Whats the worst way to die Sup Forums?

whats the worst way to die Sup Forums?

The victim would be trapped inside two boats, or hollowed out tree trunks, with just their head, hands and feet protruding. The would be force-fed milk and honey (some kind of Persian irony there) to the point at which they developed horrendous diarrhea. At this point more milk and honey would be poured all over them, particularly the eyes, mouth and genitals, in order to attract insects.

The idea was that, as the boats filled with milk, honey and faeces, biting and burrowing insects would colonise it, inflicting horrible torture on the victim. There is debate as to whether the insects would actually burrow into the skin, or simply drive the victim mad as they swarmed, but this combined with whatever injuries were inflicted (because you can be sure they were), would cause the body to become horrendously gangrenous.


Slowly boiled alive

imo would be, being skinned alive

hahha very good sir but heres another..


or maby blood eagle ?? :)

or burning ^^

The immediate acute pain is felt as the flames get close to the skin, stimulating the nerves and beginning to cook the flesh, to begin with, this will actually boost the skin's pain sensitivity (sort of your body's way of trying to get you outta there). After a short while, the top layer of skin containing the most sensitive nerves will have burnt away, and a deeper, duller pain will set in. You'll probably stay concious long enough to smell your own body cooking.

Eventually, burn victims will die of blood and fluid loss causing the heart to stop

Decompression (0-0)

In 1983, four divers were inside a decompression chamber on the Byford Dolphin oil rig, when it explosively decompressed. The air pressure went from nine atmospheres to one in less than a second. The damage it wrought on one of the divers was nothing short of catastrophic.

Everything in the thoracic and abdominal regions, including his spine, were forcibly ejected from the body and flung up to 30 feet. His chest, organs and trachea were found scattered about the chamber.

Pancreatic cancer.

worst way to die would probably being impaled, but still given water to survive the impaling process during the upcoming weeks

Be slowly decapitated

hahah sick

living an average middle class life, having kids who grow up and slowly begin to forget about you as you age into your final years, slowly developing dementia and die of a heart attack one day while attempting to open a jar of peanut butter. only one of your three children attend your funeral and you are forgotten forever in 15 years in the sands of time.

not bad at all ^^

a rat and a bucket to the stomach. then burn bucket. rat crawls into stomach:)

I had to google this, sounds very horrific

yes abd they first cut open the back /w a burning hit knife to prevemt bleeding and prolonge suffering

>in less than a second
well its bad but so quick he probably didn't feel it

hack open the ribs... twist them out and drag the lunge over each shoulder

true thats just a gorey one

lets not forget about death by marshmallow

poison marshmallo = Ultimate ;etrayal ftw


I'm not sure exactly how much human excrement a person can swallow before their stomach bursts, but it'd be quite unpleasant to find out.

I've often wondered what guillotine victims thought about between the time their head was removed and the time their brain died.

i thinj u would have to mass force it down in that case. or you will just puke it up^^ but i hear cactus dildos on all the walls.


any way that anihilates instantly your pineal gland..trust me you don't wanna do this

Old ass copy pasta, but it's the best answer to this question I've read...

"The Sandpaper Room. There are two rollers hidden behind the walls on either side of the Sandpaper Room that keep the abrasive floor in motion at all times. Not too fast, maybe two or three miles per hour, which is easy enough to keep pace with… at first. Eventually though, you get tired and stop. But the moving floor pulls you up against the wall, where you realize that the soles of your shoes are slowly being sanded away. So you start walking again, but it dawns on you that you're only delaying the inevitable… that your time is limited to how long you can stay awake and moving, while your captors have all the time in the world. How long will it take for you to die? How many times will you drop unconscious from exhaustion, only to be ripped awake by the pain of your skin being sanded away? How many times will you be able to force yourself to get up and walk before your body simply isn't able to obey your mental commands anymore? Hours? Days? A week? Once you make the final drop, how long before the sandpaper grinds your flesh to the bone? How many days before you bleed to death? How long before there's nothing left but a red wet stripe on the floor… of the Sandpaper Room?"