Which one would you rather be?

Which one would you rather be?

Ugly as fuck but tall as fuck


Handsome & ripped but short as fuck

The problem is that OP is not only a manlet, but also as ugly as that tall guy.

>manlets butthurt

tall because you can change your muscle tone and appearance, but not your height

>But...but I’m 6’

i'd rather be ugly as fuck but tall as fuck so i can punch babies in the anus and get away with it

Ruthless topkek

Tall ofcourse. What kind of question is that?

Can change your appearance? No amount of workingout and dieting can change an ogre's face.

Handsome manlet. They get laid plenty.

Even that guy can improve his appearance dramatically. Not exactly Brad Pitt, but improve nonetheless.

Manlets will always be manlets, and buffed manlets look even shorter because they're so broad. It's fucking hilarious.

but then they beat your ass with their big black nigger cocks and cream pie your anus every night

tall because all you gotta do is be moderately good at basketball or any other sport that requires height and it doesnt matter how ugly you are, if youre a professional athlete bitches would fuck you even if you look like hodor sauce: dennis rodman, popeye jones, anthony davis need i go on

oompaloompa detected sound the alarm


faggot detected, call the internet police

the trick to being a hot manlet is to have a gymnast-byclists-James Deen-fit-yoga body. Abs and arms with zero body fat. They love it.

I'm 6'7 and decent looking

The correct answer is: short but handsome and ripped, and move to mexico or somewhere in asia.

Whatever about height, I would literally give my penis to look like the guy on the right

6'8 no question

bump it up to 6'8 vs 5'8 and me might start to see an even match up

You fucking dwarves need to stop thinking being super tall is all fun with zero inconvenients. It fucking sucks.

LOL. I'm dark, handsome and 6'7". Where yo girl at, bitch boy? I'm finna nut.

>would literally give his penis to look like a dickless faggot
sounds like a double whammy to me but to each their own

at 5'4", the world is practically designed to fit you. being tall is a pain in the ass.

I'm glad you're happy but don't act like being two metres is convenient or desirable

99% of Sup Forums

you're overestimating how hot being tall is.
i mean tall is good but a ugly guy is still ugly at 6'8''
also super tall guys (i'm talking over 6'4'') only work if they have proportions to fit the height.

a hot short guy has a lot of good things about him and only one bad thing
a ugly tall guy has a lot of bad things about him and only one good thing.

so a manlet.

Manlet here. Made $750,000 last year. Every hundred grand adds an inch to your height.

So technically I’m 6’2”. Fuck all you manlets!

Oh god, anyone saying they would rather be the guy on the left is warped asf. Absolutely no one is attracted to ugly skinny tall guys and don't give bullshit that you can change your appearance. The guy on the right will be a manlet in guys eyes but who cares if you're attractive like that there are tonnes of short qt girls

what a witty and humorous response doesnt at all sound like manlet language

i guess 750,000 still doesnt buy you a decent and enjoyable enough life to not be on Sup Forums

that's too tough of a decision

Depends. How big would my dick be?

Sorry, can't hear you from all the way down there manlet.

tom cruise gets infinitely more pussy than lurch from adams family. does that answer your question?

Of course women find tall men more attractive but there is a cap beyond which just becomes excessive. I'd say that cap is about 6'3. From an attraction standpoint, you're not gonna be any better off at 6'6 than you would be at 6'2.

Kinda works the same in the other direction. Anything below like 5'8 and you're just short, and plenty of women will just write you off as being too short.

Imo the lesser of two evils here would be short and handsome/ripped

ikr, everyone on Sup Forums is 7 feet tall, handsome and ripped

Manlets are notoriously gay i.e. Brad Pitt. So tall beautiful and straight. Not short gay midgets.

The latter is the obvious choice.


Ugly and tall, you can still get ripped.

Richfags BTFO

no amount of lifting will get rid of that disgusting face

question is flawed anyway. 6'8 is way above tall, it's giant and already well into undesired territory

I'd much rather just go off and fuck myself, tbh