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I made this from Beatles for Sale and Help, using some of my favorites. Do you guys rike it ?





Just Paul

What's the best line in any Beatles song?
Not necessarily lyrically but also how it sounds.

favorite Beatle quote? J Lennon on reincarnation: "why come back just to cum?"


winston churchill!!

"I must confess, Satan has always been a role model for me"
- Ringo in 1970

>not /beat/
You had one job, op


What can be said about the greatest, and most influential rock band that hasn't already been said millions of times?


John lennon is actually underrated


How did you manage to be so right?

I was thinking about the Beatles today, and the general cultural (and Sup Forums) understanding of the men's roles in the band. As a famous pop group where each guy was his own person, a popular topic is: who is your favorite Beatle?

Below I'll try to summarize the pros and cons of each Beatle, /as the general population and as the Sup Forums population understands them/. Please let me know whether you think this accurately reflects popular opinion of the Beatles as men in the band.

JOHN: PRO: strange, poetic, stream-of-consciousness lyrics which fit perfectly with the modern era. A cynicism at the same time as writing hopeful, joyous music, which again modern people can appreciate. High willingness to experiment and try things that other people had been trying, incorporating same into group's sound.
CON: Totally up his own ass and goes off the rails at times.

PAUL: PRO: In addition to being the most handsome member, is the principal creative behind very charming melodies and several of the band's most popular hits and catchiest hooks.
CON: Paul can go too schmaltzy. Preachy vegetarian and sellout, these days. Pushed the Magical Mystery Tour movie project which despite being a great album/record, is a terrible movie.

GEORGE: PRO: Quieter member who wasn't as up-his-own-ass as the above two. Periodically contributed his own writing to the albums, but mostly contented himself to the coveted spot of Lead Guitarist.
CON: It is telling that I can't really think of a con about George's role in the band, except a dodge maybe that he didn't write most of the stuff. Maybe something about being an India-boo?

RINGO: PRO: sang on Yellow Submarine and Friends. Seems like a nice enough guy IRL but then I don't know. Can be picked as favorite if the picker is either contrarian, or just likes underdogs and arguing details.
CON: is clearly the group's ugliest member. The quality of his actual drumming is regularly impugned.

Pretty much every early Beatles interview was hilarious, but I particularly love this one:
>Reporter: What about this campaign in Detroit to stamp out the Beatles?
>Paul: We're starting a campaign to stamp out Detroit.

they suck?

Wrong answer. KYS!

They were so witty. Watching their press conferences is such a joy

They knew the position they were in and pretty much knew they were untouchable, so they just decided to answer the dumb, classic media questions with some of the wittiest answers to interviews ever.

Because you can be creative, talented, and in same time a commercial success.

Another fun part of their wit is when they weren't in front of the camera. Their session outtakes are absolutely hilarious. Paul is naturally the funniest I think. John is next. They were talented in so many ways

The outtake for Think For Yourself is absolutely hilarious.

>she loves you
>yeah yeah yeah

That one is great. My favorite is during a take for And Your Bird Can Sing where they're stoned off their heads and giggling through the lyrics

Yeah if u live in the 60s