Yfw Johnson takes the 14% Trump needs to beat Hillary

>yfw Johnson takes the 14% Trump needs to beat Hillary

Johnson won't crack 2% on Election Day.

I'm voting for Johnson. Fucking moron trump supporters worshipping a reality show star should be murdered.

Have fun wasting your time voting for someone who absolutely won't win.

Yeah and Stein and Sanders will steal votes from the left. Fuck I hate this two party system.

Oh, shit. BTFO!

Looks like I'm on #JohnsonsJonhson

Libertarians are a joke. They are as wacky as the left-wing sjw's.

Have fun taking responsibility for a shit tier presidency. I promise that I will do everything I can to make it as absolutely difficult as possible.

im a #cruzmissile myself but now that he lost, my vote is for hillary

Gary might be a social libertarian, but open borders are a bad idea. Johnson is the wrong candidate. We need a libertarian in the Hans-Hermann Hoppe school of thinking.

Literally who

>I promise that I will do everything I can to make it as absolutely difficult as possible.

Might as well be talking to that one stubborn old fart who votes for Jeb Bush as a write-in candidate. Just stay home, your vote is just going into the trash can.

I too want open borders and a totalitarian communist government, which is why I'm voting for Johnson. He'll get rid of that pesky border and usher in the one world totalitarian socialist state we all deserve.

Actually, his vote cancels out a Trump vote.

>more powerful than a canadian fighting over the last donut

>A single vote matters

The electoral college system makes your vote essentially worthless, it doesn't cancel out shit.

How so?

Is Johnson just another globalist tool?

I voted for him last time, and Ill probably vote for him again. Into the trash the two-party-system goes.

Dissolve the borders, yes hes a tool.

A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary. Might as well just vote Hillary

This, refer to bush/gore election

>imagine a world where g w bush never took office

>Johnson has explicitly stated that he believes in open borders

Even Hillary doesn't go that far. Why do any of you support this kosher puppet? Is it because you think being a libertarian is cool and edgy, and he is a self-professed libertarian?

He's not getting anyone but the cuckservatives still so assblasted they would have voted for Hillary otherwise.

>The electoral college system makes your vote essentially worthless

Not true. Pollsters and think tanks use voter totals to shape platforms.

>holy shit we have libertarians in this area
>better run a libertarian-minded bill up the legislature

Eventually, you win.

The faggot is for open borders and handouts to wetbacks, no different than voting for any other non Trump candidate of any party.

>open borders
>legalize all drugs

Yeah, I'm sure his support will come from Conservatives.

>$0.10 has been deposited into your 'Shilling for Hillary' account. Remember: Correct The Record!


>durr we shud have open borders

Fuck that.

Come on man, I'm not trying to be a dick here but your spouting the most grandiose of delusions. Johnson has a 0% chance of winning and the two party system is in absolutely no danger of being dissolved. This is just reality.

>I wear my MAGA hat alone in my room because I think it makes me look tough

Kill yourself you retarded faggot

Voting third party is an absolute massive waste of time in the US system and you're guaranteed to end up with $hillary if you do.


And if he doesn't, he might end up with Drumpf.

Trump is significantly better than Hillary even if you dislike them both


He is too pathetic to even have a Ross Perot effect

Then you would vote Trump in the election




>votes for a libertarian

I think you may have some issues, mate

Some body needs to incase this faggot in asphalt so I can peel my tires out on his face.