Fuck porn. Most think watching porn is a harmless activity...

Fuck porn. Most think watching porn is a harmless activity. But little do people know that it actually fucks up your brain. It's straight science. Do yourself a favour and stop being a degenerate porn viewer.

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no u

>it actually fucks up your brain. It's straight science
> no citation
Nice b8

Google the Coolidge Effect.

It's actually the other way around, mentally fucked up people just like porn

>needs cite

your dad liked to watch porn while you sucked him off, huh?

Here, you fucking child.



Look it up you flaming faggot.

>it actually fucks up your brain

What kind of porn are you watching, OP?

If watching porn is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.

You flaming piece of shit. Any porn fucks up your brain.


Going to need at least 3 seperate, viable studies which strengthen your claim, otherwise its logically redundant to even begin to think you are correct.

And no "google it fag" is not a proper citation.

Then join the good fight and spread the word of glorious coconuts! Use them to derail illegitimate porn threads


It's only TEDx though.

Are you muslim? i have to ask cuz that train of logic can lead directly to all women must were burkas


Are you sure you are not watching cheesy porn if it is fucking with your brain so much?

I don't see how the Coolidge effect completely relates to porn. This video demonstrates it as the effect of losing interest in sex with a partner overtime.

There might've been more to this video but didn't feel like registering, faggot

No, you fatherfucking cumstain.

Youtube is not a valid citation, regarless of what the video contains...
What are you, in highschool?

Also one of the first and main points this guy makes is that the studies that were conducted did not have control groups as they literally couldnt find enough guys who dont watch porn.

Meaning that all their studies have big old holes and inconsistencies throughout.

Nice try though

Fuck off, you repressed shitstain.

If you watch it to the end, he explains a new control group.

And I'm not quoting YouTube as a source, i'm showing you a video containing sources.

The fact that you have that image proves you are a motherfucking degenerate. Begone out of this thread, fucking faggot.

This is quite a weird thing to say on Sup Forums, especially on Sup Forums. But, I agree with you OP.


>Any porn fucks up your brain.
How does watching videos of people having sex fuck up your brain? Does reading porno mags do the same thing? What about reading an erotic novel?

>it actually fucks up your brain
It's so nice of you that you care about other people!
What a lovely place Sup Forums had become

OP is a faggot, but dammit, that pic is pure degeneracy.

Here cunt.



typical christfag

Nice generalisation you fagcunt. Go take a warm dump on a plate and eat it, will ya?