough immediately
>take another hit
>by the third hit I finally managed to hold it without coughing
>dump the weed in the trash and turn on the fan above the stove to hopefully get all the weed smell out of the house
>put the bowl and lighter back where I found them and dispose of the coffee can
>on my way to my room I notice the intoxicating feeling and start narrating everything out loud
"woah this isn't normal"
>start laughing hysterically
>lay down on the bed, the memory of the smoke coming off the smoldering weed playing photographically in my memory.
>text some of my internet friends because I'm a faggot like that and only have like 1 or 2 friends at school
>start singing like an autist, really belting out a song I was improvising on the spot, and it was suprisingly decent
>go over to the piano even though I have no experience and start playing (poorly)
>go outside and watch the sunset, and suddenly feel truly at peace
>take in every detail, every color

>I dick around mostly, nothing notable for the rest of the evening, just enjoying the euphoria and intoxication of feeling generally wonked out.
>hear the door start opening
>parents are home
>try and act natural around them but they obviously see something is up
>they see the bong on the counter
>my mom looks at me and asks what it is and my reply is something truly only the greatest autist on the planet could amass
"I stabbed a water bottle with a pencil because I thought it would be funny."
>luckily I had disposed of the wet weed and the bowl on the top and since I never really lit the bowl there was no smell so they had no grounds to assume I did anything wrong, though they were incredibly suspicious.
>go to sleep and hope to sober up for school tomorrow

It didn't get better.

Agreed, op made promises he couldn't keep.

>now since I had never smoked before I was really, really overreacting, and half of the high I experienced the next day was placebo if not all of it
>I had a free bell in the morning meaning I didn't have to go to class, and I usually sat in my english teacher's room with some girls from my class to do my homework
>this time I act like a full autist
>my eyes are completely sagged, I can't stop smiling, I keep zoning totally out, but little did I know compared to what was going to happen in the near future this high was NOTHING.
>generally act like a faggot for the rest of the day, and some friendscover for me and help me out
>my best friend says that he felt his first time smoking for a week so this was nothing out of the ordinary
>the end of the day rolls around and I go home for the weekend
>this is when I realized I had a severely addictive personality
>take my bike to home depot
>buy some brass pipes from the piping section and assemble them like I pictured it in my mind, forming what one of the girls from my free bell told me was called a bowl
>stick a rock in as the screen, but realize when I get home I have nothing to smoke
>literally start flipping out begging everyone I know to get me connections
>I'm literally looking at trees wondering if there's weed growing on them. yes. I was that fucking idiotic.
>finally get a connection, a mutual friend who used to pick on me freshman year but I don't care
>this guy delivers
>get some dank ass shit
>get on my bike to go make the deal
>turns out he has a car and he meets me a few blocks from my house
>make the exchange and hop on my bike and run away
>duck behind an abandoned church and smoke a similar sized bowl to what I did before and realize how strong this shit is
>things at the center of my vision seem far, everything is distorted, and I can comprehend all of my visual field, including my peripheral vision
>colors are insanely bright.
>smoke until I can't anymore, leaving the charred weed as i bike away

Don't worry it gets way better from here this was just the beginning.
>start to realize how strong this shit really is
>start seeing insane things in my mind's eye, things incomprehensible, alien biology, the trees becoming lungs, and an overwhelming sense I was seeing everything through a memory
>this was bliss
>and I never wanted it to end
>so it never did
>starting that day I was a heavy daily user smoking 2-3 times a day
>I became one with the world of weed and the strangely powerful sensitivity I had to it
>Start going to school high, completely sealing the sober gap, never even entering sobriety from when I woke up to when I went to sleep
>start going to my study hall bell with those girls, flaunting around my newfound drug use like a 12 year old showing off swear words he just discovered
>start really burning my bridges with people
>nobody wanted to be around me while i was high
>while I was walking around enjoying the strange "trip" so to say (weed is similar to psychedelics for me in hindsight), one of the girls, anne, who had told me about the bowl and used to spoke started whispering to my teacher and the other girls
"user is totally just dicking around I doubt he's even high at all. weed doesn't make you act that way. he's doing it for attention and it's super super annoying."
>here I thought I was being this cool guy who didn't care about the law or rules or anything and did what I wanted by smoking weed but really I was just an autist acting extra autistic by inhaling burning plant matter into his lungs
>then I realized I was really fucking hooked on this
>didn't get sober for over a month
>eventually my lighter runs out and I start using matches
>one of the discarded matches unknowingly burns a small hole in the bag my weed is in
>currently keeping the weed in my room with a hole in the bag caused the room to quickly start smelling bad but that didn't concern me
>one of anne's friends texted me. my crush.

this is when my world began to fall apart
>anne's friend, let's call her molly, texts me.
>she explains that anne told her weed doesn't make you that way and that she knew I was faking
>she told me she didn't want to be around me if I was like this
>I tried explaining to her that I just liked to let it take me instead of trying to act normal and I could do better but
"no. you need to stop or we can't be friends anymore."
>I was sweating
>I texted her back
"i promise i won't come to school high anymore."

"good, don't disappoint me."
>realize how fucked I am
>try to go a day without smoking and start freaking out.
>I'd totally forgotten how bad my anxiety had been before these last 5 weeks or so of constant THC intake and I had no idea how to cope with it
>ended up going out for a smoke during lunch with a little weed I kept in the bottom of my backpack
>the calming feeling of the once harsh smoke entering my lungs sent me back into my intoxicated heaven.
>go back inside and lock eyes with molly
>she knows
>think about walking over to her but decide not to due to the smell of weed on me
>molly texts me after school
"I guess I didn't mean enough to you. Until you sort this out I don't want to hang out with you anymore. Bye."
>this wasn't the end though
>one of my friends told me my best friend, let's call him Tyler, was getting tired of my idiocy.
>he couldn't stand my compounded autism anymore and started to distance himself from me.
>so did everyone
>all my friends started leaving
>all I ever did was smoke and smoke and smoke
>nobody understood that it was the only thing keeping me sane
>only when I came home a week later would I begin to realize the repercussions of my actions, since my parents found the weed in my room.

>sobriety after such a long stretch of intoxication was hell.
>it didn't help that after that I got food poisoning
>i couldn't fall asleep due to the lack of weed in my system, my eyes were wide open due to overcompensating for sagging, and I was extremely irritable.
>torrents of vomit poured from my stomach for hours as I begged whatever higher power there was for forgiveness for leaving behind everyone for a plant if that had anything to do with my illness, until it finally came to dry heaving all night
>didn't sleep for the rest of the week
>It was thanksgiving now. I started smoking the beginning of october.
>wasn't going to school due to time off and sickness so I missed the entire week save for monday.
>had some crazy fever dreams on friday
>a full on fucking experience
>puffins from club penguin crawled into my eye sockets and told me that I had to stop being a child and care for my friends
>I realized I had to fix everything that had gone wrong with my friends, and that was when the real challenge came.
To be continued

>I only remember that this ended on a friday due to my parents telling me it was saturday the next day and that they were going out at night
>felt better enough to get up and walk around and decided to have a talk with my mom
>told her I'd start taking my ADHD medication, adderall, again as long as we took the precautions to make it safe (yeah I was a health geek)
>found a webpage that had a list of things to take, including vitamins and antioxidants, but the most astonishing was the reference to
"NMDA receptor antagonists such as Dextromethorphan HBr"
>I was taken aback. I had heard about how dex was a hell of a drug but didn't react in order to not show up a suspicious
>my mom went to the store with me and bought me dxm gelcaps and I took a whole bottle when I got home later
>it was a fucking trip
>still preferred weed but dex did something odd inside my brain
>after all the incredibly strange feelings of my brain being ripped apart, the dizziness, the disorientation, the intense dread and euphoria, and the sense of weightlessness, I had an urge to run like I never had ever before
>go ask my parents to go for a run
>they REALLY don't trust me after just catching me smoking but agree as long as I stay on our block
>experience heaven
>words can't describe the profound changes that happened, and nothing could catch me off guard more than being chased by small stray dogs for several blocks
>that wasn't what mattered though
>the next day I didn't CRAVE weed in the way I previously did. I would go to try and get some later on but it wasn't an addictive sensation.
>the next thing I had to do was worry about all my friends
>talked to everyone when I got back to school on monday and apologized to EVERYONE for being such a tool for the last month, but I knew it wasn't going to cut it. I'd have to prove it to them by not using any drugs around them, and that was OK after I used dex.
>decided I wanted to get some more weed though but I'd need a plan

Now is where the story gets really macgyver
>parents had emptied EVERYTHING out of my room AND took all my money
>additionally, I had to be driven to school and picked up every day instead of going myself which SUCKED.
>so I knew I'd have to up my game
>I devised my master plan
>throughout the day I gathered what I would need and hid it inside my computer case:
A cigarette from my dad, a lighter, a paperclip, and a bag of coffee grounds
>that's right I decided to smoke coffee grounds to stay up late. but that was just for part 1 of my plan.

You stopped being an annoying pothead and became an annoying jogger?
Try veganism and you get the hattrick.

You know, for someone with an addictive personality, you knew shit all about drugs.

This guy is a total chud, but I am compelled to keep reading - making me an even bigger chud.

>at 3am when everyone was asleep I slowly moved as quietly as I could down the hall of my house
>every step creaked very slightly but not loud enough to wake anyone up
>the change jar that was previously in my room was one of those water bottles from those giant office water machines so it was heavy as fuck and filled with hundreds of dollars of change
>I lifted it with both hands as I slowly made my way out the side door, avoiding the loud dragging of the sliding back door
>behind the garage I dumped out the coins and started counting out $40 -- the price of an eigthth -- and putting it in an old sock
>after I reached $40 I carefully replaced the change jar and hid the sock in the tree outside my back yard
the rest of the plan would need several other days
>the next day I escaped out my window late at night after I shut off the heater manually which was right next to my window
>I lived in a 1 story ranch house so it was easy to get in and out
>stack 3 bricks from the side of the house VERTICALLY on top of a cinder block out front to scale the 7 foot privacy fence from the outside
>grabbed the sock and hopped back over using the footholds on the other end (anyone with one of these fences knows what I mean)
>sprinted to 7-11. It was 3am and I asked if I could swap out my coins for bills. The guys at the register said sure since they were running low.
>now I had $40 cash to buy an eigthth from that guy I knew.
>I sandwitched the cash inside my history book and tossed it in my backpack
>I texted the guy and told him to get an eigthth ready for later that night
>a problem arose
>later that night to him was 8pm.
>my parents were awake at 8pm.

Now I realized I just misspelled eighth twice like a fucking idiot
>tried to tell my friend that I couldn't right now but he had already left for my house and was pulling up at the end of my block
>I opened the window as slowly and quietly as possible and jumped out, closing it behind me
>I sprinted out to the car, money in my pocket, and made the exchange.
>now that i hadn't smelled weed in awhile I realized how much his fucking car reeked
>sprinted back to my house with the weed in my pocket and set it underneath a wood plank behind the heater by my room
>right before I had the chance to get inside the heater fucking turned on. it turned on.
>if I opened the window everyone would hear in the house, so I waited for ages.
>texted some people to pass the time and just waited. and waited. and waited.
>then something happened that made my stomach drop
>the light in my room turned off
>one of my parents had looked inside and turned off the light since it was empty.
>i quickly stacked the bricks on the cinder block and leaped over the fence to the back yard as fast as I could, my heel pushing me off the very top of the fence, kicking off a stack of bricks in my back yard before landing on the patio.
>my mom opened the door literally 3 seconds I shit you not after I hit the patio. She told me she wanted me to help for dinner.
>it occured to me as I came inside I had nothing to smoke the weed out of as my parents took my homemade bowl
>I fucking loved that bowl like a son
>it was my creation and smoking from it brought me a sense of accomplishment but it was gone
>then, like some miracle of weed-christ, I noticed something.
>on the counter were several uncut large carrots.
>carrot pipe.

>carrot pipe

>so without being caught I slipped a carrot out of the kitchen along with a knife and hid them between my mattress and the box spring, then went to go cook
>after a long wait, I hopped out the window late at night, holding my carrot pipe in hand, lighter in pocket, and weed under plank.
>the smoke hitting my lungs felt like heaven itself, and I slowly noticed the effects of the weed hit me. This shit was even more insane than the last. pic related of a similar/identical strain
>this was the primer for my next big experience
To be continued

So this is actually the chronicle of how you started on drugs from start to finish?

shit weed

Based on what?

looks scrappy and light, you want it to be more compact and a lighter colour

now many people are familiar with the liliad but at the time of this happening I'd never read it before. I was pretty new to Sup Forums at the time (and yes I know I was underage at the time). This post takes place directly after the last post like 5-10 minutes.
>my friend texted me and asked me if I'd ever read the liliad
>I told him to fuck off since it was like 2am but I still looked it up anyway
>let me just say that this fucking moved me
>I don't get attached to books or movies ever and I never cry but I made an exception for the story of the liliad. Probably due to the weed.
>The main reason I felt so strongly is because I felt like I truly resonated with the OP of the liliad. Now, I didn't go around fucking 11 year olds, but I understood what he was going through. He mentioned at multiple points how he was mentally on an equal level to her, and I can most definitely relate to that state of being mentally a child.
>I'd already had 2 relationships with girls that were 1.5 and 2 years younger respectively in the past few months and they went to shit mostly because I had no idea what I was doing. Then I realized that I needed to do some serious work on myself or I'd end up fucking 12 year olds in hispanic parks in a year's time.
>Ok I knew it wouldn't go that far but I realized that if I didn't address my mental age soon, every relationship I would get in would fall apart due to my incompetence. I hit puberty at late 15 and didn't even have facial hair yet, how was I supposed to compete with the other juniors?
>this is when I texted molly.
>I told her about my feelings for her, but how I didn't want to go down that path with anyone right now for the time being.
>I told her that I wanted things to go back to the way they had been before any of this happened.
>I told her that I was sorry for not taking what precautions I could to address how shitty and childish of a person I was to be around but instead amplifying it.
>I told her that I wanted out.


Oh right then, in my mind it looked decent, but I'm more used to hash anyway since that is what is readily available here.

>This is when I fell into a depression, but I didn't consider it bad.
>I considered it constructive.
>I hated the prison of my mind more than anything, feeling hopeless and empty and without any chance of growing.
>I contemplated just laying down in the street at night and waiting for a car to run over me.
>I decided I wanted to do acid.
>I wanted ego death.
>My ego was the problem
>It had to die
>I contacted my friend who sold me the weed and told him that I needed acid and I'd be willing to pay really good money for it too.
>At first he didn't want to give me any but eventually he cracked when I offered to pay 1.5x the original price.
>I was really fucking desparate to get away from myself for awhile.
>I'd do anything for that.
>and so I waited until my normal time of night to take 2 tabs.
>I barely remember the trip
>I remember intense visuals then just me stopping.
>I remember being nothing.
>I never feared death again after that day, but I didn't grow up yet either.
>escape was nice though.
>it changed me
I have to go run some errands, I should be able to continue the thread soon.

Someone tell me it the story is good if it's worth the read or gimme a tldr version.

It's more of a "hey guys, hear about that time I was a retard on drugs" than a "drug infused epic that makes you ponder on how we as humans think".
If you've got the time read it.

Come back you fucker and end your stupid autistic story. I want to know

If all of this somehow works down to a pun about your friends Molly and Tyler I'll be upset. Also, it's a shitty story so far.

Ok I'm back from grocery shopping and I'm ready to finish the story now.
>It was April.
>My drug use had gotten worse. I was using ketamine, dex, acid, mushrooms, salvia, and some others.
>No ego drugs like coke.
>I hated my ego.
>I hinted to my parents I wanted to get into organic chemistry as a career and convinced them to start buying me glassware for a lab in my room.
>little did they know they were feeding my drug problem as I lied to them about the things I was synthesizing and extracting.
>made GHB and some other easily synthesizable drugs and shared them with my friends, many of which were new and only stuck around to get high with me but that was ok.
>I lost most of my old friends.
>additionally, the adderall I mentioned earlier I never started taking. I was hiding it in the removable bottom panel of my laptop every day instead of taking it and selling it to people to get money for precursors and drugs.
>decided I wanted to go big.
>I was going to synthesize DMT.
>went and bought a fuckton of tryptophan tablets from the store and followed an erowid synthesis for DMT/NMT from Tryptophan.
>made sure to wash extensively to get the purest product possible and I was finally satisfied when the crystals were extensively pure looking.
>made a makeshift crack pipe out of a lightbulb and vaped a fucking lot of the DMT
>the smoke was harsh as fuck, exactly as it was described.
>it felt like I was inhaling glass.
>after a second toke I became too incapacitated to smoke any more and my friend who was tripsitting took the pipe from me. (we were at his houe)
>this is when things got intense.
Everything devolved into patterns and I began rocketing through a tunnel unlike anything I'd ever seen.
There were patterns so pefectly mathematical it was impossible my brain could calculate them.
Yet it did.
I rocketed straight into a stained glass window, shattering it, breaking through into the void, shards of glass impaling me.
I collapsed into an empty room and bled out.

Wow, shitty ending is shitty. M Night Shamalamadingdong is that you?

I could feel myself fading away. Dying.
I started lifting up. The fog began to clear. My soul was leaving my body. I was entering the atmosphere. I could see the earth from below. Suddenly I began shooting streaks of flames out of my hands and ass, flying through the atmosphere iron man style. It was fucking sick. My childhood dream. I realized I was literally shitting fire in the atmosphere as a dead person and started laughing hysterically. I couldn't stop laughing. My laughter interrupted my ass fire and my hand fire. I started falling out of orbit. I started panicking, trying everything I could to restabilize myself. The flames had been extinguished. I started falling towards Africa, burning up in the atmosphere. I became a comet, rocketing towards the surface of the earth, impacting the ground with more force than I could image. Then I was a lion. I had no conscious thought. I had paws. I travelled through the crystalline grass with the rest of my pack. I lived the life of this lion for weeks, months even. I became the lion. I lost my individuality. I lost my ego. I was the lion. One day however my lion-self looked into a pond, and the reflection was that of a geometric alien being unlike anything ever depicted or possible to depict on earth. It almost transcended language. That's because there was one word that came close to describing it. Me. I was looking at my reflection. The reflection started to rise up out of the water, drifting towards me until lion-me merged with it. Black. Nothing. Then my second life came. I was me, but I wasn't me. Life was different. I travelled through every branch of every mistake I ever made and looked at the outcomes. I saw that every major mistake I made was for the better. My fucking inability to do anything right protected me from undesirable outcomes. This is the best outcome we're living in right now. I know that for sure. Many others result in our death by one method or another. Then I reached the end of this life.

The end of this life came as soon as it began. Even though it was independent of time I still reached an end. Kind of like the strangeness of the big bang coming out of nowhere if you understand what I'm trying to say. I reformed into my next life. This one is the most ridiculous. I was a fucking senator of RHODE ISLAND. All I got asked about was passing laws all day, and I decided the fate of the way the world was run. I ultimately realized that no matter what laws you pick they will never be able to justly judge any group of people no matter how generalized. This I resigned by taking my own life. I lived thousands of other lives from here on out. One where I was a fireman saving watermelons from a nursery, another where I was a nymphomaniac woman getting fucked by 3 dicks at once for weeks on end without stopping orgasming constantly, another where everything was the same except I had a sister, and hundreds of others. My last life, however, was the most profound. I was god. Not the christian god. I was THE god. I was the universe. Every human soul was a piece of me. Every planet formed my body. I was the universe. I was god. I existed always everywhere in every way possible in every alternate universe simultaneously. I embodied infinite earths and infinite milky ways and infinite andromedas and infinite everythings. I lived every human life in every outcome all at once. I was everything and also anti-everything and nothing. It's impossible to describe but it was beautiful. It was something I will never be able to surpass in my life.

>That was my last DMT life. The trip ended soon after and I returned to my senses. 10 minutes had passed, but I had just lived through literal infinity.

the end?

I turned to my friend and told him
"I'm going home."
I left all drug related stuff in that house and went home. I packed up all my drugs, all my precursors, literally EVERYTHING related to getting intoxicated in a trash bag and put it in an old tennis backpack. I trecked out for the final time at 2AM, going approximately a mile from my house to some woods. I brought a trowell with me and proceeded to dig as deep of a hole as possible. I buried the trash bag there and filled in the hole. By 3AM I was done. I used an app on my phone to get the exact latitude and longitude of the location and sent it to my best friend. He can find hundreds if not thousands of dollars of illicit substances, I don't give a fuck anymore. I filled in the hole and went home.

I never got high again.

Worthy of my time. Good story. 8/10

Can I get the walk the dinosaur ending instead please, user's story is remarkably dull?

someone cap this shit omg

This thread is fucking gay. Take your stupid underage story to reddit you fucking faggot. Stop trying to be cool and anhero. Nobody will miss you. Sage

Hey user, you seem upset, why are you badmouthing a dying thread?

You were Fucking carrots

Dude, stop talkin bullshit
Weed looks fkin good whats wrong with you??