What do we think of boogie2988 guys?

What do we think of boogie2988 guys?

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you're a faggot

Fuck this fat, middle-of-the-road, appeasing, no opinion having, fence riding ass. "I think both sides have valid points" find your testicles you fat fuck

Have your own opinion faggot

>moderates are only fence riding instead of acknowledging that both sides have points.
You might actually be a bit retarded user.

He's my favorite honkey

I often wonder how he and his wife could possibly have sex

Both sides can can have valid points, but that doesn't mean you can't pick a side still. This fat fuck never EVER voices his true opinion, he does everything in his power to appear neutral. You faggot.

>he does everything in his power to appear neutral
Not really. He's voiced his opinion, but his problem is that he can't come to a conclusion.

I thought he was funny at first but he's proven himself to be a disgusting cuck.

He doesn't voice his opinion, he voices what he thinks everyone wants to hear. Dudes too afraid to say what he believes.

Do you have proof of this? I don't know everything about this guy, and have only really watched a few videos of his. The ones I've watched has him voicing his opinions fairly quickly, so you're confusing me a bit.

overrated fat faggot


He's 130lbs down after Gastric Bypass, I say fair play to him for improving his quality of life.

How do you get THAT fucking fat?

it's only a matter of time before he gains all that weight back though

I don't trust or respect anyone who treats their body so poorly. Its just grotesque, being that obese.

You're an idiot.

srsly. i could eat like shit for the rest of my life and get nowhere near that fat.

oh i'm sorry, is that not how gaining and losing weight works? i'm sorry

Well it's not like he's unaware of it, he made a video about it. I haven't watched it, but I'm assuming it's just 10 minutes of him saying "I just don't want to upset anyone".

Is his whole 'nicest guy on the internet' image just a facade?
I doubt they do.

>Gastric bypass
Means permanent change to the stomach/digestive system. He physically can't over eat now and won't be for the rest of his life.

make me kek

Do you not know the gastric bypass surgery is? In the future, for whatever fucking reason if he even wanted to get to where he was before, it would be borderline impossible, due to his now egg-sized stomach.

He had bypass? I thought he had a sleeve.

Surprised he's not dead yet tbh. Dude makes what I imagine is a very good living talking shit on the internet and still complains about how bad his life is. He even has a trophy wife. Anyone else would be less pathetic at this point.

Nope, discusses it at length on the H3H3 podcast.

Nah, it was the bypass.

He can't form his own opinions because he's scared of what people will think of him. Then he has to get surgery to lose weight cause he has no self control because muh rape. He seems like a great guy but I just can't stand the way he cucks out of fucking everything. You'd think at this point he'd have some perspective and he'd get over shit.

I dont think I'm neutral because i haven't made up my mind. Im actually neutral because I just dont give a fuck and think anyone who does needs to get their priorities straight because what you're choosing to waste energy giving a fuck about doesnt actually matter. You for example, who thinks a video blogger has to have an opinion on political issues or has to voice it. Its a pointless waste of your time and energy. Your opinion won't change what will happen in politics nor will what happens affect your life in any way.

Neutrality is the only not retarded position to take.

Holy shit, that is crazy drastic. I guess for someone as disgusting as him it was necessary. He can still screw it up if he just eats ice cream and high caloric fluids, probably will.

This is why I love shows with strong opinions that are already social pariahs.

It's fine to be neutral and critical in some situations. But if you find yourself NEVER taking a side you have a fucking problem.

Doubt it. Hes a nice guy. Not sure what's so wrong with that.

never seen anything about him except some ylyl things about him. seems like an human waste basket.

>pretending to be Boogie on a Hungarian wine tasting enthusiast board

>Surprised he's not dead yet tbh
Some people do a tenth of the abuse he's put his body through and end up dead of cancer by 25, life really is unfair.

Massive sell-out but I'd do the exact same being in his position.

Boogie is the embodiment of disempowered limp dick internet fags that even with money and a microphone to enact change in the world are so self-centered and self-focused and fucking pathetic that they can't even manage to positively effect anything in their own life let alone others. The word that describes this guy is PATHETIC

I never mentioned politics you dumb fuck, It's every aspect of his life. Also his wife is getting all kindsa dick and he doesn't seem to care. How can you like someone so pathetic

He's a cool guy

she left him kek

when did jabba the hutt grow a beard

George added it in the latest special edition.

Ok but why care that some vid blogger won't share his opinion or won't make a statement one way or another? I might form an opinion i might think about saying out loud every now and again, but then i think about all the ppl out there who give too much of a fuck and about how they'll react so strongly to my opinion because it fits on one side over the other. Its not worth it to me to invite a conversation with a retard like that and there's too many of them out there.

wife left him for being a fat useless cunt

she even has to wash his asshole

apparently she leaves the house all the time

he cries from watching weight loss videos yet does nothing for himself

this is the reason why his wife left his fucking fat ass

she wanted a real man

It's pretty easy too not give a fuck. Best way to live.