All I do is think. I think and think and think. Is this normal...

All I do is think. I think and think and think. Is this normal. Every waking moment of my life I am analyzing and figuring out the specifics to random things I interact with in my life. I'm always coming up with a solution to the problems I conceptualize in my head. Everyday, multiple times, I am asking myself philosophical and scientific questions.

Is this normal. Do people do this. I feel like I always know the answer to something, no matter how random it may be.

>I need answers

could u tell us how regularly it happens?
i think it's the result of our way of adapting to the world, imagining concepts and make them live in our minds
so this is also a tool, u don't want to remove it (i would quite diffcult and destructive)

all day, everyday. Its all I do. I'm very good at analyzing and putting pieces together.

I can't even play video games without getting lost in thought about whatever the fuck it is I'm thinking.

Sounds like you are autistic user, congratulations

You aren't special. I do it all the time too and I'm certain most others do as well due to our shared physiology. Humans are problem solvers. We think abstractly and deeply.

probably... what do you spend most of your day thinking about? I'm curious.

You’re not special. You’re not important.

but heres the problem I have. I speak to people all the time, and most people just seem stupid. Un-interested in whats going on. The only think that makes them happy are physical pleasures that come from drugs, sex, and what else.

i do that too, its a gift and a curse, I overthink everything, it especially sucks when i have to overthink my relationship and my gfs life she had before me, like its so sad to waste life overthinking things you can't change but that's me

You are an idiot. By thinking about things in the future that haven't happened and things in the past that happened long ago you're not living in the present and are missing out on life.

>I feel like I always know the answer to something, no matter how random it may be.

>I need answers

Congratulations OP, you have autism and probably some sort of brain damage too just to be safe.

Yeah im gonna be honest, you may be a tad autistic, but thats only what people see because youre in your head so much. Some people area like that due to childhood experiences never learning certain things, so we just think and problem solve shit all day. You can fix it by growing a spine, going out and working out.

You are autistic.

Guess you don't have all the answers ha?
Also, thinking you have an answer and having a actual answer are two different things.

yah, I know. I was just typing what was coming out at the time.

Obviously I don't have the answer to everything, but I can come to very quick and accurate conclusions.

OP here, what do you guys normally think of during the day. What takes up the space in ur mind?

Ass and titties, and how little of either I'm getting mostly.

Read up on autisim
It shows

Stop acting like you're some deep poet. You neckbeard loser

What my current goal is
What I need to do later that day
What I can do to make my gf smile
What I can do to make myself smile
What I need to do tomorrow

I do the same thing. I think it's a coping mechanism, maybe due to having a touch of the 'tism. Other people would describe us as frequently over-analyzing. I would describe us as analyzing a sufficient amount. The biggest downside for me is that the analyzing often paralyzes me, as in I end up not doing things in favor of analyzing it and/or feeling like I don't understand well enough to risk engaging in whatever activity.

It's ultimately not very strange. Other people may do it as well, but they might focus on things that you don't focus on. This then means that it might seem like they don't think as much, but it may just be that you can't understand what they've spent their time thinking since you haven't thought about that set of things. You also probably lead people into talking about the set of things that you think about frequently and that reinforces your bias that others don't analyze as much.

I have the same exact thing OP. It's not autism. People like us know how to interact with people, we're just too consumed with all of the stuff our mind is working on most of the time.

I'm 39, and been trying countless things my whole life for things that help to calm it down.

So far, the only things that help a little for me is caffeine (from soda not from coffee), and opiates. Since opiates aren't realistic to consistently get legally and consume for any long period of time without fucking up your life, they're not worth doing.

The next things I want to try are ADHD medications, like Adderal and Provigil. We'll see what happens.

Also, never go on antidepressants OP, no matter how depressed you ever get. All antidepressants make people like us go into our heads even more intensely.

do you ever ask yourself things about like the physical limitations of nuclear fusion. Or what wingspan makes for the most efficient lift depending on the size and weight of the plane. Or How computers work on a molecular level, what the transistor layout. Or how the neural network of a brain, made of of millions of neurons connected at the synapse?

stuff like that.

I only smoke weed, I don't drink or take any other drugs. And yah, I don't have any social problems, I get along with my friends and other people just fine.

god I suck at typing when I'm just splurging out shit.

I actually recently got diagnosed with ADD and currently am on concerta with supplemental ritalin. So in other words, extended-release methylphenidate with supplemental instant-release methylphenidate for when the extended-release wears off or needs a boost. I'm generally overly analytical as well and I found the medication to be quite useful. It doesn't necessarily alter my analytical nature, but it does encourage me to do things when I think of them instead of my normal analyzing-and-then-not-doing-them routine. I've taken adderall, adrafinil (pro-drug of modafinil that is legal without prescription in the US), dexamphetamine, and lysdexamphetamine as well. I found adderall to be just as helpful as my current medication but I did not find dexamphetamine (and lysdexamphetamine by extension) to be as helpful. Adrafinil is hard to describe but my main use of that was to stave off the effects of sleep deprivation after pulling all-nighters.

>that movie collection

This person should hang herself

>The biggest downside for me is that the analyzing often paralyzes me, as in I end up not doing things in favor of analyzing it and/or feeling like I don't understand well enough to risk engaging in whatever activity.

This happens to me all the time. I have my own theory about this, but most people would say it's crazy.

My theory about why this happens comes down to accountability. We hold ourselves highly accountable for the outcomes of our actions, so going into a choice or activity we get paralyzed by the options to take if none of them seem to be the clear perfect choice, because if we get it wrong we will hold ourselves accountable for it afterwards.

I've never met a person who doesn't over-analyze things who also really holds themselves accountable for their actions.

I think self-accountability and analyzing have a direct correlation with each other.

I save that stuff for my yearly acid trip

OMG! What a horrible movie collection!

I have 2 terabytes of HD movies and shows I’ve been collecting. I only get hard copies of real good ones.

Thought I should share that

Thanks for your response. How much is the concerta helping you compared to being on nothing at all?

How long does the concerta last for you?

What dosage and frequency are you on of the concerta?

How would you describe the effectiveness of adderall vs concerta for you?

Did the adrafinil help at all with your ADD, or not really?

Are you my mom

Dude this is the first time in my life i read something that i might have written by myself, so the answer is: Yes, i do exactly the same thing! sometimes im pretty bored by this, but who cares, i usually like it....u dont?

What the fuck can I do to solve my problems
Why is my head/body/soul/life so fucking like I don't even know what the fuck is going on man
I wonder if this girl will sleep with me
I really like my friends
I wonder how my bro is

That's just the stuff worth mentioning/I can remember. Obviously we think loads of other random crap/housekeeping during the day that we don't pay too much attention to e.g What should I eat for lunch, Interesting sky today!

Thatsa me, tbh would be interesting to see what other people think about too


Oh I love it, most of the time. I know so many things. But I'm trying to see if other people do this too.

Hunger. Thirst. Need to eliminate waste. Boredom.

In OP’s pic there’s not a single good movie worth owning on DVD/Blu-Ray. It’s all shit you download, watch once and then delete. Movies you never talk about again.

Basically, a normie movie collection

Wait wait wait...whats your 'knowledge' level? I mean: why you say 'i know so many things'??

I'm pretty sure everyone does this user, you're not special

This is some kind of 'multitasking' stuff??

i want more of the girl in the picture, forget about your autism OP

Usually i think about shit load of things, but rarely i have answers to my questions....thats why iam asking this

this is autism

OP gone?

i like how ppls response to this thread is "you arent special" if u have this type of attitude towards ppl just go neck urself u projecting insufferable cunt

Itl go away once you get some pussy and move out of your parents basement and find a "good job" that slowly sucks your soul out like the rest of us

i used to, but then i figured everything out so i don't need to anymore

You sound like a teenager. On the autism spectrum.

I take a 36 mg concerta every morning and I am prescribed two 5 mg instant-release pills per day. I take the instant release near the end of the concerta and will continue dosing with it as needed. The instants are most useful for long days when I'm active and busy for more than 12 hours. As I've started to develop a mild tolerance, I will sometimes cut the instants in half and take one while the concerta is still working if I need an extra boost.

Concerta generally lasts about 10-12 hours and the instant release lasts about 3-4 hours. The concerta is great though because its release mechanism is pretty unique and it manages to keep the concentration of methylphenidate in your system at roughly the same level for the entire duration. The instant release obviously rises to a peak and then falls which can be unpleasant for some people. If my dopamine levels start to drop too quickly then my mood worsens and my motivation dies (which is baseline for me).

The modafinil didn't really impact most of my issues. I mostly liked it because it seemed to alleviate the cognitive impact of sleep deprivation but it wasn't helpful beyond that for me. Adderall basically addressed most of the same issues just as effectively as methylphenidate for me. Adderall does not have an equivalent form of extended release though (there is an extended release but it doesn't keep the concentration consistent like concerta).

People just don't vocalise it as much as you do

I had the same thing going on and I got diagnosed with ADHD. I've been taking ritalin for about 6 months now and there is a noticeable difference for me once I found a working dosage. My mind is so much quieter, its eerie at times. Of course, when the medicine isnt in my system I'm right back to never ending light-speed thoughts all day lol

This is a very common symptom of ADHD. It isn't highly unusual, but it can be symptomatic of deeper cognitive issues. Most people can be "at rest", which is a state of non-active thinking. Perhaps when you're sitting at the beach listening to the waves, or driving a long distance. You're paying attention, but you aren't actively thinking of anything in particular.

If you are completely unable to be "at rest", you likely suffer from some psychological problem. Further analysis would be required before diagnosis.

My normal state is one that seems lazy, due to over-analyzing instead of doing. I always felt tired and I had a hard time tolerating conversation with most people (mainly small talk, I don't like not having a purpose or goal when doing something). The conversation bit wasn't too important to me but it was worth mentioning. The medication has made it so that I'm much more likely to engage in an activity when I feel compelled. For example, I manage to cook and clean almost daily now compared to monthly before. I procrastinate much less now. I can hold conversations with people much easier without getting bored. In fact I get bored much less than before. I actually feel more calm generally than before. My working memory and response speed are both improved as well. It's also increased the richness of some sensory experience, specifically smell for me. Which is actually not entirely a good thing.


Congrats, OP, you have an IQ above 75!

do you have anymore pictures of that girl?

This. Someone sauce

smoke weed

>not owning the Conan movies on every platform imaginable

It's like you don't even know what's best in life.

so is no one gonna give out more pictures of the girl?

Thank you very much for your detailed responses. I see my doctor again in a month. I was going to request adderral extended release, but based on what you said about the concerta keeping the medication level the same in your system for the duration of the 10 hours.

+1 for your help today user. You have impacted my life in a very positive way today.

Who says nobody ever gets good advice from Sup Forums.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. With methylphenidate (and all ADD drugs really) the effectiveness to dosage curve would be something like a bell curve. There is an optimal dosage and too much or too little would be unhelpful. Too high of a dose of methylphenidate actually causes me to over-focus and get bored very easily again. Too much adderall is actually quite euphoric but the methylphenidate isn't nearly as euphoric.

One downside to methylphenidate though is that it interacts with alcohol. Alcohol somehow increases the concentration of methylphenidate (probably by preventing your body from breaking it down) which means that you really can only drink near the end of the concerta. Getting drunk with methylphenidate in my system makes me depressed and tired for days. Probably by spiking dopamine activity which in turn causes the body to compensate by reducing activity significantly, which would take several days to recover fully.

Wtf when did this post become a 'drugdealing' thing??

No problem. I find it helpful to verbalize (or type out, I suppose) my thoughts to make sure the ideas are clear and concrete. It also helps with retaining the information.

Not all medications will work for everyone so be patient. Again, it's 10-12 hours and when it starts to drop off varies based on the person's body that's taking it. Probably best to assume that it will last 12 hours.

>Is this normal. Do people do this. I feel like I always know the answer to something, no matter how random it may be.

You need a bong hit or three. Relax.

pics of the girl please

That sounds fairly accurate. I would say though, that the only people that are going to be mulling over accountability of their actions are the ones that are over-analyzing. Therefore, I would say there isn't so much a correlation as there is a dependence.

My theory was always that it basically comes down to being overwhelmed by the wealth possibilities. There are so many factors, options, possible variables that you want to optimize for, and all the uncertainty associated with each of them that I usually just end up deciding to deal with it later.

Is this accurate? I can't even imagine what a state of non-active thinking would be like. Even when I relax, I still will be actively contemplating or analyzing something. Is this abnormal? It never even occurred to me that this was a possibility.

If so, are there other disorders besides ADHD that this is associated with?

I'm not feeling to hot today, so I don't feel like reading the whole thread.
Descartes, who u can say I agree with in all aspects, said "I am a thinking thing." Latin: Cogito ergo sum.
He came to this realization after understanding he didn't "know" anything to be true. He believed that because he could doubt existence that his mind must exist.
We are but thinking things. All we can know for sure is that we do think. You present this issue as a problem, but it is a gift that you have over most other humans.

you're a normal 16 year old who thinks they're smarter than all the other kids and got put in the advanced classes but still slacks and has a carefree attitude and dont really know what you're gonna do with your life and even if you think you do you'll change your mind because you dont want to limit yourself by choosing one specific thing.

grow up

I'm pontificating about stuff a lot but not to the point it distracts me from stuff I want to get done. It's more like a hobby. You can probably train your attention span so you're able to focus but it will require actual effort.

Yes, having a working brain is hard. Try huffing paint. No more worries

You don't need medication. Thinking is not a disorder; but it is rare these days. Hell, I'm convinced most people I know have no internal dialogue at all

some people do it, i do it, you do it, a lot of people do it, but not a majority

80% of people are just superficial as fuck and pretty dumb

but what can we do

>I saw Prison Break and now I am Michael Scofield


>I feel like I always know the answer to something,

Wow you must be so special. it's not like all of us have answer to something, you fucking idiot.

What the fuck is this?

The "at rest" state is 100% achievable by anyone but the most psychologically disturbed. The goal of most forms of meditation is to be able to create that state on a whim, rather than having it just appear when you are relaxed.

Other disorders that can cause the inability to be "at rest" include; depression, anxiety, stress disorders, bipolar, etc, etc.

Thinking is not exactly that user's issue. Over-analyzing in place of doing things is more the issue. Medication is a useful tool to bring about behavioral change.

Try to take an MBTI test. There are some types that are absolutely like this.

Can you go into more detail about what this "at rest" state is like? I've practiced something like meditation to help cope with excessive negative thought cycles, but I'm having a hard time visualizing what this state is like. I can slow the rate of my thinking with conscious effort or redirect into more beneficial lines of thought, but I cannot imagine not actively thinking.

Well, i dont know if ita normal but know my friend that you arent the only one, i do it too

>I'm pontificating

Then occupy yourself with something you fucking idiot.
Get a job. If you continue thinking about shit at your job, put your headphones in and listen to a podcast or audiobook or lecture.

Find something you're not good at and get better at it, everyone gets depressed when they're cooped up in their own head for too long.

It's sort of like being in a dark room and trying to see things. You know stuff is out there, it's around you, it's just not in focus because there isn't any light to see things with.

A lot of people call it "zoning out".


Everytime you start to think about something, stop yourself and focus on one thing.
Try to go longer and longer without letting your mind wander each time. It's essentially a mental push up each time you pull yourself back into mediation and eventually you'll be able to go long periods of time.

You have to
The part of your brain that keeps you here in this uncomfortable confused over anyalyising state, is the one that is running a replay of the day, what you need todo, what happened 20 years ago and the 30 different outcomes.
The one that wants to grasp onto every little thing to keep you here on this plane.

It's a practice to calm the fuck down and sit. Your brain will remind you of every little distraction untill you let go.

Let the fuck go

It isn't perfect, it's not always the same, sometimes there's some shit involved, sometimes it is an extream challange.
But these are the things that you truly need to work on.
Someday you'll find the inner peace and bliss that comes with release.
and then you'll be chasing that dragon like a fucking junkie.

But it's better than coming up with random problems and solutions to shit that doesn't matter.

>Tldr the incessant chatter that your brain is going through is keeping your soul from being at peace.
Deep breathing, yoga, meditation, etc, are practices, that need, practicing.

I can slow my rate of thought and make it so that my thoughts feel slow and somewhat distant. I generally do this by attempting to keep my mind blank and by focusing on my breathing. Does this sound similar to what either of you are referring to? It never happens without conscious effort, nor is it difficult by any means. Zoning out for me generally refers to when I ignore the majority of sensory input and just let my mind wander freely without attempting to control my thinking.

I use this technique when overly anxious or stuck in a depressive thought cycle that is unproductive. It also helps with falling asleep when mixed with a more specific breathing technique that lowers heart rate.

I am similiar user, I analyze abstract concepts in my head but I try to write them down and make something meaningful out of them. I feel like I've come up with some good epistemological and ontological insights. This started happening to me after I got into philosophy and we read a shit-ton of Plato junior year.

Did not even know there was something like "at rest". I constantly overthink everything until i breakdown every few months and go hospital or something. I cannot relax, i have to plan how im gonna walk every step to seem normal . Constant self self self self psychosis selfhate

Well if it happens man, it's a good thing. As long as you ain't got anxiety because of it, it's better to think more than less.

It depends on how much thought you're putting into breathing. The idea is to shut off your brain as much as physically possible. I don't know if it's possible to stop thinking completely. but he idea is to think as little as possible and pull yourself back every time your mind wanders.
Meditation is not easy, but the benefits are huge. You'll never feel more refreshed than after a long meditation session.

>it never happens without conscious effort, nor is it difficult by any means

That's your ego talking, get it in check.
If it wasn't difficult you wouldn't have any questions.
But yes, Deep breathing is one method to keep your mind focused on 1 thing.

When you get to that point where your brain switches from deep breathing coach to 'actively thinking', you're probably no longer deep breathing.

>I cannot relax
I hope you don't actually think that.
You control your body and mind, not the other way around.
You have to come at things like they're a challenge that requires work to achieve instead of just trying for a second and immediately going
Man the fuck up. Be willing to put work into something to achieve it.

Get yourself a naturalpath shrink ASAP.
I can feel that shit in your writing over the internet.
I say natural path cause they'll suggest yoga and breathing over anti psycho drugs.

Get your head around MBTI. I think you'll enjoy it.

I wouldn't call my natural state of constant analysis uncomfortable or confusing. It can be uncomfortable at times but I've learned to direct and control it. I do not ruminate or brood. I do not allow myself to consider things that I regret and what could have been done differently. I only consider the future, possible scenarios, and what steps are required for the optimal outcome in any possible situation. I have learned to accept reality and easily move past anything unpleasant that cannot be changed. I also spend a lot of time trying to understand how things work or visualizing how other people think.

A large portion of my active thinking is actually devoted to metacognition and evaluating the utility of my current thought process. If my current thought process will be a detriment, or even just non-productive, then that process is generally pruned and avoided in the future.

I spent a long time dealing with the inner turmoil that you are referring to, but my solution was to manipulate my thinking into not being a detriment but a benefit. The similarity though, is that we both seem to have become very accepting of reality, of what is and what cannot be changed.

>challenge > can't
This user speaks the truth.
Just the simple act of editing your misspoken "I can't do this" to "it is a challange to do this" opens up the possibilities.

Sounds like the opinion of someone who profits from having it

I can maintain it for as long as necessary. The easiest way to describe it is that my inner monologue is replaced by the sound of my breathing. There is no focused stream of thought, mostly just the sound of my breathing. I generally stop after it has caused sufficient change to my mental state i.e., I have calmed down enough and my mood has improved to the point that functioning properly is not difficult.

It is fairly simple in theory, the issue is more likely one of language. It's very hard to describe subjective experience adequately. I was initially under the impression that there was a state that people often go into by default when they relax that involves very little thinking. But this thread has led me to the conclusion that it's more a state of letting the mind drift over unimportant topics and meditation is still distinct and what i thought it was, which involves almost annihilation of thought.

So, false alarm. Everything is as I thought it was.

Shit tier movies. I bet he owns the Transfotmers box set.