Math rock fucking sucks and you can't prove me wrong

math rock fucking sucks and you can't prove me wrong
especially japanese math rock. like it seriously is the boriest shit ever.

Other urls found in this thread:

You need fabric softener.


Every guitar in every band sounds the same.
>Let's make everything in odd time signatures and polyrythms and shit! Way more original than the old 4/4!
>all of the bands end up sounding the same
Can't believe it's actually a genre. Very cringeworthy.

white bitches smdh

Why is Regine from Arcade Fire gnawing that black man's tiddy?

this is one of the greatest albums of all time

That's because math rock, similarly to prog and technical death metal and a lot of other genres, has lost it's edge and just turned to super clean, soulless wankery with no sense of direction. If you go back and listen to 90s/early 00s stuff like Don Caballero, Hella, Polvo, Botch, The Fall of Troy, Unwound, etc. you get a sense that they were trying to write interesting, fun music as opposed music that would show off their technical ability.

Why is Regine from Arcade Fire munching on Jay-Z's titty?


>especially japanese math rock.

You made this thread specifically to bully me didn't you.

How fucked am I if I can identify that drag queen by name and I've already masturbated to it?

>not 2

this is why op thinks math rock is boring

Is this a new fetish?

what do you guys think about this one

its not new

It's an old nigger then?
How much for a 6 pack?

i dare you to listen to this and tell me its boring
