Is anyone here actually smart? can you solve this american math question?

is anyone here actually smart? can you solve this american math question?
if so you've qualified for the high IQ discord (no brainlets): mK4ztRN

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It's 17



15 minus cheese


ah true, missed that

Oh shit wrong operator. 5 + 2 x 10 is 25

0, because anything multiplied by a negative number is also negative, dumbass

Unsolvable since from the equations we can't determine what a burger without cheese is equal to.

This is the right answer. Otherwise it would be 25

if you're not trolling, google pemdas


The answer is ten.

If you're not blind, take a look at that double royal w/o cheese

Soda is 10
10 + 10 + 10 = 30
Burger is 5
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
Double Fries is 2
5 + 2 + 2 = 9
If Double Fries is 2, then Fries is 1
5 + 1 x 10
Do the multiplication first
1 x 10 = 10
Then do the addition
5 + 10 = 15

The answer is 15.



Quarter-pounder your Eurofuck

pi^4 / 72

Answer is unsolvable. A burger = 5, but we don't know what a burger without cheese is equal to. The final equations has a burger without cheese in it.

The answer is diabetes. How can you even call that food?

A double quarter pounder meal is like $7.99

So a single order of fries is the same numerical value as a double order of fries?

Amerifat logic

It is indeed.

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted.

its fries times drink you fag