This is your son tonight

>this is your son tonight

Does it make you want to kill yourself knowing your sperm/egg produced this?

it's possible although I take no financial responsibility for any brats i may have created with women in countries i no longer reside in so not my problem

I raised a good sissy to empty my balls.

I'd fuck it

lmao. that guy is probably 30 years older than me

Show us more of that sissy.

He looks like he's in his 20's. Are you a time traveler?

your son likes taking a cock up his ass while dressed like a girl
sounds like you have a daughter

Good boi trying to compensate me for the loss of his mother

>and this is your gardener tonight

You must be a fucking preteen who can't tell a 20 year old from a 40 year old

would plough

so you are -10 yo?

>this is your son tonight
No Grandpa, s/he is not.

>here's my wife and her so... i mean daughter


where did I go wrong


you let his mother teach him how to makeup instead of teaching him yourself

the only way somebody ends up like that is with emotional trauma as a child I guess I beat him too hard

This ship is sinking. I could give a fuck how he, or any of you choose to drown. Just stay the fuck away from me you rat dicks.

At least he isn't a pro-abortion Democrat...

>this is you and you're wife's son tonight

He looks like a 35-40yr old. But most on here would look worse at tgat age an look like that as teens