What are the best examples of people simply destroyed by words??

What are the best examples of people simply destroyed by words??

Such a good Pink Floyd shirt... On such a retard.

this dude

>Rage against the machine


who did it?


Trumptard detected

I mean rage against trump specifically. He probably supports another party.

Chill, motherfucker. I never said I liked Tump

Antifa g detected

Thanks for reminding me that this is Sup Forums

a dirty mudslime who was fucked with just words by a german rapper duo

>Harvard University political science grad

That's like openly admitted you attended an indoctrination camp into liberal stupidity

>Wears a 'doesn't trust the government' shirt
>Doesn't trust the government

>LOL What at retard!!


Post it or GTFO

This. All this ideas of so called 'critical thinking' are overrated liberal concepts. Fucking niggers who disagree

his degree is actually in social studies. he switched majors

liberals spread fake news, who knew?

>YFW trump was never called a racist until he ran for president
> libtards can't cite one instance of trump's alleged racism

although political science does fall into social studies, so it's like a half lie. It's like someone with a degree in environmental science saying they have a degree in ecology...

50 years after Waters became a big deal, you suddenly realize now that he's into politics?

Found the poor.

yes, rage against the machine are all retards. A fucking monkey could play that shit

dude won't be destroyed though, because trumpets are immune to all forms of logic and reason and facts. He'll rationalize the attack as "liberal college brainwashing" Anyone educated is STUPID in their eyes because science isn't real and trump has a direct line to jesus.

What a pretentious piece of shit
>let me just sneak in my educational background into the debate because I can't actually articulate a real argument


>spotted the amature musician

Actually no, they're extremely tight and have perfect timing. Playing a riff isn't the same as playing it in time.

Try playing a Rage song to a metronome and see how long before you fallout of time. I'm guessing you can't stay in time for longer than 30 seconds. Only an anamture bedroom guitarist would insult such a tight band. You've probably never even played a show or even been in a band with any paying gigs.

I don't even like rage, but you gotta respect talent where you see it.

Rage Against The Machine... Brought to you by Pepsi, Taco Bell, and Budweiser.


ahaha rage against the machine

little boy i play songs with 210-270 bpm with excellent timing hahaha fuck git gud

Destroyed by words? Dude, his whole argument was; I went to Harvard so therefore I'm right .
Coming from an anti-establishment faggot , this is the most establishment comment

Yeah, reading books is fucking conformist shite, dude


that wasnt his argument, he really want arguing at all really. the poster asked him for credentials then tom presented them.

nothing establishment or fallacious about his response. it was a good answer.

Aside from other issues, Russia is simply sowing discord. They didn't actually favor a candidate.

He's not a political expert..he's a musician . No one asked for his "credentials" .

his point, and he's right about it, is that there is no such thing as a pro political expert. just good political commentators and bad ones, as its mostly opinion.

you clearly dont know that ratm is a political band. and that tom has been an activist for decades. at least he has education and not a shitposter on instagram, was his point.

shall i explain it again, you dense mother fucker