Wow. Really makes you think

Certainly sparks your consideration

Fuck off burgers you've been posting this shit all day

Probably a true autistic feeling edgy because its past his bed time. When hell is full Sup Forums will walk among the living.

Wow. Really makes you stop thinking.

This board is becoming more and more cancerous by the day. Need a good Stalin-like Sup Forums purge

wow... i am now a #Shitposter


we really need to think of migrating somewhere else Sup Forums

the jewry is obvious in this place now

I'm sick of this shit, mods need to expand the rules to include OPs with shitty facebook non-argument images and one line of text that contributes nothing.

At least say that the OP must include the beginnings of a discussion in text if they're going to give you some bullshit #occupydemocrats image macro or horsey comic

I think we're the most popular we've ever been currently which is kind of a double-edged sword; we have more influence than ever before (you can't tell me Trump would be even close to where he's at without us) but its also made the board almost as intolerable as when Joot 1.0 tried to destroy it.

It's just one or two fags throwing a tantrum.

nice try jew

its not that hard to see what's going on here

>you can't tell me Trump would be even close to where he's at without us
LOL delusional Sup Forumstards actually believe this
the only influence you have is over the amount of cum stains on the floor of your mom's basement

/mae?ke?s (yo)?u+ the?ink/i
/what did \S+ mean by this/i

Nobody here could point out your """"nation"""" on a map if they had a gun to their head.

Nobody cares what you think, bud.

>you can't tell me Trump would be even close to where he's at without us

tell me, what all did Sup Forums do

What is the logic behind this string filter?
I need to know so I can formulate more filters of low effort threads.

Interesting. I guess you could say that I'm a #CruzMissile now.

>(you can't tell me Trump would be even close to where he's at without us)
user I agree the memes are fun but thinking this is autistic delusion

Look up regex. Often used in programming. It's seem harder than it actually is.

/ start of regex
matches letters/spaces normally
? optional
() grouping
+ 1 or more
\S non-space/tab/newline/etc
/ end of regex
i case insensitive

So that'll match:
makes you think
maeks u theink
makes youuuuu think
which people were using on this board right now.

the e's in maekes are optional, matching maks, maeks, makes, and maekes.
yo is optional, and requires 1 or more u, matches: you, u, uuu, youuuuu, etc.
think has an optional e in it, matching think, and theink

in what did \S+ mean by this, \S+ means literally any word, of any characters. So he/she/they/any word.

More mutations of shitposts will surely be made.
Gotta learn how to weed the grass.

hmm... really makes me think



Huh...really makes you think

What did

I mean

by this?

Fucking checked holy shit what's going on in this thread

really makes you checkem


Holy shit

1 million dollars at work.

The slide is real

Makes u thank and shiet

Thou great KEK has praised thou with thy dubs may prasith of KEK he may reward with checks. Praise KEK.

I'm starting to hate this new meme

I feel like some people are sabotaging this place by posting this shit to distract from actual happenings and slide threads


Notice how scared they are. They don't want us to realize the political power we have.

praise kek

some nigger is spamming Sup Forums hard, watch he'll post his shit quality macro with the face here soon.

every forum online seems full of useless chatter. Nobody seems to want to talk about actual issues, or about how our world i structured for the gain of bankers.

you son of a bitch