Really make you think

Really make you think

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If you would call mexicans "people"

Who are the poor people? Bernie Sanders? That nigga is loaded.

Rich people pay much more taxes than poor people. Poor people consume more government money/resources than they produce, thus an increase in poor people (Mexico hint hint) reduces the average standard of living.

Better than a rich babyboomer socialist kike.

how dare Donald Trump have money

Trump will create opportunities for the poor to become rich. No one should care about those that are currently rich.

Sanders wants to make everyone poor.

So are you the person that wants to go somewhere in life or be lazy and have those trying to succeed live the same lifestyle as your lazy ass? That's the difference between Trump and Sanders supporters. Doers and takers.

Cropping out the occupy democrats logo doesn't change the fact that it's from od, you sandnigger faggot.

You fucking liberals attack like a mob of weak chimpanzees. The silent majority will see this and take a knife to your backs.

I've been banned from there

>muh class warfare!
did Trump move his business abroad to pay workers less?

Well I wouldn't call them "people," but yeah I can get behind this.


It really shows how Libs think when they basically imply all Mexicans are poor and downtrodden.

The real 'racists'.


It's on an image, it must be true!

Globalists and Soros and the political establishment are poor lads

Crying my heart out for them

>successful person creates jobs
>employs thousands of people
>those thousands of people then become middle Americans
>a bunch of poor people from other countries bring crime, disease, and their culture to replace our own people by breeding at a higher rate than we do
>so barbaric that anyone half anything besides white is considered a poo in loo, nigger, etc
>successful person that creates jobs tells his countrymen that they're losing everything to people from other countries that never had good enough people to develop a society
>libcucks, beta males, niggers all point to the successful guy as the reason for their decline

>United Arab Emirites

go back to whiping your indian slaves

except Sup Forums doesn't think. morons.

misrepresentation. Corporations and their unlimited power are the reason. You fucking trump cretin. Vote for a billionaire. How fucking absurd.

>Really make you think

This new forced "meme" is fucking terrible


Ironic, the carrier union workers went for Sanders instead of Trump even though Trump was the only one to give them notice.

Listen here, Muslim Bro

America is finished anyway. It's going to become a mullato and Mexican nation within the next 49 years, no matter who they elect. Hillary is going to become their president anyway and she's going to create a false matriarchy in USA.

USA will be the next Sweden,.but even worse. American whites the the most cucked.

As soon as us limeys let in more brothers from Pakistan and Bangladesh, the quicker we can annex America and liberate them.

Turkey is the Sweden of the Islamic world. They allow gay parades and they allow women to vote. Even uk is removing women vote soon, thanks to East London sharia law.

Muslim here. Bangladeshi origin.

Let me tell you about Tower Hamlets, East London.
>it's a sharia zone
>CCTV literally everywhere, and in peoples homes
>Street checkpoints (sharia police search you for alcohol and drugs)
>most sharia police consist of former unemployed chavs
>all women under 29 years old have 11pm-6am curfews
>your home gets a monthly searching (by sharia police)
>TV licensing is just half price if you're a Muslim (double the price for non Muslims)
>sharia police search anyone who steps off public transport
>our women aren't even allowed to speak in public without being granted permission
>all metal cutlery is banned (get a life, bin that knife)
>all plates and dishes are banned (know your fate, bin that plate) (bin that dish then make a wish)
>instead we use plastic cutlery and paper plates
>we're currently in process of building the biggest goat farm in the West

We're also practising a form of Islamic communism within our community, and it's working.

Have you heard of Anjem Choudary, our future prime minister?

>telling the poor people that the other poor people are the reason they're poor
But that's precisely true. Socialist retards who can't understand how economy works have a voting right and ruin the economy for everyone else.

Bernie Sanders. A non-white convincing whites to vote for the non-white by telling the whites that other whites are the reason they're hated.
See, we can play identity politics too.

>Rich people pay much more taxes than poor people.
They don't pay any.



Thank you. Nice doubles you got there too!



views like that are what make your country a major player internationally. People care about what Poland has to say, no really. There is a reason "pollack" is a derogatory term here.

>Really make you think

Stop this meme

>0.05$ has been deposited into your account

That just means they'll go for Trump in the general

I don't know what are you trying to say here, but vote Trump if you don't want to end up like Poland. Socialism quite literally ruined Poland. The entire eastern bloc actually.


>he's a rich guy so he must be evil
Typical socialist jealousy

>im fucking stupid

Bernie is only running to get donations so he can pay off his debts

That's kinda true in my country.
If a rich sees a poor becoming rich by hard work and he isn't in the direct line of his business/profit, they usually invest in him or praise his work.
If a poor sees another poor trying to uplift his status by hard work they usually try to undermine his work/business to make sure he stays poor instead of working hard to improve their standards.

So is it just one guy that makes these things, or is it like a team?

Corporations get rich because of government crony-ism , we need more government !

Yeah because voting for a poor man is a better idea. Because it worked out so well when people did it.

really makes u think huh
im a cruzmissile now

How's that corporate tax going on for you?

A poor thinks that he is poor because of somebody else. They never try to work hard, instead they spend their whole lives to find and avenge the person who they think made them a poor in the first place.
This is why poor people only get elected in areas with huge poor population.

>in gommunism everyone can be rich

>t. delusionfag

>This is why poo people only get elected in areas with huge poo population.
No shit, India.

We voted for development instead of caste/wealth/party/religion last time. You need to learn from us Poo land.



getting nervous?

>liberals literally mocking the blue collar class for being beneath them
>the same people that think they're "fighting the power" and "fighting for the common people" are mocking the "common people" for choosing their own candidate instead of blindly listening to them because they think they know what's best for poor people

Do they even realize what they're doing, or are their heads too far up their own asses?

I didn't vote for those socialists. My hands are clean.

But that is actually true.

Mexicans take the jobs from poor Americans and Fat-ass capitalists enjoy their cheap labour.

Voting anyone but Trump means voting against your economic intrest.
