Sup Forums is SO boriпg

Sup Forums is SO boriпg.
Fap threads, stupid roulettes, virgins' problems, diletant discussions about politics, racism and aпti-racism, sexual perversions. Seriously, do you have hobbies? Interests? Why are you sittiпg in this trash? There is some good lBs like Убoaчaн, Aypopaчaн, Apиcyчaн, international Кpayтчaн, 8чaн, 2ч.хк, Бpaзилчaн, Дeпpecчaн...

Why are you still нeгe?

Other urls found in this thread:

Check thematic boards, /tg/ for example, you dumbass
Also, this is probably bait

>Check thematic boards
So, you think that Sup Forums should be closed?
>Also, this is probably bait
You say "bait" as it is something bad.



And yet... you're still here.

I just want to hear your opinion.

4чaн иc тхe cхиeeт хoмиe.

I wouldn't understand a russian site if I went to one.

A to!
It is cyrillic translit to prevent spam filtering.

>to prevent spam filtering
hahaha, ok

Fuck off Boris, go shill your shitty Russian websites somewhere else.

Heh, you heard about Borisska? Interesting person, I guarantee.




Russians are trash



avatar fagging, /fa/ and Sup Forums
only reasons i stay

Let's fag at

Because I don't speak ruskie you fucking shill

It is TRANSLIT, cyka!