Hail hydra

how do we weaponize this?

its all over the news for some reason, likely media trying to puah libshit views, but i think we can use this. Hydra says the same shit as trump as an obvious attempt by the artists to shove in their political views.

but people like trump, otherwise he wouldnt be winning so much. and they like him for his message. so therefore, it should be easy to get them to like hydra and trigger the shit out of the authors.

please, can we meme magic this into reality somehow.

It's *them* who are weaponizing it. They're gonna put on Racist!Cap all the strawmen nd political points of the right, with shit about muslims and patriotism and immigrants and all such stuff. When they're done, your arguments will have been weak-manned to hell and back, and you'll never be listened to again. It's pure propaganda tactics.

Remember the Red Skull scans?

Hydra are literally the good guys now.

>"Hydra is finnished" says increasingly nervous man for the eight time
we can out meme them, we have the technology. we can meme him stronger than ever becore.


Just another white guy portrayed as the villain.

Expect the "real captain american" to be black.

Vega isn't white. He's asian.

Just go on to marvel fan groups and say something like this "Why should Captain America be patriotic about a country which no longer values patriotism?" add what you'd like but it should work well.

The answer is because everyone knows nigs be too stupid for long term planning. Casting a black mastermind is just so absurd it'd wreck immersion.



There are OBJECTIVELY BAD things like racism, anti-semitism, climate change, anti-semitism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-semitism, migrant hate, Trump and anti-semitism. These things are bad no matter and regardless of the source.

"Good", morals, virtue? Completely subjective and not likely in humans.

Anti-semites should be shot

>old cap's American values are now considered pernicious?
>Do you hate the founding fathers? You hatin on Franklin?
>What are you, a statist corporate 1% supporter who hates freedom and wants a police state?
>isn't captain America the good guy in all those movies? Do you agree with what he does? Can't you see he's fighting the almighty state America has become? (Don't say the globalists. They'rr not ready)
Then invent some slogan like "Bring back the cap!" Or some shit. Say that they've turned on the true American values and want us to accept the other guy.

If they ask too many questions compare caps with old Lobo vs new Lobo. You can't possibly lose this fight.

>Anti-semitism twice

O-Oy vey

>three times

O-Oy-y vey


This is just sad. Has the quality of comic writing really sunk this low?

*6 million

Great, liberals turned the patriot into a villain, fuck marvel.


Yes. Remember "unsolicited opinions about israel??" and "wonder woman hits man for telling truth, calls it mansplaining?"


The Old Republic couldn't handle Wal-Mart pushing around Podunk, Space Kansas.

Fuck you if you think he's a villain. The same people are defending corner vendors.

Prevents teen pregnancy better than cheap condoms and free abortions combined.

Turkroach detected.

Luddite furry detected.

so what exactly happened with this story
I read online that apparently he was with hydra all along but from some scans i saw it just looked like he only recently joined them after seeing what america had turned into?

It's standard "sleeper agent" storyline, showed his mom getting help from a Hydra recruiter when Rodgers' dad beat her. We don't know more than that, AFAIK

Palpatine started the rebellion you idiot. He was the star wars equivalent of the jews.

>star wars equivalent of jews
>defeated by white people

Wario isn't white, he's Italian.

The rebellion against the Old Republic, yes. And it was such simplistic bullshit that any governing body that even knew what competence was would squash it without any trouble.

No he's Jewish

was that the banking clan the jews of star wars and palpatine destroy it for good in the clone wars


italians invented the concept of political whiteness to refer to them

If it makes you feel any better all the hero's are white 2 :V And I don't think Heisenberg (Breaking Bad) Was a bad guy.. He did make a bunch of mistakes tho like when he killed mike

Who #TeamRedSkull?

>Donald Trump and his voters are Hydra
Can we please take politics out of fucking comics ffs?

>If it makes you feel any better all the hero's are white 2

The protagonists are universally more 'diverse' than the antagonists.

Did he say this mockingly or is this (for a given value) serious?

What happened to the eagle wings on the sides of Cap's hat?

He started both rebellions, the seperatists as a way to seize power, and the alliance to restore the republic as a way to implement extreme measures such as the death star and tarkin doctrine

Really, Palpatines only misstep was not killing Vader after he became mutilated and weakened, and finding another Maul to raise in his own image from birth


Skull has some great points, skull for prime minister!

>right wing christian sucide bomber

Every tiem kek

Wait, are you counting EU? Because it sounds like you're counting EU.

>The Monarch
Oh come the fuck on

IIRC it was the Force Unleashed 2 that did the whole starting the rebellion thing, I'm not sure if that's been discounted or not. Probably has, since it involves Vader's secret apprentice and clones of him

I just want a KOTOR 2 movie and I can turn my back on Star Wars forever, I've spent far too much of my life on it.

>implying anyone will count Disney """"""""""""""canon"""""""""""

Dear god why is that abomination even existing

Literally just use #HailHydra unironically
Accept the label and twist it for your own ends
This is propaganda 101

>Palpatines only misstep was not killing Vader after he became mutilated and weakened
Except he made him weakened with shitty cybernetics and ill-fitting armor on purpose so it would be harder for Vader to challenge him.

Good Black Cap must now contend with the White Cap who has secretly been a HYDRA man since the 1940's.

Only though privilege-checking can Black Cap hope to survive.

I know, but he was banking on Vader being super duper evil and more loyal to palpatine, than to his estranged son. Arrogance brought the man down.

This. Remember that since he was a double agent the whole time it is likely that all his talk about "muh diversity" was actually just subversive propaganda designed to weaken society.


>who has secretly been a HYDRA man since the 1940's
My mind is full of fuck. So Steve Rogers is the master of the long con?

Comic books are shitty stories for children devised in the 40's who take themselves way too seriously

Who even care about the plot twists anymore, there's been to many of them to make any new possible ones seem significant

Haven't played it, but that does fall under EU.

>implying anyone will count Disney "canon"
Actually refrained from watching that so far, for no particular reason other than diminished enthusiasm after the apocalyptic let-down of the prequels. After the first prequel I only watched the other two out of morbid curiosity and ironic entertainment ala MST3K.

>Like most girls my age, I was obsessed with...

Eternal anglos should be shot.


episode 7 was surprisingly good, not much in the way of jewish tricks. The nigger stormtrooper and the white girl are platonic friends (although we all know that can change) for one

Gas yourself

Episode 7 is "meh", not as crap as Prequels, but still not good. I came in there with low expectations, and was surprisingly not disappointed as badly, but still meh

Im just referring to the comics, books, literally everything that is coming out for the new lore, its fucking atrocious


Of course it's for the new lore. Disney controls the trademark, they want the new narrative, so the old one must die.

>take the mark



>any of those
>bad plot twists

>so the old one must die.
whats even funnier is that theyre legit plundering the old lore and using it for their new one because they have no fucking idea in what to do other than cashgrab the franchise and pander to whoever

The "old lore" was mostly dog shit anyways. Especially the stuff that got put out in book form.

>my mom would rather get a decent pay to feed me than look for lolmagic (nevermind that she paid for 57 fucking x-rays)
>my teacher (female) would rather have me work on actually useful shit
>my mom wouldn't sign a form for an experiment that could potentially mutilate me

shill harder, degenerate

Better than whatever the fuck theyre giving out in the new one, old lore is dogshit my ass

Cut everything off after Yuuzhan Vong though, dear christ that was disgusting

She looks like she's missing more chromosomes than just the Y to be honest family

fucking normies, read some comicbooks for fucks sake.
This is nothing, it's just the first issue, I give it until issue 7 until it turns out to be a clone or some stupid plot twist. Everyone who is making a huge deal out of this has never picked up a single comicbook in their entire life.

>tfw no Thrawn movies

Dunno don't read them myself but that's what I have gathered--surprise stinger last panel revealing OG Cap is evil now.

Thrawn would be great for the who diversity quota. He's fucking BLUE!

Batman murdering his own parents would actually be a pretty nice plot twist. In fact it would be better than most of the edgy stories that are associated with him. I mean the man is certifiably crazy.

Unfortunately Disney doesn't understand that you dont have to show a nigger and a faggot in order to be diverse in a fucking galaxy of aliens

That'd explain why he's so torn up about it.

>Cut everything off after Yuuzhan Vong though, dear christ that was disgusting
I was a little rustled when they ruled the EU all non-canon, but then I remembered that included the Yuuzhan Vong abortion and it was all better.


I prefer the the fact that he's still emotionally a ten year old child playing with other people's lives just to reenact his Zorro delusion

This picture is innaccurate. Everyone knows that muslims are the ones who strap dynamite to their vests and suicide bomb.

Yeah but the problem is that theyre utilizing or permitting ANYTHING from the old lore that had good lore i.e. Thrawn, Old Republic, the Ancient Sith, Bane, Plagueis

Whoever decided to cut off everything than just trying to synthesize it should get shot

Hydra is bad guys in "Marvels: Agencies of Shield"
Heil Hydra though, ancient ayyy lmaos and slutty superheros.

Wouldn't be that hard to meme magic it, honestly.

How can you say that racism and the such are objectively bad, and in he same thought say morals are subjective (which they are)?
Are you retarded?

In the end it turned out that hydra/hive(inhuman hydra god not dc group) wanted to make everyone super heros under his control so he can save the world from thanos when he got there.

I don't understand. I know he's the bad guy because he has a red skull but everything he's saying is correct? Why are children reading comic books made to think his points aren't valid?

>please, can we meme magic this into reality somehow.

There you have it. Absolute perfection.

You simply add: «Nothing new here. Captain America was always on the side of hard working blue collar americans» to the hail hydra scan and you got some highly triggering weaponry.

The people who are against Trump seem to be very «class conscious». If you always mention that Trump is the preferred candidate of the blue-collar/labor/working class, you make their elitism come out (oh they're all uninformed stupid ignorant bla bla bla) and that makes them look ultra bad in the long run.

>The Monarch

So all the best characters are white? Checks out.

More rousing monologue

I need to stop browsing vox even if its for good material, it's killing me

>nothing is true
>spare some random objective things

Fuck off Sheckelstein

It's easy.

Make it make no sense.

Make it quick and catchy.

Make it silly willy~


This man is speaking my mind, why can't I vote for him?


This is satire, right?

He's 2d

>I hate chimichangas

Social engineering isn't always done by professionals.

But at this point, it is very well understood that human beings learn best through narratives and stories because the lessons learned are attached with sentimental value. The morals in our favorites stories are the things that imprint on our consciousness the most. Through those morals is how you form people to think the way you want them to think.