ITT: We role play as your average Berncuck Redditor

Who's gonna match me!?!

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In a bowl or 2-cup measure, whisk together milk, egg and vanilla. Into another bowl, sift flour and baking soda. Stir in sugar. Make a well in the center. Add milk mixture. Whisk until just combined. Batter will be thick (thin with a little milk, if desired; batter will get even thicker as it sits).

Heat a large nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Brush pan with melted butter. Using about ΒΌ cup batter per pancake, cook pancakes 3 to 4 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface. Turn and cook 3 minutes or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture, brushing pan with butter between batches. Serve. - clinton overtrow syria

I just donated $27 to my favorite twitch streaming girl gamer!


Intellectual Bernie supporter here. I will match your donation with 27 once I get paid, things are a little tight this month.

Matched and doubled! I was going to pay my wife's son's dentist bill, but I know Bernie needs me!

Is she still going to let you watch her get fucked? You're in so much trouble.

Matched! Mom and her boyfriend Randy already know how I feel about Bernie. My share of the Netflix bill will have to wait until after the revolution!

Currently phone banking while the wife is out with her friend. I'll ask her if we can donate some money once she's home (she controls the finances).

If only those dang low information voters and nigg...blacks knew what was good for them. Bernie's going to save them from oppression (#BLM I apologize for my problematic language btw) and marched with MLK.

We are polyamorous, user! We are well beyond things like "letting" each other watch, Etc. When she takes her lovers, I am free to date and enjoy whomever I like. It was honestly the best idea she ever had.
I've always been pretty selective, as any true gentleman is, so she's been a little more "poly" while I focus more on the "amorous".

You. I like you. You just won all the internets.
I don't understand why an entire race of human individuals won't just listen to those who know what's best for them!

A gentleman and a scholar my good sir.

It's the MSM bro. Bernie's the perfect candidate for everyone but the DNC and media are just feeding lies to the people. Half the country doesn't know who Bernie is.

I am going to contribute as soon as my artisanal dildo company gains traction.
hey....wanna buy a hand carved dildo? check my etsy

Please accept a tip, my good man.

really makes you donate

>Americans actually donate money to already rich people who wish to run for president

What Le fug

I'm tired of Bernie and I'm certainly not voting for the cunt. I guess it's time to submit to vile racist propaganda on the internet to make up for my daddy issues!

So I was trying to explain why Denmark is the best country in the world to this POC today, and he told me "Maaan fuck-off you honkey-ass cracka!!!"

I...I just can't anymore, guys. I know all these POC are oppressed, and thus can't be responsible for their actions; but they just seem so rude to me.

How can I overcome my white privilege and be better able to communicate with them?

>Hillary got paid millions in goldman sachs speeches
Really makes you think

I just wish that people would realize the great things bernie has to offer... he is bringing socialism to us! not the socialism like Russia, or China, or Venezuela or Cuba had ... bernie's gonna bring the REAL socialism
that's why I feelthebern.

I'm done, the blacks did not vote for him despite the fact that Bernie participated in the Civil rights movement !
He even got arrested for them !

Anyway I asked my stepdad if he could make a 200$ for Bernie but this sucker just said that "the art school cost already too much money" and that he "will not waste money of a candidate who has already lost".

I can't believe he said that, WE SPEAK ABOUT THE FUTURE OF AMERICA ! It could be a paradise if Bernie become POTUS !
I'm so depressed that I think I will move to Canada if he is not elected, Trudeau seems to be a great leader.

I'm so happy Bernie wants to debate Trump. Trump racist supporters are literally on suicide watch

BTW it's me fighting for Bernie

this whole thread